Chapter 2832 the powerless altar falls

Continuously hitting his body by Feijian, Zhuo Bufan's body exploded backwards like a meteor.

"Manipulate time and space, master the laws of time and space... This is something that the real world master can do, it's impossible..."

"But the speed of the flying sword, I don't even have time to resist..."

Zhuo Bufan, who flew upside down, flashed countless thoughts quickly in his mind. The Taoist body cultivated by the Taoist master can master all the laws of one area, including the two supreme laws of time and space. It is definitely able to master these two points. , So that he could not dodge the attacks of these flying swords.

If this is the case, then how to fight?

Time flow and space barriers have been abandoned, which is terrible.

"My speed is fast, and it takes time!"

"No matter how fast the marksmanship, you need to cross the distance to hit Daojun."

He was hit by more than a dozen flying swords in a row, and he might have been bombarded into pieces as an ordinary world king, but Zhuo Bufan's physical body was tyrannical, he used his body to resist the attack of the flying sword, and his body flew out thousands of meters , Finally stopped.

A sweet smell came out of his throat, opened his mouth, and Zhuo Bufan sprayed out a mouthful of blood.

The internal organs vibrated, although it was not severely injured, but if this continues, it can only be passively beaten. I am afraid that even the corners of the Taoist clothes will be difficult to touch.

how to spell?

Too frustrated.

The other end.

The battle between Flita and the shadow was also extremely fierce. The two had fought hundreds of kilometers away, and only faintly saw two lights and shadows flickering by, and Flita was also extremely uncomfortable. Although this shadow is an extraordinary clone, But the soul was washed by the bridge of reincarnation, and the mental fantasy attack had no effect on him.

Because the shadow is like an extraordinary new born, there is no impurity in his mind, it is quiet and transparent, and it is not very effective to attack with mental means.

Regarding the physical body, the shadow clone is the blood demon. After devouring a lot of devil energy and heaven, material and earth treasures, although this physical body cannot be compared with Zhuo Bufan's deity, it has also reached the level of the ancient sacrament and has the ability to heal abnormally. , Whether it is cutting off the arm or smashing any part of the body, it can quickly heal in the blink of an eye.


After the two bodies crossed, Frita's body fell to the ground like a meteor, exploding into an abyss-like black hole, bottomless.

"Die to me!"

Suddenly, a stern shout came from the depths of the black hole, and a dazzling purple beam of light suddenly burst out, the dazzling purple light like a round of purple sun.

The shadow did not rush to evade, and the moment the body moved, it was penetrated by the purple light beam, and the left body was torn to pieces by the purple light and disappeared.

In the sky, only half of the shadow's body remained, and no blood flowed out. Instead, the body on the injured side was squirming, and it was constantly repairing and reorganizing the body.


In the black hole of the abyss, Frita flew out again, seeing that almost half of the shadow had disappeared, and the wound was still repairing. She became annoyed and said: "Damn fellow, I want to see how strong your healing ability is. I will blow you up. It's broken into pieces and see if you can heal it."


At this moment, the shadow suddenly disappeared in the same place, and only half of the body turned into a black light, violently rushing towards Frita.

"court death!"

Flita was also shot out of real fire, and his body was glowing with purple metal light. After fierce fighting, his body did not leave a trace of wounds on the surface. In terms of the physical strength, the mechanical race is stronger than the barbarian monster race. Ordinary attacks are difficult to destroy their bodies.

This is also why the machine race can become the capital of the universe's dominant group. If it were not for the difficulty of the machine race to multiply, I am afraid that the Taiyi universe has been occupied by the machine race now, and there is nothing human.

Fritta squeezed her fist, her eyes were cracking, and her body turned into a purple light.

From a distance, I saw a purple light and a black light interlaced, and then the shadow appeared 100 meters behind Flitta and stopped.

"You lost..." Shadow said lightly.

"I lost, what nonsense is I talking about." Fretta sneered, and the sneer on his face suddenly solidified.


Frita lowered his head, and saw that in the center of his chest, there was a pattern that was indistinguishable by the naked eye. It was very light and light, and it was black.

"Although I can't hurt your body, my magic energy has eroded into your body. The weakness of your mechanical race is the mechanical heart, which is as fragile as glass. You usually wrap the mechanical heart in your heart." Shadow Tao.

"No, it's impossible. I am Flitta, the strongest genius of the machine clan, and I am immortal!" Flitta's pupils dilated and opened her mouth, but her voice was barely audible.

I saw the traces on Flitta's chest surfaced, spreading to the body, and finally the body cracked like a sculpture and turned into countless stars powder, which was swayed by the wind and finally annihilated in the universe.

This incredible, mechanical genius who escaped under Zhuo Bufan's hands over and over again, I'm afraid I never thought that he would die under Zhuo Bufan's clone.

The mechanical heart is broken, and Frita cannot be resurrected.

Although they also took refuge in the Dark Supreme, and even one of the powerful Dark Supremes gave them the'immortal body', but Frita has a mechanical heart and cannot enjoy the'law of immortality', so she will not be like Jiang Tai and can be renewed. Resurrection, until the energy is completely exhausted.

"The next thing is left to you, I don't have the strength to continue fighting." Shadow glanced in Zhuo Bufan's direction.

Zhuo Bufan can also feel that the shadow is extremely weak now. Although the blood demon body has strong healing energy and strong vitality, every wound healing requires energy. These energy is not infinite. It can kill Flitta. Beyond Zhuo Bufan's imagination, originally Zhuo Bufan just wanted to delay the shadow for a while.

He was very surprised to be able to do this.

However, the situation on Zhuo Bufan’s side is even less optimistic. Daojun has successively photographed eight purple runes with a height of several feet, engraved with mysterious runes, revealing a vast and ancient atmosphere, like eight doors, directly blocking Zhuo. Besieged him in all directions.

Whoosh whoosh...

Numerous flying swords gushing from the eight talisman gates, directly strangling Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan was very aggrieved. Under the Daoist realm, he couldn't even use the "Six Paths of Reincarnation" of the control law. He could only passively defend, and the speed of these flying swords was too fast, even if it was He couldn't resist them all.

Daojun looked at Zhuo Bufan who was trapped, and smiled slightly: "I don't want to kill you yet, but you can't stop me from going to the Dragon Blood Altar now."

The voice fell, and the Taoist figure had disappeared in place, and he wanted to pass the battle line to destroy the dragon blood altar behind. Once the altar was destroyed, the ancestor dragons who were trying their best to seal the ancient demon would definitely be hit hard.

Qing Huan, who was fighting on the ground, kept splitting his mind to watch the battle. Seeing Lord Dao flying towards the altar, she swept towards the Dragon Blood Altar and prepared to block Dao Lord.

"Oh, do you even want to stop me? The worm shakes the tree." Daojun's eyes were cold, his fingertips flicked, and a source of power swept towards Qingyun.

Qing Huan bit her silver teeth, her pretty face is solemn, although she knows she can't stop Daojun, but in this situation, she can only stand up, this is her duty, as a member of the Qinglong tribe, she is the one who guards the dragon altar. duty of.

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