Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2847: A letter from leaves

Chapter 2848 the heart is chaotic, the leaf's letter

"You don't know much now, you will understand when you go to the Starry Sky Academy." Tianqi Realm said, "I have reported your matter to the Star Alliance. You should also be able to enter the Starry Sky Academy. Arrange the inside of the mansion. It’s about time to go to the Star Alliance."

"Xingkong Taoyuan?"

Zhuo Bufan was suspicious.

But the realm master of Tianzhu didn't explain much to him. After a few words of greeting, the realm master of Tianzhu disappeared in place and teleported away.

In the following days, Zhuo Bufan did not rush to the Star Alliance. The life of the practitioner is very long. It is no problem for him to live for hundreds of thousands of years in his current realm, and the strength of Samurai Sword and Dragon Geyue can also live for ten. For more than ten thousand years, as for the parents' cultivation talents, they are very ordinary. They are still at the Star Sea level, but their life span is long enough. With the various treasures brought back by Zhuo Bufan, they can smash them into the realm of the realm abruptly.

Accompanying her parents every day, and accompanying Long Geyue to help her make some official decisions. In her free time, she takes the sword to some places where brutal beasts are active, and drills against brutal beasts, making it easier to discover all the flaws and problems in the battle.

In the evening, the sunset clouds are like dreams and illusions, shrouded in a mountain peak.

Standing on the top of the mountain, Zhuo Bufan looked into the distance. Suddenly, he grasped the void in his hand, and a spear condensed with vitality appeared in his hand.


The spear was in his hand, occasionally roaring like an angry dragon, fierce and ferocious, occasionally like a poisonous snake, it was strange and unpredictable. The barrel of the gun was turned and turned with strong winds, blowing the leaves of the old trees growing on the top of the mountain.

"Qiankun, is there a universe in my chest? But why I can't feel it at all now."

"Don't have the same feeling when fighting against Daojun?"

Zhuo Bufan’s spear swept out, and the wind swept through countless fallen leaves to form a round ball, which was picked up by the tip of the gun. The circle of leaves rolled on the tip of the spear like a shadow. Bom—the ball formed by the leaves burst, and countless leaves exploded in the air, falling leaves. Colorful.

"I don't have the same feeling at the time anymore, hey." Zhuo Bufan raised his head, looked at the falling leaves, sighed softly, and the Yuanli spear in his hand also collapsed into gas.

At that time, fighting against the Daoist was because Qing Huan made him angry, and in that angry emotion, in order to break the shackles of the Daoist, he realized the vastness of the universe and inspired Zhou Tian's Yuanli to integrate with them.

But now, he couldn't feel the vastness of the heaven and the earth, and being able to arouse a little bit of the heaven and earth's vitality was just because he should have a first glimpse of the ‘Mystery of Universe’.

"The Tianqi realm master also said that I will definitely be able to step into the realm of the realm. If this mystery stagnates, how can I enter the realm of the realm?" Zhuo Bufan's mouth was bitter.


Shaking his head, Zhuo Bufan's palm suction surged, sucking a jug on the rock into his hand and drinking.

Sitting on the top of the mountain, looking at the rolling clouds and mists, they were playing and moving. These clouds and mists were immersed in the sunset, and the scenery was extremely beautiful, and the mood of the people also calmed down.

"The stone of reincarnation, the stone of reincarnation can save Qingyu."

"If it weren't for sending the Ancestral Dragon essence and blood to me, she wouldn't have to risk transporting it by soul, and as a result, she would be beaten to death by Daojun."

"Yes, when the suffering does not fall on oneself, anyone can stand by and say a few words of comfort, but those words are so pale and powerless to those suffering."

Pick up the flask and drink, take a sip, and continue to drink.

"Oh." Suddenly, Zhuo Bufan felt inwardly.

The palm of the hand was turned, and a white and flawless jade pendant emerged. In the jade pendant, a red thread could be clearly seen.

"Ye Zi's message, she left the dragon clan to go back to retreat last time, it has been many years, and finally sent me a message." Zhuo Bufan's face showed joy.

"Xiao Fan, I have already left the customs and successfully broke through the realm of the emperor. I heard that the Dragon Lord Zulong died in order to suppress the ancient demons. I also know a lot about you. Now you should have returned to the Star Alliance, everything. How are you doing?"

"Girl Qing Huan was seriously injured by Daojun. You should be very sad. After all, she is your good friend, but you have to cheer yourself up. Seventy years later, the Barbarian Monster Race's universe channel will open. I heard that it was born in that kind of A stone of reincarnation will be born in the'small universe', and it should be able to save the young girl."

"At home, can your parents be well? How is Sister Dragon? Shi Jian should be about to break through the realm of Boundary Hou, right?-Ye Zi."

A series of news emerged from Yu Pei.

Zhuo Bufan’s eye sockets are a little hot. Ye Zi is the inherited saint of the Demon Temple. It should be easy for her to know what happened to the Dragon Tribe. He and Qing Huan have a close relationship, but it is pure friendship, Ye Ye has no complaints. What to live by yourself.

"Everything in the house is well, and the barbarian monster clan's cosmic channel is open, should you go too?"

"Well, I will go, but I just need the master to help me stabilize the realm. Moreover, the ancient demons have appeared, and the envoys of the demons and the Star Alliance have been coming and going frequently recently. The war in the star field has also stopped. I think the demons The relationship with Star Alliance will soon ease. This is good news for us."

Zhuo Bufan replied to her, and Ye Zi immediately replied.

Zhuo Bufan is the master of the Star Alliance Star Territory, and Ye Ziqin is now the saint of the Demon Temple. The strongest forces of the two human races have been hostile for hundreds of thousands of years. Although they are hostile, they are all human races after all. It is the'master' of Taiyi Universe.

Like the ancient demons and the so-called dark supreme are invaders from outside, under this pressure, the Star Alliance and the ancient demons have also stopped their endless wars.

If the two powers really get back together, he and Ye Zi can be together quickly.

"Cultivation is important, and you must also take care of yourself. I will close the communication first, otherwise I will be discovered by the master." After Ye Zi responded with a message, he closed the jade card communication between the two.

Zhuo Bufan held the jade card in his hand, and a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

There are still many people’s expectations on him. Whether his parents or Longge Yueyue Ye Ziqin, he needs his own strong strength to protect these close people. If the so-called dark supreme descends on the Taiyi universe, absolutely It will trigger a disaster that will harm the universe. At that time, who will protect their loved ones?

One month after the official appointment, the Tianqi Realm Master also sent someone to send a domain master order, and at this time, Zhuo Bufan also decided to set off for the Star Alliance.

After arranging the things at home, Zhuo Bufan set off.

The Celestial Star Territory is far away from the Star Alliance. Back then, it took the Celestial Star Territory to take the Blood Python to make a space jump for three years. But now the Zhuo Bufan realm is not necessarily, and the status and status also change accordingly. You can directly use the Star Alliance. The'Chrono-Space Array Method' requires only two instant teleports to reach the Star Alliance territory, but the consumable stone consumed at one time is enough to be worth half of the value of the'life and death magic weapon'. Of course, this kind of consumption is for Zhuo Bufan now. His net worth is nothing.

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