Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2795: Practice shortage

Chapter 2796 the wasteland seal

The cave was created by the ancestors of the Jinpeng clan, and even one of them was a powerful person in the realm of the Great Perfection. Because he could not break through when his life was about to expire, he finally chose to sit and condense the power of the body into a ‘xuansheng pill’.

However, in order to protect the young children of the Jinpeng clan, there are still some life-saving formations in the cave. Once the Jinpeng clan children are fatally attacked, they will automatically be repelled out of the cave by the formations and save their lives.

Zhuo Bufan squinted his eyes slightly. Although he has no good feelings for the Jinpeng clan, he still has some admiration for the Jinpeng clan’s ancestors. He can’t break through, and his life will be exhausted. It can also benefit the group. This kind of unity and dedication, Only in order to make the Jinpeng clan become the strongest clan of the ancient eight clans.

"Put the'Survival Profound Spirit Pill' in the cave, instead of directly giving it to the Jinpeng clan, so that the children of each clan can get it with talent and hard work, but it can put an end to the phenomenon of using power for personal gain. This is also what the Jinpeng clan can do. Powerful reason."

Zhuo Bufan murmured.

In addition to getting some information about the trial cave, Zhuo Bufan also learned that the illusion in the cave is to test the mental state of the practitioner, and the difficulty of the test for foreign intruders will be directly increased by ten times.

It's just that no one expected that Zhuo Bufan's mood level was so high, even if the difficulty was increased ten times, the flame dog would disintegrate instantly. If he were replaced by a common Jinpeng clan child, he would be eliminated directly.

Of course, he does not belong to the Jinpeng tribe. If he fails the test, he will not be eliminated and teleported out of the cave, but will be directly obliterated by the power of the formation.

"Play these little tricks with me, Jinfan Realm Emperor waits to go out, I will ask you to settle this account slowly." Zhuo Bufan's eyes flickered.

Afterwards, Zhuo Bufan searched for an empty and hidden place, stabs Shura blood all over the surroundings, to prevent other people from disturbing him, and prepares to swallow the'Life and Profound Spirit Pill'.

The size of lychee, the whole body is like a flame covering the surface.

Suspended in front of Zhuo Bufan's eyes, there was a powerful breath of life hidden in it.

Realm kings, realm emperors, and realm masters feel that their life is not long, so they will actively give up the practice, condense their own power to form a "life-life profound spirit pill", although 90% of the body's power will eventually dissipate and become The cosmic energy, but still part of its power, becomes the pill in front of me.

"The breath of life contained in this medicine pill should have been left by a strong realm king."

"It's just that the pill left by the realm king stage contains such a strong anger. What if it is the pill left by the realm emperor and the masters?"

Zhuo Bufan thought for a while, but shook his head again. According to the information he received from that Jinpeng clan’s child Shenhai, if you want to obtain a higher-rank life profound spirit pill, the more difficult it will be in the illusion test, which is average among ten people. Only one person can get an elixir. As for the emperor-level elixir, only one or two people can obtain it every month. As for the legendary emperor-level elixir, it has never appeared.

"Too greedy, it's not a good thing." Zhuo Bufan smiled as if to laugh at himself.


The Crimson Pill was suddenly squeezed by Yuan Li, suddenly shattered, turned into a ball of flame, and was directly opened by Zhuo Bufan and swallowed the Dantian.

At the same time, Zhuo Bufan also carefully mobilized a barren aura from the mysterious fragments in the Shenhai. The mysterious fragments suppressed all the desolate energy of the'desolate beast', equivalent to the energy of billions of barren rocks. If you accidentally explode, it will Turning Zhuo Bufan directly into powder, even the entire Jinpeng clan planet will be completely turned into a barren state.

Although he has integrated the blood of wild beasts and has the conditions for cultivating the wild art, he is not pure blood after all, and it is not so easy to cultivate the wild art to refine the aura of the wild.

Zhuo Bufan merged a strand of wild aura into the flame-like anger. After the two blended, the violent factor in the wild aura instantly became a lot milder, as if the hot boiling water has now become warm water, but the wildness has not been completely lost. The energy of qi.

In this way, Zhuo Bufan once again guided the gentle Huang Qi into the blood and let it blend into the blood.

A kind of pain from the bloodline made Dezhuo Bufan's body tremble slightly. Sure enough, there is nothing that does not go through the painful process if he wants to get benefits.

Because the bloodline contains the attributes of the wild beast bloodline, it has not completely let the wild gas go away. If you don't have the wild beast bloodline, such forcible fusion of the wild gas will directly cause the wild gas to run away and completely destroy the meridians.

With the passage of time, Huang Qi's rejection gradually subsided, the pain began to weaken, and Zhuo Bufan's originally frowned sword eyebrows slowly unfolded.

In the end, Huang Qi was completely integrated into the bloodline. From inside, one could see a pale white ancient mark in a bloodline, revealing all sorts of mysterious flavors, and the power that is always in the state bloodline all the time.

The cultivation of the human body, like the universe, possesses endless secrets.

After continuously absorbing a stick of incense, Zhuo Bufan slowly opened his eyes, and a light white light circle appeared on the edge of his pupils, which disappeared immediately.

"Although I was able to use the desolate power before, it felt like asking someone borrowed it. Not only was it difficult to control, but I didn't dare to borrow too much for fear that I could not be stable..."

Now there is a desolation seal in the bloodline, and the power of desolation can be felt from within the bloodline.

Thinking of this, Zhuo Bufan stretched out his index finger, his fingertips lingered in a ray of light gray air current, swish, a ray of gray gas swept out like a small snake, and penetrated into a mouthful of boulder. Immediately, the boulder was completely weathered and turned into a pile of dust accumulation.

"There are nine levels of the Huang Jue. Now I have successfully broken through the first layer, and I only swallowed a realm king-level profound spirit pill for life. If I can get more profound spirit pills for life and life, I might be able to sprint to the Huang Jue in one fell swoop. Nine floors."

Zhuo Bufan's eyes flashed a touch of excitement.

After taking a lot of time to clean up, and packing up a little excitement, Zhuo Bufan continued to set out into the cave. Although his mental state cultivation surpassed ordinary practitioners, he was not arrogant to the point where he was invincible. After the death of some powerful practitioners, The mental power left behind was also quite strong, and the savage beasts that were transformed into them became more powerful.

The spiritual world and the state of mind belong to two different concepts, but both are complementary to each other.

The spirit is the strength of the soul, which belongs to the ‘practical’, which can be attacked and defended and see through the illusion; while the state of mind is relatively vague and illusory.

The state of mind, spirit, and state are all three necessary training systems for embarking on the road to the peak power.

Zhuo Bufan continued to advance along the cave, not fast. Although he had strong confidence in his mood and spiritual power, his cautious character developed over the years still kept him vigilant.

The cave is like a complex and huge maze, as if it never ends. In the middle of the journey, Zhuo Bufan encountered two groups of Jinpeng clan children and directly sent a few people out of the cave, and then once again received three Profound Spirit Pills of Life. At this speed, It's much simpler and more rude than looking for a wild monster in an illusion.

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