Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2742: Gathering in Vientiane City

Chapter 2743 Gathering in Vientiane City

Three days later, the sun rose.

On the Yunshuizong square, all the disciples of the sect were present, standing on the square with solemn expressions. Today is the day the barren land officially opens.

Yun Tianlan, Su Ya, Chen Qi, and Su Yingxue stood in front of the many disciples. Zhuo Bufan was not a disciple of the Yunshui Sect, so he was naturally unconstrained, but he also arrived in the square and stood among the crowd.

Inside the sect hall, three figures flew away, headed by the Sect Master Yunshui, and next to them were two elders of the Yunshui Sect.

Many eyes converged on the three of them, and the eyes of the Yunshui Sect disciples showed awe and respect.

"Today is the day the barren trial opens. According to the rules set by the four major sects, this trial can only send disciples to participate. We cannot intervene. In the barren trial, life and death are destined and we will never seek revenge. Revenge." Sect Master said slowly, Yuan Li Bao carried the sound, spreading across the entire mountain.

"Yun Tianlan, you are my personal disciple, the chief disciple of the Yunshui Sect. Today, you will lead the Yunshui Sect disciples into the barren land. Whether you can keep my position as the four major sects of the Yunshui Sect depends on you. "Sect Master's sight fell on Yun Tianlan, his eyes softly said.

Yun Tianlan stepped forward, knelt on the ground on one knee, and said, "Tianlan, we will never let the master down and let Yun Shuizong be ashamed."

"Well, today I have to announce something. Everyone listens to the order. From today onwards, Yun Tianlan will be the successor of the suzerain and the deputy suzerain of my Yunshui Sect." The suzerain said.

As soon as this sentence came out, there was a noise in the square, and a series of whispering voices sounded.

"Master..." Yun Tianlan's eyes widened, he didn't expect the Sect Master to make such an important decision.

"With your strength, talent, and prestige, are people opposed to it?" Sect Master said.

Although the disciples on the square were surprised, no one opposed it. In any respect, Yun Tianlan was an absolutely outstanding genius and convinced them.

"Yunshuizong disciple Su Ya, see Deputy Sect Master." Su Ya knelt down on one knee first.

Afterwards, the disciples of Yunshuizong knelt down on one knee at the same time, sounding like thunder, and said in unison: "See Deputy Sect Master."

When Zhuo Bufan saw this scene, he also felt that the blood was faintly boiling. He raised his head and looked into the distance of the sky, looking forward to the barren trial that was about to begin.

Everyone had their time to prepare, and they were ready to set off. On the one hand, this barren journey was for treasures, and on the other hand for barren trials. In addition to the four major powers on the Ancient Ao Xing, there were also many top powers, such as Dikui Sect and Sword The evil alliance, in terms of strength, is close to the four major sects.

And this barren trial is also a time to reshuffle the cards.

Other top forces want to get the name of the four major sects, and the four major sects must work hard to maintain their reputation. When they meet in the barren land, there is only a game of life and death.

The disciples sent by the Yunshui Sect to the Barren Land this time are the lowest of the Trinity Realm King Realm strength. The strength is low, and even the barren energy of the Barren Land cannot be resisted. What fighting ability is there? The Yunshui Sect selected a hundred elite disciples Take part in the trial.

Yun Tianlan stood up and looked at the lord and said, "Master, Tianlan will not disappoint your expectations."

Immediately, Yun Tianlan turned around and looked at the disciples on the square, clenched his fists, his whole body was flowing with vigorous essence, and his expression resolutely said: "The disciple of the Yunshui School listened to the order, as I expected the barren land, greedy for life and fear of the dead, Stand up now!"

"Follow the Vice Sect Master's orders!" everyone said in unison, shaking the sky.

The figure flew away, like a locust flying across the sky, swiping to the north quickly, and Zhuo Bufan naturally followed the team.

To go to the barren land, you must first go to the "Vientiane City" to transmit the formation through the space within the city, and then directly transmit it to the barren land for the final trial.

After half a stick of incense, over the city of Vientiane, one after another, like locusts, came and entered the city.

