Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2814: The ultimate goal of the Jinpeng clan

Chapter 2815 the ultimate goal of the Jinpeng clan

In the following time, Yan Jing, Yan Yu and Qing Huan both chose He Zhuo Bufan to stay with the Jinpeng clan, but the Jinpeng clan was quite a headache for this.

Because Zhuo Bufan took his three daughters around the Jinpeng tribe almost every day, he had nothing to do to help the Jinpeng tribe to mediate the disputes. Although the Jinpeng tribe is also a unified group, there are many branches and factions between each other. Zhuo Bufan joined in and suddenly made this happen. The contradiction intensified, but caused two factions to fight, which aroused the anger of the four elders.

Otherwise, Zhuo Bufan would go to the martial arts training ground to find the children of the Jinpeng clan to challenge. For three consecutive days, hundreds of Jinpeng clan children were injured and they are still lying in bed and unable to get out of bed.

Or, Zhuo Bufan would go around the secret realm of the Jinpeng clan. Every time he wandered around, he would scare the four elders to close the secret realm entrance urgently, causing other Jinpeng clan children to complain, because they also finally got the opportunity to try.

"In this mountain is the pill room managed by the great elder. I heard that many of the Jinpeng clan medicines are stored in it." On the canopy of a big tree, four figures stood tall, with the soles of their feet on a slender branch. Extruding the downward curve, the severe rain looked at a magnificent palace at the waist of the mountain and said.

"We have been messing around in the past few days. This pill room is the most important thing. It didn't send anyone to guard it tightly. There will be no fraud, right?" Yan Jing asked with some worry.

Qing Huan said: "The Jinpeng clan should not dare to deceive. Perhaps the pill room is protected by a powerful formation, and the Jinpeng clan is not afraid of us going in."

"Let’s go and take a look. I want to see where the endurance limit of the Jinpeng Patriarch is?" Zhuo Bufan’s lips raised a curve of evil charm, and the palm of his foot lightly touched the branch, and his figure turned into a **** rainbow towards the alchemy room. The palace swept away.

The two sisters Yan Jing and Yan Yu quickly followed, and Qing Huan's figure also changed into a green rainbow.

After a while, the four people came to this altar room on the mountainside. A patrol team of about 20 people was patrolling. Seeing Zhuo Bufan four people, the patrol captain's face changed drastically. Elders.

But as soon as his spiritual thoughts went out, they hit a spiritual wall and shattered completely.

The patrol captain turned blue. He didn't know what Zhuo Bufan had done in the Jinpeng clan during this period of time. He arched his hands, and said, "It turned out to be the King of Shadow Killer and the three girls. I don't know that the King of Shadow Killer came to Danfang... …"

Before he finished speaking, Zhuo Bufan waved, and twenty powerful mental powers flew into these people's eyebrows, and then these people were directly nailed to the spot, even the mental power was unable to transmit information.


Zhuo Bufan said softly.

Immediately, Zhuo Bufan brought the three daughters to the front of the pill room, and saw that the pill room was enveloped by a layer of lavender light arc, with light purple ripples.

"This is the ancient Ming pattern formation. If it is a forced bombardment formation, it is estimated that it will take a long time. The Jinpeng clan elders will immediately notice and come." Qing Huan's eyebrows frowned, and his voice was as sweet as a silver bell.

Yan Jing Yan Yu's cheeks also showed melancholy. The pill room in front of them was full of treasures. They were placed in front of them, but there was no way to get them.

"Let me try it." Zhuo Bufan chuckled, suddenly his figure flew out, and he came to the front of the purple light film. He flipped his palm and held a stone stick in his hand. He immediately injected the power of the stone, and the stone stick was engraved on it. The strange runes began to light up purple.

The purple light reflected in the pupils of the three women, and the three women showed their surprise.


Zhuo Bufan used one end of the stone stick to lightly touch the purple light film, and at that moment, the purple light film rippled, but did not produce any resistance.

