Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2756: Shock the heroes

Chapter 2757 shocking the heroes

When Zhang Chen saw this, his pupils suddenly tightened, his body's vitality whizzed out, and his palm protruded like lightning. A cyan vitality wrapped around his arm and turned into a giant claw, with extremely sharp fluctuations, towards the ice blue vitality. Grab it.

The two touched instantly.

A desolate force spread immediately, making many people's scalp numb.

"What a strong barren power, Gu Aoxing's first genius name, really can't be underestimated, this level of strength, I am afraid it is not weaker than Jinpeng Langjun." Zhuo Bufan stood in the crowd, his eyebrows raised lightly.

Yun Tianlan gathered between his eyebrows and said in a condensed expression: "The Desolate Palace's ‘Desolate Divine Art’ can use the barren stone to cultivate the power of desolation, which is very tricky. It is precisely by virtue of this that the Desolate Palace can become the first sect of Ancient Ao Xing."

Desolate Divine Art, a practice practiced specifically for the purpose of refining'barren stone'. Zhuo Bufan uses the vitality of'Lake Soul Lotus' to fight against the barren aura to produce a state of balance, which is considered a tricky absorption.

However, the waste gas on Wu Huang's body came from his blood, and he had obviously swallowed a lot of waste stones.


"Zhang Chen blocked Wu Huang's wild spirit!"

"It's so full of vitality, Zhang Chen's vitality is full of vitality."

In mid-air, Zhang Chen's arm turned cyan Yuanli giant claws tightly grasping the ice-blue Yuanli training, and there was a confrontation between the two.

Su Yingxue's beautiful eyes flickered: "Unexpectedly, Zhang Chen had cultivated such a strong life aura, which could withstand the erosion of Wu Huang's barren aura."

"Not necessarily, that guy in the deserted hall, but he hasn't shown his true ability yet." Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly, watching quietly, and shook his head.

"Have you not shown your true strength yet?" Su Yingxue was noncommittal, her eyebrows furrowed slightly.

A cold smile appeared on Zhang Chen's Junlang face, "Wu Huang, for the trial of barrenness, I have been practicing the'Miracle of Life and Creation' for hundreds of years. It seems that your barren power is not as good as imagined. It's amazing."

"Really?" Wu Huang's face was expressionless, but there was a hint of chill in his voice, "I originally wanted to preserve some of my strength. It seems that if I don't expose it now, I'm afraid I won't be able to shock you."

At the same time as the sound fell, the ice-blue elemental strength exercise immediately released a dream-like ice blue color, and a more majestic aura of desolation burst out.


"Retreat! Retreat..."

The surrounding practitioners were so horrified that their scalps were numb, and they rushed back.

"Why..." The smile on Zhang Chen's face instantly solidified, and the ice blue Yuanli instantly froze his Yuanli giant claws, spreading to him at lightning speed, and Zhang Chen could no longer maintain at this time. Calm, eyes shrunk, full of fear.

"Just a year ago, I just absorbed ten barren stones." Wu Huang said calmly.

The ten barren stones can already be called the ‘guardians of the barren’. On the entire ancient Austrian star, besides the Lord of the Desolate Palace, the man who has absorbed the most barren stones—Wu Huang.

Zhang Chen gritted his teeth, the vitality contained in his vitality was completely irresistible, just like a lonely boat facing the vast ocean with no resistance.

A little icy blue luster gradually climbed onto his arm, and the clothes froze into icy blue, instantly stiff.

To be precise, it is not freezing, but because of the power of desolation, anything can be destroyed and its essential molecular structure changed.

Clothes can no longer be called clothes, but are annihilated into cosmic energy, and then turned into icy blue waste gas again.

"Wu Huang, I give up!" Seeing this scene, even as the first genius of the empire, Zhang Chen could no longer remain calm and aloof.

This kind of bowing his head in front of everyone to admit defeat is an indelible shame for him, but in the face of death, he can't maintain the so-called pride.

"Those who dare to provoke me and those who provoke the deserted palace can only die!" Wu Huang said softly.

"Do you dare to kill me? I am the chief disciple of Xingluo Academy. His Majesty the Emperor will not forgive you." Zhang Chen's pupils suddenly dilated when he heard this.

Wu Huang turned a deaf ear to the fact that the icy blue desolate air was like a tarsal maggot, spreading along his arm, and finally covering Zhang Chen's body, turning his body into an ice blue ice sculpture.


With a muffled noise, the blue ice sculpture burst, turning into countless blue light spots, floating in the air, and finally slowly disappearing.

When seeing the people behind this scene, their eyes widened at the same time, their scalp was numb, and a chill came out all over the body.

"This guy is so strong?" Yun Tianlan clenched his fists, his eyes flickering.

Yun Tianlan understood that he could solve Zhang Chen with his strength, but there was no way to downplay it like Wu Huang.

Everyone once again saw the horror of Huangqi and the fear of Huangdian.

Wu Huang was killing chickens and monkeys. Once Zhang Chen died, those voices that dared to oppose would naturally disappear.

Wu Huang's gaze swept across, and everyone who was stared at by Wu Huang would unconsciously avoid his gaze and dare not look directly at his sharp edge.

"So strong Huang Qi, I didn't expect Zhang Chen to solve it so easily!" Su Yaxiu frowned.

"This time, Huangdian seems bound to win, it is very troublesome." Chen Qi.

Yun Tianlan shook his head and said: "In fact, so many of us don't have to be afraid of the deserted palace at all when we join forces, but Wu Huang's killing of Zhang Chen with this one hand has already seriously damaged morale. We could not be twisted into a rope, but now it is even more scattered."

"The deserted tower has been contracted by our deserted palace this time. You have the keys to the deserted palace in your hands. You can wait for the next deserted trial to start before you come back to hunt for treasure." Li Jie smiled faintly.

Next time?

If the people of the deserted temple enter the deserted tower, as for the next time, no one knows if there are any treasures in it.

However, in this situation, everyone was silent and staring at each other, and no one dared to object. After all, Zhang Chen's lessons from the past are still vivid.

"Master Wu Huang, this barren tower, my Mingyue Sect must enter." At this moment, a clear silver bell sounded.

In Mingyue Sect, a graceful figure fluttering in white flew out. It was Fairy Yiyue, with two swords encircling her body, swallowing precious light, and her body had a not weak aura radiating out.

Wu Huang frowned, his eyes fell on her, and said: "Fairy Yiyue, our Desolate Palace and Mingyue Sect have never had grievances, and I am not the kind of person who loves and cherishes jade, don't you be afraid to turn into one in my hands? Scented soul."

"A disciple of Mingyue Sect, how can you be greedy for life and fear of death?" Fairy Yiyue said with a cold voice.

This scene made the women who were a little jealous of Fairy Yiyue feel ashamed. A woman dared to stand up after Zhang Chen's death, which made many men ashamed and ashamed.

"We have so many men here, when are we going to need a woman to help us out."

Suddenly, accompanied by a faint voice, a black figure swept out of the crowd and came to Wu Huang with a faint smile on his face.

"Shaoxia Zhuo!" Fairy Yiyue looked at him, slightly surprised, her beautiful eyes twinkling.

Zhuo Bufan looked at her and smiled slightly, "I don't like hiding behind women."

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