
It's just that Daojun's body was destroyed, and even if he ran away, he was severely injured. I don't know if he can recover.

The yin and yang spear in Zhuo Bufan's hand turned into yin and yang power and retracted into his body, and then his body turned into a stream of light, and flew to the side of Demon King Bai. Demon King Bai was holding Qing Huan, but at this moment, Qing Huan's beautiful eyes were closed and his peaceful face Pale and bloodless, the breath of life on his body is constantly dissipating.

"The King of Shadow Killer, Qing Huan's vitality is constantly being lost, and her soul has been blasted away by Daojun..." The Bai Yaowang red eyes, his voice choked, and he couldn't help turning his head to the side.

Qing Huan first entered the Qinglong clan. Because of Qing Huan's mother, Bai Yaowang and the others didn't wait to see Qing Huan, but they also accepted it as they got along for a long time.

This cousin has a tough personality and is talented in cultivation. Not only did he defeat King Qinghao in the clan ratio to earn enough face for them, but also awakened the blood of returning to his ancestors and became the most powerful and talented practice of the Qinglong clan. By--

During her practice years, Qing Huan was still very young. She had the opportunity to attack the realm of the realm, even the realm of the saint, but sacrificed herself in order to protect the dragon blood altar.

"Sister Qing Huan, you must hold on. The ancient demon is dead, and the Daoist ran away. We have won. We have won." Ji Caicai also cried with tears and sobbed.

Zhuo Bufan hurriedly grabbed Qing Huan’s arm, his sword eyebrows were condensed, and the vitality in his body was continuously transported to Qing Huan’s body, maintaining her vitality, but just now in order to send the Dragon Ball to his side, Qing Huan’s The soul was severely hit by the Dao Monarch and was scattered between the heavens and the earth.

This method of instilling anger has some symptoms but not the root cause.

"Qing Huan, hold on, you have fulfilled your mother's wish. You have not yet returned home to tell her, you must not give up now." Zhuo Bufan sweats on his forehead. For the latter, he is very guilty, knowing that He couldn't accept the other party's feelings, and now it was because his soul was gone. If he couldn't save Qinghui, he would feel guilty for a lifetime.

"Daojun, this hatred, I must personally find you to avenge."

Zhuo Bufan clenched his teeth.

It seems that after hearing Zhuo Bufan’s words, a little cyan light emerged from Qing Huan’s body, forming a thin film of light on the surface of the body, and the vitality that was constantly passing by finally stopped. Seeing this scene, Qifeng Wang and Bai The Demon King, Ji Caicai and others all showed joy.

"It still doesn't work. Although Qing Huan's vitality has stopped passing, the broken soul has not returned, but there must be a way, there must be a way to save her." Zhuo Bufan took Qing Huan from the Bai Demon King and hugged her.


The space ring lights up, and a **** spaceship emerges into the void.

Zhuo Bufan hugged Qing Huan and directly entered the spaceship. The spaceship cut through the sky and swiftly swept towards the Dragon Clan's land.

As for the things in the ancient demon ruins, Lord Zulong sacrificed himself to completely kill the ancient demon, the Taoist body annihilated the soul and escaped, Flita and Jiang Tai fought to the ancient demon ruins, as for the remaining ancient demon and the remaining demon generals and soldiers. We will naturally have the children of the eight ancient tribes chase and kill them and annihilate them all.

"Everyone, the Daoist has escaped, and the ancient demon is dead, we will thoroughly clean up these monsters and kill them!" Qifeng King held a halberd, arrogantly soaring into the sky, and roared angrily.

Qing Huan is also his cousin. Seeing Qing Huan become like this, he feels very uncomfortable, very sad and angry, holding the halberd in his hand, turning into an angry dragon and rushing into the group of monsters. These monsters were regarded as targets for venting, and the halberd carried a piece of vitality, provoked a monster's head, and smashed it to the rear.

