Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2840: Clear the remnants and return to the Celestial Star Territory

Chapter 2841 clearing the remnants and returning to the celestial star field

So fast!

What a fierce breath...

"Is the realm king realm so strong? No, no, he is the Shadow Killer." Gu'er panicked all of a sudden.

There are also reports from within the ancient demons. In recent months, there has been a celebrity cultivator on the Dragon Tribe. The strength is very strong. He has almost killed the demons of the ancient demons. People block and kill people. Demons block and kill demons. Skeletons have never encountered them. , But also got some information from other magic generals.

Almost half of the twelve ancient demons world emperors died in his hands.

This black-haired young man is Zhuo Bufan.

Qing Huan was seriously injured, Zhuo Bufan's heart had always had an unnamed rage trying to vent, and he could only come to the ancient demon ruins to hunt down the ancient demon generals and soldiers who had absconded. He made a fierce move and heard him in the ancient demon clan. Everyone was frightened by the name.

"Block, stop him." Skeleton roared, and immediately held two blood axes in the void with both palms. Each blood axe was the size of a house, and the axe blade was glowing with scarlet blood, surging with palpitating fluctuations.


As soon as the spear in Zhuo Bufan's hand came out, it was like a dragon coming out of the abyss, and the power of desolation was vented out. The moment the demon soldiers who dared to stop almost touched, their body turned into powder and disappeared. The soldiers couldn't stand it.

During this period of time, although he was chasing and killing the demons to vent his anger, at the same time, Zhuo Bufan was also pondering his marksmanship. The marksmanship was more suitable for close combat than the flying sword, and more suitable for exerting the explosive power of the Primordial Eucharist.

Those demon soldiers rushed over. Hundreds of demon soldiers were of the strength of the realm king. As a result, they encountered the waste gas pouring out of the spear, and they all drifted away in the wind like desert sculptures.

"So strong, so fast marksmanship, which inspires Zhou Tianyuan's strength, is it a martial art of the Universe?" Kuai was also surprised, his expression shocked.

"You gangsters, die to me!" Zhuo Bufan penetrated the demon soldier's defense almost instantly, came to the skeleton, held the gun with both hands and quickly handed it out, then lifted it upwards.

Kuai almost subconsciously crossed the two giant scarlet axes in front of him, trying to resist.

The tip of the gun tore through the void, and hit the axe blade fiercely, making a crisp sound of metal collision, and the look of the skeleton changed suddenly, so domineering power.

Moreover, Zhuo Bufan feels the martial arts of the universe, and all the power of the world around him is used by himself. In his eyes, the skeleton is surrounded by flaws, because he is not fighting the enemy from his own perspective, but from the perspective of this world. , You can see countless loopholes and flaws in your opponent.


A twist of the wrist drove the barrel of the gun to rotate, and a rotating force gushed from the tip of the gun, and the two blood blades were thrown up in the air and flew out.

"No—" Skull was horrified. Before he could finish his words, he was pierced between his brows by a spear and pierced behind his head. The violent aura invaded the body, and the skull became a paste, and even the soul and vitality were present. Under the erosion of waste gas, it was completely exhausted.

The realm emperor realm demon commander Skull and more than a hundred demon soldiers died within half a cup of tea, leaving only one spaceship.

Zhuo Bufan's spirit swept into the spaceship, only to see all the slaves and prisoners imprisoned by the demon generals, and there were no demon remnants, so he turned around and stepped into the void and moved away directly.

The maids of the scale snake tribe who were caught in the spaceship were all very frightened. They saw the outside scene through the outer light screen of the spaceship. A strong human race was holding an ordinary black and white spear, like a **** of war. Surrounded by the looting demon soldiers, only the tip of the spear was a little bit, and the gray air wave swept across, and the contaminated demon soldiers died.

Then, I saw the black-haired young man rushing to the front of the Skeleton Demon General, only to fight two or three moves, it was a shot that pierced the Skeleton's head.

too strong!

