Chapter 2731

Just now at the door of Qibao Pavilion, I fought against the guy named Tie Huang. The opponent's cultivation level should be similar to Su Yingxue, but the wisp of wild aura born in his body is extremely tricky. The wild aura is exactly the same as the introverted aura of the wild stone. Being able to get this kind of wild gas will definitely increase a part of the strength.

According to Su Yingxue, Gu Aoxing has one of the most noble ‘professions’-Desolate Guardian.

You can become the guardian of the desolation by swallowing the waste stone.

Rumor has it that the Lord of the Desolate Palace swallowed twelve desolate stones, and is now recognized by Gu Aoxing as the number one powerhouse.

For Huangshi, Zhuo Bufan also had some inexplicable expectations.

However, as Chen Qi said, not everyone can swallow the waste stone. Most people just extract the waste gas from it and add it to the magic weapon to increase the power of the magic weapon.

The consequence of forcibly devouring the waste stone is the disappearance of the whole body, and no one can bear the consequence.

Just as Zhuo Bufan was preparing to make a bid, a text of 120,000 purple silver appeared next to Huangshi Projection. This scene also surprised Zhuo Bufan. Is this Gu Aoxing's unique currency?

In the Taiyi Universe, most of the planets with cultivation civilization’s currency are Lingshi, and on higher-order planets, they use high-order Mingshi as the currency for circulation. Guaoxing is extremely unique and belongs to a closed planet. When other cultivation planets come in contact with, the shoppers used are naturally very independent.

Once Zhuo Bufan took out the high-level meditation stones and spirit stones, he would reveal that he was not an ancient Aoxing practitioner.

Egg hurts!

As for him, there are a lot of magic weapons. Just take out a magic weapon and you can exchange it for a lot of rewards, but these treasures can be distributed and there is a danger of revealing their identity. After all, behind the Qibao Pavilion is the ancient Aoxing’s largest power deserted palace. If the treasure falls in the hands of the Desolate Palace, as long as it is carefully investigated, it is not difficult to guess his identity.

Originally, he had endless wealth, but now he couldn't use it. This feeling made Zhuo Bufan quite aggrieved.

"Zhuo Bufan, do you want the waste stone?" Su Yingxue watched Zhuo Bufan stare at the waste stone, her face muscles twitched slightly, and she smiled openly.

That kind of appearance is like seeing a poor boy see his favorite baby, but he doesn't have enough money to buy it.

"You call me Sister Yingxue, I will help you buy this barren stone." Su Yingxue's pretty face showed an exceptionally brilliant smile, a pair of clear and beautiful eyes, with a hint of teasing smile.

"No need." Zhuo Bufan frowned, his male chauvinistic character absolutely couldn't accept Su Yingxue's request.

"It's boring." Su Yingxue glanced at her mouth, her jade palm stroked the void, and immediately, the price next to the barren stone changed again, rising to 300,000 purple silver coins, and behind it, the box code for the bid was displayed, which was exactly where they were. Box.

Zhuo Bufan was startled slightly.

Su Yingxue shrugged her shoulders and said, "Although I can't understand your stinky face, you are pretty handsome when you teach Ji Yan. These three hundred thousand purple silver coins are the private money I have saved for a long time, and I will repay you. The life-saving grace."

"Well, it seems that you are not the kind of unreasonable woman." Zhuo Bufan said calmly.

These words almost made Su Yingxue angry. What kind of attitude!

The price changed again, one million purple silver coins, when this number appeared, there was also a code for the wing room next to it.

"The bidder is the Blood Moon Sect." Su Ya said, "It seems that Ji Lei is deliberately going against us."

Chen Qi said: "Ji Lei came here prepared this time, it will be no good for anyone to fight."

Zhuo Bufan has no money and naturally has no right to speak. As for Su Yingxue, although she is a little upset, she is helpless. She only has 300,000 purple silver coins. As for borrowing money like a senior sister, it is estimated to be quite difficult. She can only look at Zhuo Bufan and open her hands: "This girl has tried her best... Unfortunately, she has been relatively poor recently."

In the end, Huang Shi fell into the hands of Blood Moon Sect at the price of 1.2 million purple silver coins.

Qibao Pavilion, another luxurious wing.

The director of Qibaoge brought a maid to the wing room with a bright smile on his face, and said: "Ji Gongzi, this is the barren stone you auctioned." After speaking, he took a half step to the side and moved behind him. The maid stepped forward.

The slender maid held a black wooden box with exquisite embossments in her hand and presented it to Ji Lei respectfully. Ji Lei sucked his palm, grabbed the wooden box, and then waved without saying a word.

The supervisor smiled slightly, nodded, stepped back and the maid turned and left the box.

"Bantu, the treasure you want is already in hand. If you have promised me, you should fulfill your promise." Ji Lei raised his head, his eyes fell on a chair in the south of the wing, on which a man in a black robe and hood sat, Wei Wei With his head down, half of his face was covered by shadows, and his appearance was not clearly visible.


Ji Lei shot his palm with strength, and the black wooden box shot at the black robe man.

The man reached out a palm that was as dry as an eagle's claw, grabbed the wooden box in his hand with a bang, and slowly raised his head. The face was full of pustules, and pus was flowing out, like a toad, looking extremely terrible and disgusting.

Bantu, Gu Aoxing's extremely famous powerhouse, once killed 13 five-dimensional realm king-level powerhouses in the first battle, and became famous in the first battle, but in recent years, his traces have rarely appeared in the eyes of everyone.

Bantu stared at the wooden box, opened the lid, and a barren aura instantly permeated and opened, and the few scenery plants placed in the box instantly withered.

"In order to refine the poisonous corpse, I have suffered from the pain of vicious bone erosion over the years, and now I can only try to see if I can restrain the poisonous gas with waste gas. Since I promised Master Ji, I will naturally not break my promise." Bantu stared at the wooden box. There was a hoarse voice in the throat of the cherry-sized desert stone.

The corner of Ji Lei’s mouth evokes a gloomy arc: “The Yunshui Sect sent Chen Qi and Su Ya out this time. I heard that Chen Qi was hit hard by the brutal beast last time, and he has not fully recovered. The two have returned together. It’s really a headache, but Chen Qi’s injury is nothing to be afraid of. It’s just that they also seem to have found a foreign aid named Zhuo Bufan, who is not weak."

"Bantu, you must kill Zhuo Bufan and take revenge for me." Ji Yanlian, who has awakened, said, his eyes resentful like a awakened poisonous snake.

Bantu glanced at him, and Ji Yan's voice came to an abrupt end as he was stared at by the latter's eyes, and there was a trace of embarrassment on his face.

"I just promised to help, not the running dog of your Blood Moon Sect." Bantu's voice sounded hoarsely, and slowly said: "Young Master Ji Lei's realm is at the Five Yuan realm. He can severely hurt Young Master Ji Lei with a single palm. Weak, but even if he is the King of the Nine Yuan Realm, he can't escape my palm this time."

Bantu lowered his eyes, a cruel smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and a ferocious color appeared on his face, "Jiejie, I was trying to refine a poisonous corpse, just missing a corpse."

"Yunshui Sect, the treasure of Huayang Lake, my Blood Moon Sect is about to be set!" Ji Lei slowly closed his palms, and a haze flicked across his slightly narrowed eyes.

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