Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2827: Fateful showdown behind the claws

Chapter 2828 Fateful Showdown Of Claws Behind The Scenes

Whoosh whoosh...

The three rushing sounds of breaking the wind sounded, and the cultivators raised their heads one after another, their gazes converged on the three figures that quickly swept across the sky.

"Gang Tae of the Demon Race?"

There are also demon practitioners in the cultivator camp. Although they are not right with the Star Alliance, they are all trained in the dragon family and have the responsibility to guard the dragon altar. Moreover, this is also an excellent opportunity for experience. The demon cultivators are also here. In an instant, someone recognized that the guy on the left side of the three figures was Jiang Tai, the genius of the Demon Clan Temple.

"The Daoist, the Daoist of the Star Alliance... how can they be together?"

Qifeng Wang frowned and said in surprise.

"There is also Flitta of the mechanical race. Can't you think that this guy actually appeared again?" Zhuo Bufan narrowed his eyes slightly, his eyes fell on the smooth head on the right, his body shone with dark golden metallic skin and the silhouette of a python tail. on.

Zhuo Bufan remembered that the last time he played against Flitta was on the ancient battlefield. At that time, only the tail of that guy was purple. Now his whole body has turned purple, and his strength should have been greatly increased.

Among the three people, it was obviously headed by Daojun. After a few breaths, the three of them came to the battlefield, and all three of them were surrounded by black mist, revealing a dark atmosphere.

"Zhuo Bufan, I didn't expect to see you in a few years, your strength has improved so much, you lost to me in the ancient battlefield, you are probably unwilling? Today I am giving you a chance." Daojun has a pair of eyes like stars. Deep and bright, with his hands behind him, just looking at Zhuo Bufan, his voice was cold.

"Daojun, I should have thought that you have betrayed the Star Alliance." Zhuo Bufan looked at each other quietly, "As early as in the ancient battlefield, I discovered that you have a vague and weird aura, but I was not sure at that time. , The aura on your body is exactly the same as the aura in the Azure Dragon Sacred Stele."

"Originally, there was a Quemo, I shouldn't have to expose it so quickly, but I didn't expect you to be a variable, maybe our destiny is the enemy." Daojun smiled, elegant and clear, "I am the subordinate of the Dark Supreme, so I have been lurking in the Star Alliance for many years. Even if we live together at Blue Star, it is something the Supremes arranged in advance."

"What is your purpose?" Zhuo Bufan said.

"The purpose, naturally, is to release the ancient demon. The ancient demon is also one of the dark supreme. Emperor Shang and the ice emperor have been dead for millions of years. No one in the Taiyi universe can carry the beam. Sooner or later, the extraterritorial supreme will come back to the Taiyi universe. The Taiyi Universe will also be mastered by the Supremes." Daojun said lightly.

"It seems that there will be a battle between us at the end, and it seems unavoidable!" Zhuo Bufan grinned, and immediately held his palms into the void, and a spear formed by the convergence of yin and yang appeared in his palms, "I am fighting for the Star Alliance, and you are For those dark supreme."

"You already lost to me last time. It is my defeated man. This ending will not change this time." Daojun shook his head.

"Really? I'm afraid I won't be as you wished." Zhuo Bufan said.

At the same time, Qing Huan, King Qifeng, King Bai Yao, and Yan Jing Yan Yu all flew by Zhuo Bufan's side, looking solemnly, staring at the Daoist three likewise.

"Jiejie, Zhuo Bufan, the shame you gave in the ancient battlefield last time, this time I have to ask for it back ten times." On the side, Jiang Tai, who was covered in black robe, raised his head, Senbai's face with a hideous color. , The corners of his mouth grinned with a spooky arc.

"Don't forget, there's me." Fretta also flew out, licking the corners of her lips, her purple pupils showing a brutal look.

"Escaped from my hands twice, but this time, I will solve you completely, I am afraid you have no chance to escape..." Zhuo Bufan said coldly while looking at Flitta.

"Give up resistance, I don't want to kill you for the time being." Daojun shook his head.

Zhuo Bufan held the yin and yang spear in his hand, a disdainful smile appeared on his face, "Daojun, do you think it is useful to tell me this kind of persuasion? My relatives and my friends all live in the Taiyi universe, the starry sky The Alliance has nurtured me. Do you think I will give up? Even if I die in battle, I will kill you three demons."

"Oh, it seems that I am too much nonsense." Daojun's eyes drenched.

"Master Zhuo, behind us is the Dragon Blood Altar. Inside is the blood seal left by a generation of Ancestral Dragons. Once the altar is destroyed, the Ancient Demon Seal will break again. I am afraid that even Master Ancestral Dragon will not be able to seal the Ancient Demon. "Qing Huan Lian transmitted the voice to Zhuo Bufan, her pretty face was also very solemn.

The dragons are responsible for guarding the seal of the ancient demon. Master Zulong leads the patriarchs of the four clans, leading the powerful of the eight ancient clans to the center of the ancient demon star to seal the ancient demon, and they are responsible for guarding the dragon altar. If they fall here, they will give Master Zulong sealed the ancient demon and brought great danger.

Zhuo Bufan nodded slightly, moved his arm, flicked his spear, and pointed the tip of the spear directly at Daojun, saying: "Leave these three guys to me. You are responsible for dealing with Warcraft. You must not let Warcraft break through the defensive line."

"You deal with the three of them alone?" Qifeng Wang frowned and said in surprise.

"It's too dangerous. Needless to say, the strength of Daojun, Jiang Tai and Flita are also top geniuses in their respective groups, and their strength should have been improved a lot because of their refuge in the Dark Supreme." Bo Yao Wang also shook his head.

"Master Zhuo, we will help you deal with these three guys together." Ji Caicai said.

"Young Master Zhuo, don't be reckless." Yan Jing also frowned, also very worried.

"Little bastard, do you think we are in the way?" Yan Yu said with a curled mouth.

Zhuo Bufan said: "There are a lot of these monsters, our defense is difficult, if you help me, who will stop these monsters? I will try to hold them three, wait for you to solve the monsters, then come to help me."

"Follow what Zhuo Shao said, there is no other better way now." Qing Huan bit her silver teeth and said softly. She also understood that even if they add up, it would be very difficult to deal with the three Daojun. What's more, there are a large number of Warcraft here eyeing each other.

Everyone also understood that Qing Huan's words made sense, and could only bite the bullet and nodded, then turned into a few streamers and flew into the crowd, and began to organize the practitioners to prepare for the attack of Warcraft.

"Are you really as crazy as before, you dare to fight one against three? Today I will unscrew your head and be shameful." Jiang Tai shouted coldly, inside the two large black cuffs, there was a clap, and gold iron sounded With the sound of the sound, two long chains jumped out like flying snakes. One end of the chain was tied with two huge black sickles, and the blades glowed with dark light, which could easily split the space barrier.

"Die me!"

Jiang Tai raised his head, his face was covered with weird black symbols, and he shouted angrily.


The two black sickles were like poisonous snakes in the night, turning into two black lightnings, piercing through the space in an instant, and suddenly that one appeared in Zhuo Bufan's pupils.

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