Demon King Bai was also very angry, and rushed into the group of monsters, venting his uncomfortable heart frantically.

Inside the spacecraft, the main cabin.

There is a three-foot-tall round crystal platform in the main cabin. Zhuo Bufan carefully placed Qing Huan's body on it with his light hand. Looking at the girl's quiet and pale face, Zhuo Bufan's heart burst into a strong anger. Daojun, next time I meet, I will definitely avenge Qing Huan.

Put Qing Huan in place, there is a thin cyan light film on the surface of her body, which isolates the vitality from passing away in her body.

Although the souls are scattered in the sky, as long as they find these souls and reinject them into the body, Qing Huan will be able to wake up.

"I can't do it with my strength, but the Star Alliance has saints and a Star Alliance leader. They have many treasures in the realm, and they may be able to do it."

As soon as he thought of this, Zhuo Bufan didn't care about other things, and his heart moved, the identity token communicated with Jiang Chen.


The space was distorted, and a white figure appeared, which was Jiang Chen's clone.

"Junior Brother Jiang Chen." Zhuo Bufan looked at him and said.

Jiang Chen was taken aback for a moment. Although Zhuo Bufan and Jiang Chen were both disciples of Emperor Shang, the Emperor said that Jiang Chen was the youngest brother, and Zhuo Bufan ranked second, but Jiang Chen was the second most powerful, and he was also the leader of the Star Alliance. Bufan will call him the leader when he sees him.

This was the first time that Zhuo Bufan directly called him "Jiang Cheng, Junior Brother", because this was a private matter, and Jiang Cheng had to help him in his personal capacity.

Jiang Chen looked at Qing Huan who was lying next to the round crystal platform, and suddenly he said, "Second brother, what's the matter?"

"Junior Brother Jiang Cheng, this is my good friend, her soul was defeated by the Dao Monarch, Junior Brother Jiang Chen, you must save her if you think of a way." Zhuo Bufan said sternly.

Jiang Chen didn't finish her words, her toes floated in the void, flew to Qing Huan's side, and after a closer look, there was also a strange look on her face, "Such an injury, the vitality of the body can be maintained, she should have awakened the ancient blood of the dragon clan. The power of this bloodline is still protecting her body, but the soul is disintegrated, it should not be completely annihilated, but if I want to find it, I am afraid I can’t, I am strong in combat, but there is still a gap between the soul research and the realm of several saints. , I will immediately notify the three saints to come over."

"Good." Zhuo Bufan nodded.

Almost after breathing, three spaces in the cabin fluctuated, and three figures emerged immediately.

A goddess wearing a white long dress with three thousand green silks hanging down from her waist is so beautiful that people dare not look directly at her. She is the Venerable Xia Ling of the Star Alliance.

Then, there were two men wearing long robes, the same Venerable Jiuqu and Venerable Blood Palace.

Of course, these three shadows are just their clones, and their deity has to guard all parties, unless it is a major event in the Crisis Star Alliance, generally they will not leave easily.

"Three saints." Zhuo Bufan respectfully bowed his hands.

When Jiang Chen sent a message to the three of them, he had already explained the situation briefly, so the three of them didn't ask much, and directly focused on Qing Huan's body. Zhuo Bufan waited nervously. If the three sages were helpless, He really can't help it.

"The body still retains vitality, it should be the effect of returning to the ancestral blood."

"But the soul collapsed. If we were there the first time it collapsed, we might be able to capture her soul, but now his soul has been integrated into the universe. It is basically impossible to find it."

"However, her soul has not been completely annihilated, otherwise the vitality of her body will not continue to be preserved."

The three sage adults are talking, but Zhuo Bufan’s face is hard to read. This woman who is affectionate and righteous to him, although the two have no ambiguous relationship, Zhuo Bufan has already regarded her as one of his best friends. , What's more, it was because of his youth that he became what he is now, how could he not save him.

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