Chapter 2745 Fairy Yiyue

"Can't you contact me?"

Zhuo Bufan took out a purple token and tried to infiltrate the spiritual communication, but failed.

This purple token is the token of the sect of the Yunshui Sect. It was given to him by Su Ya before departure to facilitate contact in the barren land, but now he can't communicate with the gods and completely loses contact with the disciples of the Yunshui Sect.

"Is it the only one who can't communicate with sect tokens, or is it that everyone can't communicate with divine minds?"

I don’t know why, Zhuo Bufan always feels that the barren land has a weird smell, like this kind of extremely dangerous place, a little weird and normal, but Su Ya mentioned that the opening of the barren trial is the weakest. time.

Under normal circumstances, it is absolutely impossible to form a barren storm.

However, when the three of them appeared in the barren land through the Vientiane City Teleportation Array, they encountered a barren storm at the same time, it was just a coincidence.

"If it's a coincidence, then this luck doesn't seem to be good." Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly.

Since Su Yingxue and others could not be contacted, Zhuo Bufan also put away the purple token, and then stepped forward.

In this desert Gobi, it is almost impossible to sense the spatial orientation, and even the south, east, north and west are not clear. They can only move forward while looking for some clues, and find a way to contact Su Yingxue and others.

rustle! rustle!

The soles of the feet stepped on the sand, making a fine noise.

If he was flying, the fluctuations in his vitality would be easily noticed. Moreover, Zhuo Bufan is not yet familiar with the situation in this barren land. According to his cautious character, he would never deliberately expose himself.

As far as he could see, everything seemed to be reflected by the setting sun, showing a crimson color, the dome seemed to be collapsing, and a heavy sense of oppression permeated the desert.


A burst of blood splattered three meters.


A sand snake with a body of hundreds of feet suddenly fell into the desert, and immediately, its body turned into fine sand and merged into the desert.

"It's really hard to deal with..."

Near the fallen sand snake, a tall and tall figure stood in the air, with black hair and black eyes, holding a sword that swallowed light in his hand. This person was Zhuo Bufan.

After walking for about half a day, I encountered a barbaric beast for the first time. I was going to say that it should be called a barbaric beast. It is more difficult than a barbaric beast of the same level. It is not afraid of fear, no pain, this sand snake of the realm king. Zhuo Bufan also spent a lot of exercises before beheading him.

"Huh!" Zhuo Bufan's eyes narrowed.

I saw where the sand snake disappeared, a light ball the size of a walnut was suspended.

Sticking out his palm, the suction surged, and the ball of light slowly flew into his hand.

"What is this?"

Zhuo Bufan stared at the light ball in his hand, his sword eyebrows were slightly frowned, the light ball was not big, and the gray halo was huffed on it, with a strong ‘wild’ power, but this power was different from Huang Qi.

Huang Qi is an energy form, and this Huang Zhu is more similar to the existence of spiritual power.

Zhuo Bufan thought for a while, and finally understood that the sand snake's real hub was this deserted bead, which was equivalent to its soul, and then condensed the body with the deserted energy and turned into a deserted beast.

"Is the role of this barren bead the same as barren stone?" Zhuo Bufan muttered to himself.

Suddenly, the wild bead turned into a gray light and shot directly at Zhuo Bufan's eyebrows. Upon seeing this, Zhuo Bufan's complexion changed, and his mental power suddenly gushed out of his brows, and he drew a mental power blade across the wild bead.

Huang Zhu's contact with the spiritual blade directly eroded the spiritual blade, causing the latter to disappear in an instant.

Then, Huang Zhu directly entered the sea of ​​spirit.


The Wild Pearl entered the sea of ​​spirit, and a barren aura immediately spread out, causing Dezhuo's extraordinary mental power to decay, and his face was shocked.

The Spirit Sea and the Dantian were the most important places for a monk. The Huangzhu actually entered the Spirit Sea, and the desolate power it radiated was actually eroding the Shenhai.

This kind of change, even though extraordinary who has experienced many dangers, his complexion can't keep calm.

"I want to see how good you are..." Zhuo Bufan's eyes flicked a cold color.


In the sea of ​​spirit, the majestic mental power surged and formed, and when it was about to show the mental power vision of "the bright moon on the river" against the wild pearl, suddenly, the mysterious fragment suspended in the depths of the spiritual sea trembled.

Mysterious fragments.

Zhuo Bufan noticed this scene and was slightly surprised.

Although the origin of this mysterious fragment is not clear, its function is beyond doubt. The last time in the Earth Demon Temple, it was this mysterious fragment that swallowed the soul of the ancient demon powerhouse.

After being swallowed, it seems to have gone through a round of purification, once again released in a pure mental power, filling the sea of ​​spirit.

To increase mental power, in addition to hard cultivation, the tempering of the state of mind, Taoism, and spirit, you can also use some treasures of heaven and earth to assist in the cultivation, but those treasures that can increase the level of spiritual cultivation are all rare things in the universe. , The existence of phoenix feathers is rare.

Zhuo Bufan had tried to use mental power to stimulate this fragment, but it didn't work.

This fragment, with Zhuo Bufan's current mental power, can't be actively driven at all, and it seems to regard the spiritual sea as its own home, and it will shake if there is an invasion of ‘foreign enemies’.


The mysterious fragment was trembling, and suddenly burst out a tyrannical swallowing force. The barren orb that broke into the spirit sea was involved. At first, she wanted to resist it, but it was instantly sucked over and swallowed by the mysterious fragment.

After being swallowed, the mysterious fragment stopped trembling and returned to calm again.

But Zhuo Bufan could feel that the mysterious fragments exuded a kind of pure spiritual power, permeating the spiritual sea, and let the spiritual sea be nourished.

The speed of this nourishment is not fast, but for a long time, it will be of great benefit to the spirit sea.

"Although I haven't figured out the origin of this mysterious fragment for the time being, at least it is not harmful to me now, but it is good..." Zhuo Bufan murmured.

Keep going.

There is no sun and moon alternation in the barren land, unable to sense the change of time. In the middle, Zhuo Bufan encountered a few barren beasts again, all of them beheaded, and the natural barren beads were also swallowed by mysterious fragments.

After swallowing several wild beads, the pure spiritual power oozing out of the mysterious fragments has increased again, continuously nourishing the Shenhai.

"Fairy Yiyue." Suddenly Zhuo Bufan retracted his flying sword and saw where he could see, a white figure was hanging in the air, with a white dress robe flying. It was the chief disciple of Mingyue Sect, Yiyue.

Yiyue also seemed to sense the concentration of her gaze, turned her head, looked towards Zhuo Bufan, her eyebrows clustered slightly, and slightly nodded towards Zhuo Bufan.

Upon seeing this, Zhuo Bufan nodded slightly.

Yunshuizong and Mingyuezong have no grudges, but Zhuo Bufan is not familiar with the other party. Seeing that the other party has already swept away, he naturally wouldn't put a hot face on someone's cold ass.

After Fairy Yiyue left, Zhuo Bufan walked forward again, but this time he was as careful as before falling down, his body was suspended in the air, and his speed increased a lot. A few minutes later, Zhuo Bufan suddenly landed behind a sand dune in the desert. The mental power sensed a few not weak breaths appearing nearby.

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