Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2724: Exploring the news

Chapter 2725-Exploring News

The courtyard was brightly lit.

"Senior Sister, Senior Sister!" Su Yingxue shouted as soon as she stepped into the hospital.

Then, in the middle of the courtyard, several figures appeared. The head was a woman with the same delicate appearance. She was dressed in qingyi, with a cloud updo, dignified and majestic, exuding a not weak breath, she was a King of the Seven Elements Realm. The strong of the environment.

Next to the woman was a young man in Confucian clothing, handsome and handsome, with a faint smile at the corner of her mouth. The two stood side by side, thinking that the relationship should be very close.

"Yingxue, where did you go? I only came to Yunshui City to contact me now. If the Master Master knows that you will run around as soon as you leave the sect, you will have to be punished after you go back. Maybe you will be locked up. "The woman in Tsing Yi frowned slightly, her pretty face was filled with sorrow.

Su Yingxue was so scared that she stuck her tongue out and said, "Senior sister, I know you are the best to me. You will never tell the master, brother-in-law, are you right?"

"I'm not sure." Next to him, the handsome young man teased.

"The two of you know that you are partnering to bully me." Su Yingxue stamped her foot.

"Well, this time we come to Yunshui City to have a mission, don't cause other things." The woman in Tsing Yi said, and immediately, her eyes fell on Zhuo Bufan. She knew that her junior sister had always had a bad impression of men. Why did he suddenly bring a man back this time?

The Tsing Yi woman and the handsome young man next to each other glanced at each other, and there was a trace of guard in their eyes.

Su Yingxue introduced: "Young Master Zhuo, this is my senior sister Su Ya, and the one next to her is her husband Chen Qi, who is also the senior brother of my Yunshui Sect."

Zhuo Bufan nodded slightly to the two of them, showing neither humble nor overbearing behavior.

Su Ya said: "Yingxue, who is this young hero?"

"Oh, it's like this..." Su Yingxue briefly told the story, but deliberately pinched off the part of the bath, and grinded her silver teeth viciously. "The people of the Blood Moon Sect are too bastards, then Jiang Zhu Did the Lingcao write their names and send someone to chase me down for two days and two nights."

Hearing Su Yingxue's account of this, Su Ya's face with a hint of laughter gradually showed a hint of chill, filled her cheeks, and a cold expression passed in her eyes: "Blood Moon Sect does not seem to have placed our Yunshui Sect. In my eyes, I dared to send someone to chase you down. We will settle this account with them slowly in the future."

Chen Qi frowned and said: "This time the barren stone auction, the people of the Blood Moon Sect are also in Yunshui City. It is estimated that they will meet at that time. Let's be careful."

Zhuo Bufan was not a member of the Yunshui Sect after all, and he had just met Su Yingxue. Under Su Ya's arrangement, he arranged for him to rest in a secluded house.

Closing the door of the room, Zhuo Bufan's mental energy immediately radiated, and found that there were no restrictions or dangers in the room, and he immediately sat on the bed.

Gu Aoxing's power entangled him and he was not interested, but in any place, only strength could guarantee everything.

Swallowing a few restorative pills, running the vital energy, spreading the power of the medicine to the meridians and limbs of the whole body, and the body suddenly burst into a warm feeling.

At the same time, his mental power has not been recovered, but the entire courtyard is completely wrapped. With his mental power, unless he is the same mental power, or is a strong person in the realm, he will not be easily spotted. .

In the small courtyard, in another house, the lights are bright.

Su Ya and Chen Qi were sitting on wooden chairs, while Su Yingxue stood in front of them, slightly cramped.

"Senior Sister, you didn't let me rest, why did you call me here?" Su Yingxue frowned and looked at Su Ya.

Su Ya's face was slightly condensed, and she said, "That fellow named Zhuo Bufan, did you really get to know you accidentally?"

"Senior Sister, do you suspect him?" Su Yingxue opened her eyes wide, and shook her head immediately: "He helped me repel the killer sent by the Blood Moon Sect and didn't take my treasure against me. Doesn't he look like a bad person?"

"Although your character is a little surly, but your temperament is still very simple. The other party may be an undercover agent sent by other forces. You also know that this time we left Yunshuizong not only for the auction, but also for one more important thing. Matter." Su Ya solemnly said in a serious tone: "There must not be any accidents in this matter, otherwise the "barren land" will open in half a month, and we Yunshui Sect will not get any benefits."

Seeing the solemn look on Su Ya's face, Su Yingxue also reduced the relaxed look on her face and nodded vigorously, "Senior Sister, I know, I promise I will never run around."

With a faint smile on the corner of Chen Qi's mouth, he looked at Su Ya and said, "Xiaoya, don't blame Yingxue. Maybe that young master Zhuo met Yingxue accidentally, not to mention that I secretly probed his breath. It should be the strength of the Five Element Realm King Realm. Even if he has other thoughts, we don't need to be afraid."

"Well, Yingxue, go back to the house to sleep first." Su Ya nodded and said softly.

Su Yingxue got up, nodded, and then turned to leave the room, closed the door smoothly, and muttered: "Can the King of the Five Elements Realm be so powerful?"

in the room.

The corners of Zhuo Bufan's mouth spread out, with a weird smell, his mental power spread all over the courtyard, and the conversation between Su Ya and Su Yingxue just now entered his mind.

"The wasteland opens? It should be the same place where Jinpeng ancestor asked him to go."

"In addition to the auction when they came to Yunshui City, they seem to have more important things."

Suddenly, Zhuo Bufan's figure disappeared on the bed, and the next moment he appeared on a street in Yunshui City. Even at night, Yunshui City still kept the level of excitement during the day. Practitioners from all over the city continued to flood into the city. .

"Ting Xuelou"

Zhuo Bufan walked to a glorious, three-story restaurant with a steady stream of customers and a large number of people coming in and out. The best place to inquire about news is a crowded place. After all, there are many people.

Walking into the restaurant, I found a secluded corner to sit down on the first floor, threw out a few high-level meditation stones, and shouted a few dishes and a pot of wine to sit down.

"You know that at this barren stone auction, it seems that even the people from the barren hall are here..."

"The people of the Yunshui Sect and the Blood Moon Sect have also arrived."

"Tsk tsk, I guess there will be a good show tomorrow."

"This time the Yunshui Sect and the Blood Moon Sect came to the Yunshui City to auction the waste stones. Su Ya and Chen Qi of the Yunshui Sect, and the Blood Moon Sect's Ji Yan and Ji Lei are all here. If it is only to auction the waste stones, there will be Is it necessary to send such a genius disciple?"

"It should be because the'Bad Land' is about to be opened... They should be looking for the'key'."

In the restaurant, people talked with each other. Although they used mental power to isolate others from exploring, Zhuo Bufan's mental power was so powerful that he naturally couldn't isolate him, but he heard a lot of useful news.

Suddenly, the voice in the restaurant suddenly calmed down. Zhuo Bufan frowned and looked towards the door. He saw a group of men in black with solemn expressions walking from the opposite street. Everyone had a blood moon badge on their chest.

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