Chapter 2751 Yin and Yang Spear

"Reincarnation Seal!"

A burst of drink is like thunder, shaking Jiuxiao.

Zhuo Bufan raised his head and spread a coldness on the corners of his mouth. Holding a scarlet condensed mark in his palm, he suddenly handed it upwards. The space was distorted. A round of scarlet grinding discs appeared in the sky, revealing an obscure and mysterious atmosphere, filling the sky. .


The blood-colored brilliance is like a sky-splitting blade, tearing the space instantly, slashing on the seal of reincarnation in an irresistible posture.

A circular wave of air rolled like a tide, sweeping across the boundless sky.

Under the pressure of such violent violent pressure, even Fairy Yiyue and the nine blood moon sect masters who were fighting on the side were shocked and hurriedly stopped, floating back towards the rear, afraid of being shocked by the violent aura. hurt.

The heavy earth collapsed, the air pressure fell, and a deep black hole collapsed, and huge cracks spread at lightning speed around it, and the whole land was torn apart and messed up.



The huge blood blade in the sky slashed on the seal of reincarnation, and the two fell into a stalemate.

"What a domineering sword spirit, it is not weak to my reincarnation seal, I am afraid it is also a martial arts of life and death level."

"Compete with me for Yuanli? A waste of self-reliance!"

In this state of stalemate, the vitality in the two of them is as if they don't need money, and they are madly infused into the martial arts.

Fairy Yiyue Liu frowned and bit her silver teeth lightly, "Ding Zhan has been promoted to Realm Emperor, and the quality and quantity of Yuan Li far exceed Zhuo Shaoxia..."

This stalemate finally broke the balance due to Ding Zhan's constant infusion of vitality.


A series of thick cracks on the arm appeared on the rotating cycle of reincarnation, gradually showing signs of being about to collapse.

"Trash, die for me!" Ding Zhan looked terrifying, and his Yuan Li was like a surging river, gathering blood-colored knife lights, making the red lights flaring and dazzling, soaking the sky into a blood-red color.

Zhuo Bufan raised his head and looked at the former, with a strange smile drawn at the corner of his mouth, "I'm afraid, it can't be what you want!"

In the dantian, twenty vortexes of Yuanli rotate at the same time, and the Yuanli between heaven and earth converges like the vast sea, and then is poured into the reincarnation seal from Zhuo Bufan again.

The majestic energy that swallowed the Primordial Soul and strengthened the dantian, the majestic energy of the spirit lotus at the bottom of the lake, after being swallowed, condensed into several vitality vortexes again, allowing the vitality vortex in Zhuo Bufan's Dantian to surpass the peak of the ordinary realm king by twice.

"What?" Ding Zhan felt the vast vitality, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

Fairy Yiyue's beautiful eyes flashed with surprise, and her lush fingers trembled lightly.

The nine masters of the Blood Moon Sect were even more wide-eyed, unable to believe that Zhuo Bufan possessed such a vast wave of vitality.

The cracks that appeared in the reincarnation seal were quickly repaired, and a blazing scarlet light bloomed, the speed of rotation increased several times, and a wave of destruction spread.

In the sky, the huge blood-colored blade that was hundreds of feet long suddenly shattered from inch to inch, turned into an energy body, and disappeared into the air.

"What treasures are you hiding in your body that actually possess such a vast amount of vitality?" Ding Zhan was shocked, his eyes flashed with greed, and said: "However, when you die, the treasure on your body is mine. I have been promoted. Realm of the emperor, condenses the wheel of universe, you can't be my opponent."

The Tao of the Universe is one of the three thousand avenues of the universe. It is unpredictable. The Realm Emperor hasn't even touched its threshold, but it has been able to feel a trace of the power of the Universe.

As Ding Zhan's voice fell, the latter's figure once again turned into a **** arc, rushing in like lightning.

When Zhuo Bufan saw this, he held his palm in the void, and the light flashed, and a long spear glowing with black light appeared. The spear was shiny and did not depict any runes, but there was an obscure and introverted aura in it.

Although the Ice Emperor Rain Sword was powerful, it was the same as Shura's blood stab. It was suitable for spell manipulation and had a melee combat touch, which was not so suitable.

Seeing Ding Zhan turning into blood, Zhuo Bufan's eyes drenched, his soles smashed into the void, leaving behind an afterimage, and once again collided with Ding Zhan, the sky sounded dull thunder, the sky was dim and violent. The breath ravages the space.

Fairy Yiyue opened her lips slightly, and she was horrified, "Apart from Yun Tianlan, when did the Yunshui Sect play such a powerful role? And he is so low-key in Gu Aoxing that he has almost never heard of his name."

The faces of the nine masters of the Blood Moon Sect no longer had the previous arrogance, but their eyes were solemn.


A gas explosion sounded again, and the two figures swept backwards, their steps stopped, and their statures were sharp and high in the sky.

"Playing with you for so long, everything should be over!" Ding Zhan said savagely, suddenly his figure was illusory, blending into the **** giant blade.

Man and knife are one!

The scarlet giant once again rushed towards Zhuo Bufan, wherever it passed, the space collapsed every inch, and the devastating fluctuation made everyone's hearts tremble.

Zhuo Bufan's face was like a quiet lake, calm, and his spear was suddenly handed out, "Yin-Yang Chakra!"

The tip of the gun touched the space, and the transparent ripples swept away. The time and space seemed to be still invisible for a moment. Two special forces emerged from the black and translucent long gun, one black and one hundred, like two entrenched gun bodies. Manglong, the two blend together.

A round of black and white Tai Chi diagram emerges with the tip of a gun, the size of one hundred meters, black and white, and it turns slowly.

It is the yin and yang power that Zhuo Bufan produces by fusing wasteland and majestic vitality.

The blood-colored giant blade suddenly rushed from that room and slammed into the Yin-Yang Tai Chi diagram. The imaginary popping sound did not sound, but both were silent.

The nine masters of the Blood Moon Sect stared at the giant blade, and his heart trembled. This was a trump card that Ding Zhan rarely used.

Fairy Yiyue also became nervous, clearing her eyes and paying attention to the changes in the sky.

The yin and yang Taiji diagram suddenly turned, and the majestic blood on the blood-colored giant blade began to quickly dissipate, and the blade burst into cracks, and finally completely shattered, a figure exploded out again, and fell heavily into the deep pit on the ground, all over the body. Ding Zhan is the **** flesh and blood.

"Zhuo Bufan, my Blood Moon Sect does not share the sky with you!" Ding Zhan stood up in embarrassment, squinting slightly, but his eyes were filled with vicious and vicious light.

In the sky, the yin and yang Taiji diagram shrank into a circle, and then returned to the black spear.

"Unfortunately, you have no chance!" Zhuo Bufan looked down, his eyes were cold, and with a wave of his arm, the black spear turned into a fierce black light, rushing away, and the extremely fierce wind surrounded the black spear, forming a spiral. hurricane.

The nine masters of the Blood Moon Sect saw this, but they were all stunned, no one dared to go up and take the shot.

Ding Zhan's pupils dilated, and a look of fear appeared on his pale face. He did not expect Zhuo Bufan to dare to kill him.


The black spear penetrated Ding Zhan's dantian and penetrated into the ground, violently poured into the body, shattering the dantian and Shenhai.

Ding Zhan, the magic knife, is dead.

One of the four major sects, the chief disciple of the Blood Moon Sect, fell into the hands of an unknown person.

"Run, run!" Upon seeing the nine masters of the Blood Moon Sect, their pupils widened, and the vitality surged under their feet, instantly turning into nine blood-colored horses, running in nine different directions, madly fleeing for their lives.

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