The purple light film suddenly began to twist, and a light gate slowly spread out from the place where the stone stick entered, just enough to allow a person to pass through.

"Okay, let's go." Zhuo Bufan retracted the stone stick with a smile across his face.

Immediately, he swept in from Guangmen first, followed by Yan Jing Yan Yu and Qing Huan quickly followed and swept into Guangmen.

After all four of them entered the light gate, the light gate shrank and closed again.

"Well, it's so rich..." Yan Jing squinted her eyes slightly, and the air was filled with the smell of all kinds of medicinal pills.

"If the great elder of the Jinpeng clan knew that we had entered the pill room, he would probably be half-dead." Yan Yu was afraid that the world would not be chaotic. He blinked and looked at Zhuo Bufan and asked: "Little bastard, how can you crack the ancient meditation pattern? "

Yan Jing and Qing Huan are also curious, but Qing Huan feels a little uncomfortable when he hears Yan Yu often call Zhuo Bufan ‘little bastard’. Of course, this kind of uncomfortable feeling makes her a little puzzled.

"I am also a master of dark patterns. This ancient pattern of dark patterns is not too advanced, and I just can crack it." Zhuo Bufan said, his sight was already in front of the palace, and said: "Go, go first to get the pill, otherwise wait. The four elders of the Jinpeng clan came here, afraid it would be too late."

The four broke the wind and swept directly towards the palace gate.

Perhaps it was because he had absolute confidence in the formation, and there were not too many guards outside the Danfang, and there was no formation in the palace.

The four of them rushed into the palace, only to see one by one suspended in the air by the light group. The light group was wrapped in various rare and precious medicines, and there were even some unrefined medicinal treasures.

"Don't be polite." Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly.

"What are you polite to those bad old guys, wow... Nine Qing Xuan Tian Pill, this is an elixir that increases mental power, it is extremely precious." Compared to Yan Jing and Qing Huan's calmness, Yan Yu looked extremely excited.

Although Yan Jing and Qing Huan didn't speak, there was also a splendor that couldn't be hidden in their eyes.

In the family hall.

The four elders and the Jinpeng clan chief, and the five top powerhouses of the Jinpeng clan gathered together.

"My patriarch, Zhuo Bufan has been staying in my Jinpeng clan to cause trouble, and now all branches of the Jinpeng clan are complaining. I must let him leave as soon as possible..." The third elder frowned and said, a few days ago, the two branches under his jurisdiction were because Zhuo Bufan's participation led to a large-scale fight, and both sides suffered heavy injuries.

"Is this Zhuo Bufan staying in our Jinpeng Clan just to make us uncomfortable?" the second elder asked.

Patriarch Jinpeng listened to them with a solemn expression, and said in a cold voice: "He has got the blood of the wild beast, and he has stayed in my Jinpeng clan for a few days to cause chaos. He can't be the'melting pot' that covets me. He wants to borrow my treasure to break through. Primordial Eucharist, huh, are there such cheap things in the world?"

In the past few days, the Jinpeng patriarch was also thinking hard. Zhuo Bufan refused to leave the Jinpeng clan. It is probably because Jiang Chen told him that he was going to use the blood of the wild beast to cultivate the Primordial Eucharist, and Zhuo Bufan wanted him to hand over the ‘melting pot’.

The four elders all know that the patriarch collects the cosmic treasures, and asked Zhuo Bufan to go to Gu Aoxing to get the blood of the wild beasts, in order to temper the Primordial Eucharist and increase the chance of success in the initial universe. Unexpectedly, Zhuo Bufan was finally allowed to go to the original universe. Combines the essence and blood of the wild beast.

"I want to use this method to make my Quasi-Sacred Realm bow my head, he is too naive!" Jinpeng Patriarch's twin pupils flashed out two bright golden lights, and snorted coldly.

At this moment, the great elder's expression suddenly turned pale, he stood up and said: "Oops, the pill room, someone broke into the pill room!"

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