Skull was a master of the Realm Emperor Realm, and he couldn't even hold up the time for a while.

"We, we are free..."

"Free, leave here quickly, go back to the barbarian monster clan, go back."

"You can go home. My parents are anxious, and my brother is anxious too."

All the maids who were detained and tortured cried with joy and were very excited.

In five months of history, the remnants of the demons were finally wiped out, and the twelve emperor generals learned from the intelligence were also killed. As for some demons, it is estimated that they have fled out, but it is not to be feared.

Qinglong clan, in the clan hall.

The world masters of the Evergreen Feast of the Qinglong Clan and the Eight Vessels of the Qinglong are all here.

"The Skeleton Demon General is also dead. The twelve Realm Emperor-level Demon Generals we obtained in our intelligence are all dead. As for the demon soldiers who escaped, we are still sending people to chase them down, but the overall situation has been determined. I can't afford to have any storms anymore." Qingyan Jie said.

"Well, it's just Qing Huan... She is the pride of our Qinglong clan." Qing Yan said, and several other world masters also sighed softly.

Qing Huan slept in a secret room behind the clan hall and specially sent someone to protect it. Her bloodline protected the vitality of the body from being extinguished. As long as Zhuo Bufan could get the stone of reincarnation, Qing Huan could wake up again.

In the secret room, there is also a middle-aged couple, it is Qing Huan's parents, who rushed to the Qinglong clan a few months in advance.

Originally, Qing Huan’s mother was her father who was a combination of human and dragon, and was rejected by the dragon, but now this is obviously not a big problem.

"Don't worry, Qing Huan can awaken the ancient blood of the Dragon Clan, and she will definitely be able to hold on." The middle-aged man put his arms around his wife's shoulders and spoke softly and comforted.

"Well, Qing Huan has fulfilled my wish. She is a role model for the Qinglong clan. She will surely be able to overcome this difficulty." The middle-aged woman also had tears in her eyes and nodded vigorously.

Zhuo Bufan stood aside and looked at Qing Wei in a quiet sleep. For a hundred years, her blood can last for a hundred years. As long as she brings back the stone of reincarnation within the hundred years, she will wake up. Come here, all hope lies in me.

"I will definitely find the reincarnation stone, bring it back, and let Qing Huan wake up." Zhuo Bufan looked at the middle-aged couple, nodded, and walked into the space tunnel without hesitation, disappeared in the same place, and has been in grief. way of solving the problem.

Saying goodbye to sister Yan Jing and Yan Yu, farewell to King Qifeng, King Bai Yao, Ji Caicai, and farewell to Patriarch Qingyan, Zhuo Bufan decided to leave the dragon clan.

Only by finding the stone of reincarnation can Qinghuan be saved, and staying in the Qinglong clan now does not help.

"Young Master Zhuo, you can come back and have a look when you have time."

"Little bastard, don't forget us."

Yan Jing and Yan Yu all had red eyes. They had all experienced difficulties together, and they were all best friends, friends who fought side by side.

To bid farewell to everyone, Zhuo Bufan directly summoned the Bleeding Python spacecraft and entered the spacecraft. The spacecraft also turned into a blood rainbow to cut through the sky and set off toward the depths of the universe. Before going to the Star Alliance, Zhuo Bufan planned to return to the Celestial Star Territory. After more than ten years of experience in the dragon clan, the affairs of the family are managed by Long Geyue and Shijian. A trip back will also give parents peace of mind.

The spacecraft left the Dragon Star Territory and continued to start a long journey. Although the teleportation is fast, but the distance is short, each time it consumes a lot of energy, the more you are at this moment, the more you have to calm yourself down and plan your future path of practice. , So Zhuo Bufan didn't choose to teleport, but instead drove the spaceship slowly back to the Celestial Star Territory, and could practice on the road to stabilize his heart.

The Dragon Chapter, End.

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