Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2819: Ancient Demon Seal Chapter �

Chapter 2820 Ancient Demon Seal Opens Intense Battlefield

Zhuo Bufan stood in the sky and squeezed his fists excitedly. He could feel that his body was filled with majestic power, and his body was closer to the nature of the sky and the earth, and he could feel the flow of laws between the sky and the earth, even with one punch and kick. It's a good feeling to be able to drive a trace of law, and it is bound to have unexpected effects in melee combat.

"Huh, something is wrong?"

Soon, Zhuo Bufan discovered something weird.

It stands to reason that with such a big movement when he left the customs, the Jinpeng patriarch and the four elders should appear immediately.

However, most of the Jinpeng tribe's children who are on the square now have a low level of strength.

Zhuo Bufan’s divine consciousness swept out, covering the entire planet, without discovering the breath of the Jinpeng clan and the four elders. He immediately turned into a blood rainbow, leaving an arc-shaped trajectory in the air, and quickly swept to a Jinpeng In front of the children of the tribe.

When the other party saw him appear, his body was immediately tense, and his face showed a look of horror.

"Tell me, what happened? Why are the Jinpeng clan chiefs and the four elders of the Jinpeng clan not in the clan?" Zhuo Bufan asked directly.

You should know that when you reach the realm of the Jinpeng clan chief, you will generally not leave the clan easily, unless something major has happened. Moreover, even Qing Huan and others have already left the Jinpeng clan. It must have happened during his retreat. whats the matter.

"Shadow Killing King." The latter slightly arched his hand, obviously afraid of him, and continued: "You have been in retreat for a year and a half, and the ancient magic seal has loosened. Tianjiao, young people from all ethnic groups, also went there to experience, and he has not yet returned."

Zhuo Bufan's sword eyebrows frowned. It turned out that the ancient demon ruins were opened. Lord Zulong called the eight powerful clans to seal the ancient demon, and the Tianjiao in the group also followed to experience the ancient demon ruins.

After Zhuo Bufan asked, he immediately contacted sisters Qing Huan and Yan Jing and Yan Yu with his spiritual thoughts, but he did not receive any response.

"Perhaps it is the special relationship between the ancient demon ruins, which blocked the connection with divine consciousness." Zhuo Bufan thought of this, and immediately called out the Ice Emperor Rain Sword, with his feet on the sword body, the vitality burst directly turned into a **** rainbow. Disappeared in the Jinpeng clan, and flew directly in the direction of the ancient demon ruins.


Whoosh! Whoosh!

After several consecutive jumps, each teleportation exceeded 5 million kilometers, and the physical body did not feel a trace of load or pressure, Zhuo Bufan stepped on the flying sword, and his figure appeared again 5 million kilometers away, with the corners of his lips widening. With a slight smile.

"My physical body is now close to everything in nature. Although I have not directly mastered the laws of space, it is very close to the laws of space and wind. I teleport over long distances and teleport many times without feeling too much load on my physical body."

Zhuo Bufan was very happy.

The physical strength of the human race is not strong. This is not the advantage of human beings. For example, the barbarian monster race, the rock race, including the tree race, let alone the bloodline of some cosmic hegemons, the physical strength of the celestial body is higher than that of humans. Humans are strong.

However, it is necessary to talk about natural perception, spirituality, and law perception. Although humans cannot be said to be the strongest, but the overall number is large, and they are stronger than barbarian monsters in terms of law perception and cultivation.

Therefore, once the human base is larger and multiplies faster, the more powerful people will emerge.

"My physical body feels that everything is natural, and it will be easier to perceive the laws in the future, and my bloodline is already close to the Primordial bloodline. In terms of physical strength, it can't even be compared to the mechanical race. It combines the two advantages."

Under continuous teleportation, the speed is very fast, the farthest teleportation exceeds ten million kilometers, but it consumes a lot of energy, and the physical body still does not have too much load.

"Lorca City!"

Zhuo Bufan stood on the flying sword, overlooking the majestic city on a planet, and saw a steady stream of practitioners flying in and out from all directions, all like going to or coming back from the ancient magic relics.

A dozen breaths came from behind, and they were rushing in his direction quickly.

Zhuo Bufan looked back and saw a dozen or so practitioners flying in the air, both men and women.

"A few friends, wait a minute." Zhuo Bufan directly blocked the way of this group of people.

The leader was a middle-aged man, followed by a group of young boys and girls, who should have been experienced in a certain sect or family, but his breath was slightly squinted, and his expressions were exhausted, and there were two of them. His face was pale, and he was obviously seriously injured.

Suddenly, he was stopped by a young man with black hair and black eyes. All these dozens of people were taken aback, and then showed a vigilant look.

Zhuo Bufan smiled and said, "Don't panic, I'm not malicious."

More than a dozen people looked at him and felt a powerful pressure from him, but after hearing Zhuo Bufan’s words, the look of alertness on his face faded a lot, and a middle-aged man stunned first. He said, "My lord, I don't know why you stopped us?"

In fact, the middle-aged man in front of him is a normal realm emperor realm powerhouse, followed by a group of realm king level masters, but he can’t understand Zhuo Bufan’s strength, because Zhuo Bufan is now no matter how powerful his Yuan Li is. It was the coercion generated by the flesh and blood, which made them unable to clearly understand the extraordinary strength.

Zhuo Bufan looked behind them and asked with a smile: "Are you coming back from the ancient demon ruins just now? I don't know what is going on inside the ruins now?"

"My lord hasn't gone to the ancient demon ruins?" the middle-aged man asked first, then a wry smile appeared on his face, and shook his head: "The current situation of the ancient demon ruins is not optimistic. It is completely different from before. We are all too empty. People of Zong, the ancient demon ruins were opened before, and the dragons went to seal the ancient demon. We also took the opportunity to go in and bring the juniors to experience, and we could find some treasures by the way, but this time..."

"What's wrong this time?" Zhuo Bufan's expression changed slightly, and he asked again.

"This time is different. I don't know why the beasts in the ancient demon ruins this time. They are very violent, and there are a lot of them. There are even some demon generals. I heard that the seals of the other four little ancient demon have been broken. A large number of ancient demons appeared in the ruins, and the dragon clan led the eight ancient clans to resist. It was very difficult and very dangerous!"

The middle-aged man said again and again: "Our sect sent 108 people into the ancient demon ruins this time, and now only our group has escaped back, and everyone is buried in the hands of the ancient demon and the beast."

With that, the three-year man clenched his fists, his eyes were red and bloodshot.

Obviously, having lost many of his brothers, he felt uncomfortable and angry.

"How could this be?" Zhuo Bufan muttered to himself with a solemn expression, and his figure teleported and disappeared into place again.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan disappearing, a young man in the crowd asked in surprise: "Uncle Master, what is the realm of the adult just now? Why did I see him as if I saw a wild beast with a beating heart, which was too scary. "

"I don't know, his vitality is very powerful, it should be the Realm Emperor...but I am also Realm Emperor, why do I feel strong pressure on him?" The middle-aged man also shook his head in doubt. "Hey, don't talk about this, go back to the sect as soon as possible. This time I have suffered a heavy loss, and I have to go back and report to the lord.

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