Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2803: The master-level pill breaks through the shackles

Chapter 2804 Realm Master Level Pill Breaks Through Shackles

And when the four Jinpeng clan elders and many Jinpeng clan children gathered outside the Dongfu, Zhuo Bufan, who was trying out the Dongfu and entering selfless cultivation at the moment, had no idea.

Ten thousand profound spirit pills for life!

Twenty thousand profound spirit pills for life!

One hundred thousand profound spirit pills for life!

These profound spirit pills surging out of the hive almost without money, and then directly decomposed by the barren aura, turned into pure pill, and then absorbed and swallowed by Zhuo Bufan to condense the waste seal.

Cultivation of Huang Jue condenses the waste seal in the bloodline, and each time a waste seal is condensed, it represents that Huang Jue has advanced to one level.

Although, the farther to the back, the more difficult it is to condense the waste seal, and the more profound spirits it consumes.

However, this kind of life-saving profound spirit pill provided in an almost infinite amount made this difficulty completely weakened a lot.

What Zhuo Bufan needs to do is to concentrate his mental energy, channel the barren energy from the mysterious tortoise shell fragments, and then merge it with the Empress of Shengsheng Xuanling, and finally let it condense in the blood.

"I have already condensed eight waste seals, and I will be able to condense the ninth waste seal immediately. Is it so easy to practice the waste art?"

Even Zhuo Bufan himself has doubts about the degree of this kind of cultivation and ease. He has cultivated all the way, and every time he obtains treasures and improves his cultivation, it is extremely difficult. He has experienced danger and faced the current relaxed situation. , But made him a little uncomfortable.

"This should be the legendary ‘bad guilty’."

Zhuo Bufan laughed mockingly in his heart.

It’s just that the difficulty of condensing the ninth waste seal surpassed Zhuo Bufan’s imagination. From the eighth waste seal to this point, he has once again swallowed 200,000 life profound spirit pills, but the ninth waste seal still has There are signs of forming.

In the depths of the trial cave, a palace filled with golden light, the fluctuations became more intense.


When the last life profound spirit pill in this space also disappeared, Zhuo Bufan finally slowly opened his eyes and let out a long breath.

The ninth waste seal is still in a ‘fog’ state and still hasn’t taken shape.

"I have swallowed more than a million life profound spirit pills, but I still can't condense the ninth waste seal?" Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly and shook his head.

At this time, there were no savage beasts transformed into profound spirit pills in the surrounding honeycombs, and it seemed that the innate profound spirit pills in the trial cave had been swallowed cleanly by himself.

Just as Zhuo Bufan was about to get up and leave the trial cave, he suddenly moved in his heart and sensed that a mighty force was rushing towards him in the front passage.


A golden light and shadow appeared in front of him, a golden stream of light, just like the substance, just like an old man.

"Break into my Jinpeng secret realm, kill without mercy!" The old man looked majestic and his voice was as cold as Xuanbing.

"A world master-level pill?" Zhuo Bufan's eyes lit up.

After the world master sat down, there was still a trace of his own obsession guarding in the secret realm. It should have been sensed that he had killed all the profound spirit pills of life before he appeared in anger.

"Kill me? You only have a ray of remnant thoughts left, just a life-profound spirit pill, don't say you now, even if you are resurrected, it is not that easy to kill me." Zhuo Bufan's mouth showed a sneer. .

Whoosh whoosh... whoosh whoosh...

Immediately afterwards, in the seven corridors ahead, the screaming wind broke again, and the seven equally golden figures appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan, all of which were the same as the old man in front, and were also transformed by the master-level pill, all with A ray of remnant thoughts.

"Zhuzi, dare to be strong!"

"Crossing into the Jinpeng Clan without permission, die!"

Although the eight realm masters Can Nian did not have the wisdom, they could still perceive that Zhuo Bufan was not a member of the Jinpeng tribe.

A coldness flashed across Zhuo Bufan's eyes. Although these eight afterimages only retained a ray of remnant thoughts during his lifetime, the power of the eight people's teamwork, even he did not dare to underestimate it.

The eight figures looked like ghosts, their figures turned into golden light afterglows, rushing towards Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan's fists condensed evil spirits, blood surging under his skin, his arms were suddenly covered by red scales, like two magic dragon arms, the fist and the wind tore the air, fighting together with eight people.

Canopy, canopy, canopy! Puff!

There were continuous rapid sonic booms in the space, and the elegant waves of air shook the stone walls and rustled down the gravel.

"Already dead, still lingering."

Zhuo Bufan yelled and handed out a punch, the rich evil spirit turned into the dragon head, and it suddenly blasted on a golden figure, completely blasting it to pieces.

Upon seeing this, Zhuo Bufan's face was overjoyed, but immediately, the joy was solidified.

Because the bursting golden afterimage appeared ten feet away in the next moment, and once again condensed into a human form.

"Really difficult guy!"

Zhuo Bufan's pupils contracted slightly, grinding his teeth.

These eight golden shadows were the master-class powerhouses before their deaths. Even if only a wisp of obsessive soul is left to control less than one percent of the strength in front of him, the joint efforts of the eight people also make Zhuo Bufan restrain his hands and feet, which is quite difficult. .

The test of the Dongfu is the state of mind. Although Zhuo Bufan's state of mind is strong, it is estimated that he does not have an advantage compared with the realm master, and this cannot weaken the attack of the eight people.

Zhuo Bufan's whole body surged, forming a scarlet shield covering himself. The four realm masters in front and the four realm masters on the left. At the same time, they pressed their golden palms on the mask. The strong waves made the mask look like glass. Broken, Zhuo Bufan was also shocked and flew out.

Just when his body was about to hit the wall of the cave, Zhuo Bufan took a deep breath, and a sharp line crossed his eyes, and grinned: "Since you are so difficult to deal with, then you can **** waste. Can resist."

When the sound fell, a light gray whirlpool condensed in front of Zhuo Bufan's dantian, and a shocking barren aura spread along with it. Upon closer inspection, eight pale white mysterious and incomparable waste seals were rotating at the edge of the whirlpool.

"Huang prints out, the ten directions die out."

Suddenly, Zhuo Bufan's dark pupils stared, and the eight barren seals turned into eight gray rays, which swept directly into the center of the eyebrows of the eight figures, and went straight into it.

The eight golden figures seemed to have been casted by the fixation magic. They were stunned. The golden light flowing on their bodies also entered with the waste seal, and they began to tremble violently, producing resistance, trying to repel the waste seal in the body.

But how powerful is the barrenness contained in the barren seal, and they are just residual thoughts, not real bodies, this kind of stalemate, naturally cannot last...

Suddenly, the eight golden figures collapsed completely, leaving eight scarlet-like flame-like life-producing profound spirit pills in place. The Pan Pai power contained in them was enough to equal all the previous gains. The world master-level life-producing profound spirit pills, only these eight. , It is equivalent to 1.6 million ordinary life profound spirit pills.

"Now, I should have the capital to condense the ninth waste seal." Zhuo Bufan looked at the eight Crimson Pills floating in the air, with an upward arc at the corner of his lips, slowly spreading away. .

Zhuo Bufan's eyes flashed, opened his mouth, a burst of suction, and he directly swallowed eight master-level student profound spirit pills into his abdomen.

The vastness of the power flowed arbitrarily, causing the blood in the body to boil!

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