Urban residents and many practitioners raised their heads, and many sights gathered in the sky. They also understood that the once-in-a-century barren trial had begun!

There is a huge teleportation formation in the central square of Vientiane City, as long as you have enough spirit stones, you can activate the formation for teleportation.

Zhuo Bufan followed the crowd to the Vientiane City Square. The square was extremely wide enough to accommodate tens of thousands of people. On the central ground of the square, the mysterious array pattern was portrayed, which was obviously the teleportation array.

At the same time that the Yunshui Sect disciples arrived, the sound of breaking wind rang in the distant sky.

I saw a team of about hundreds of people came to the square, headed by a masked woman, dressed in Tsing Yi, tulle facing her face, only a pair of light blue eyes exposed, like a dream.

"It's the people of the Mingyue Sect, and the chief disciple of the Mingyue Sect is Yiyue," Su Yingxue said softly.

"Fairy Yiyue." Yun Tianlan stepped forward, arched his hands, and smiled at the masked woman.

"Master Tianlan." Yiyue nodded slightly.

The four sects are independent of each other, but the Yunshui Sect and the Mingyue Sect have always had a good relationship.

"Oh, the people of Yunshui Sect and Mingyue Sect have already arrived?" Suddenly a vast and cold voice came from the horizon, stinging the eardrum.

Zhuo Bufan raised his head and saw a cloud of blood at the celestial pole, which quickly swept over, about a hundred people, wearing blood clothes, full of evil spirits, causing the temperature in the square to drop by more than ten degrees, and the air condensed with fine ice crystals.

"Blood Moon Sect guy, hateful, these guys actually arrived at the same time." Su Yingxue said with a cold face.

After this group of people fell, Zhuo Bufan's gaze was fixed on the head of the person, and he saw that the other party was wearing a blood robe, his breath was powerful and fierce, not weak, and there was a giant blade with a weird shape behind him. He was obviously the chief master of the Blood Moon Sect. Ding Zhan, the disciple magic knife.

"Fairy Yiyue, it's been a long time since I saw you, you are still so bright and moving." Ding Zhengzhou asked Yiyue, his eyes surging with fiery heat.

Yiyue’s expression was calm, but some of the Mingyue Sect disciples behind him showed chills. This magic knife Ding Zhan had once pursued Fairy Yiyue. However, Yiyue was so indifferent to him, so that the latter repeatedly slumped, but the other party has always been Stalker.

"Young Master Ding Zhan." Yiyue nodded slightly, but focused on the formation.

Ding Zhan's face looked a little gloomy, and immediately his gaze fell behind Yun Tianlan, and then around Yun Tianlan, staring at Zhuo Bufan, his eyes flashed fiercely, and suddenly a palm blasted out, and the violent force formed a spiral whirlwind. , The floor of the square flew up, blasting towards Zhuo Bufan with a fierce momentum.

Zhuo Bufan's eyes dazzled as he was about to start his hand, but Yun Tianlan blocked him in front of him. At the same time, he slapped a palm to shatter the violent hurricane. He frowned and said: "Ding Zhan, presumptuous, dare to treat me Yun Shui Zong. People do it?"

"Is he a member of your Yunshui Sect? Killed my junior brother Ji Lei, this account waits until the barren land, I will slowly settle with him." The magic knife Ding Zhan's eyes flashed fiercely, and his gaze passed Zhuo Bufan , Said coldly.

"When it comes to the barren land, it's still hard to tell who died in whose hands." Zhuo Bufan said with a wink in his eyes.

Fairy Yiyue tilted her head slightly, Yu Guang glanced at Zhuo Bufan, who could kill Ji Lei, his strength should not be weak, could it be the foreign aid invited by Yunshui Sect?

"It's so fast, when it comes to the barren land, I think Yun Tianlan can still protect you?" Ding Zhan said with disdain.

Before reaching the deserted land, although the magic knife Ding Zhan has a violent personality, he has not yet reached the point where everyone does not take Yun Tianlan in his eyes. He is the chief disciple of the four major sects, except for Wu Huang of the deserted palace, the other three The strength gap is not very big.

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