Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2849: Cosmos Classification Dao Yuan Secret Realm

Chapter 2850 Secret Realm Of Universe Classification Dao Yuan

In the area where the owner lives.

Inside a mansion.

The lion-weary realm master and the Hongshan realm master are chatting in the hall of the mansion.

"Mastering the ‘Mystery of the Universe’, Zhuo Bufan can touch a trace of the ‘Mystery of the Universe’ at the peak of the Realm King Realm?" The lion-weary realm master was also surprised when he heard this news.

"This is what the Lord of Tianqi told me that this time Zhuo Bufan returns to the Star Alliance, he will definitely enter the Starry Sky Daoyuan to practice. Those who can enter there are the top geniuses of our Star Alliance, and at least the practitioners of the realm of the realm king. All of them are seedlings of becoming a realm master.” The realm master Hongshan also sighed.

Back then, Zhuo Bufan had already gained fame when he killed the Golden Heaven Realm Emperor in the Star Alliance, and he became the Realm King in just a few hundred years. He was also eligible to enter the Starry Sky Daoyuan to practice. It only took some time to touch the Realm Lord. level.

"Yeah." The lion-weary realm master nodded dullly. He used to be a bit grudge with Zhuo Bufan, but now Zhuo Bufan has also become a'world master seedling'. He will stand at the same height with him in the future, only thinking that good luck is tricking others. , And besides being able to enter the Starry Sky Dao Academy for cultivation, after becoming a world master, he is also a very strong world master, even stronger than him.

Just as the two were talking, a housekeeper walked in.

"Master, Master Hongshan." The butler walked in and said respectfully.

"Huh? What's the matter?" the lion-weary world master looked at him and asked.

"The Shadow Killer Realm King is back. Today, the Sword Mad Realm King, the Overbearing Realm King, and the Twelve and Thirteen Realm Kings all went to the Yuwang Mansion to congratulate him." The steward said.

"This kind of trivial matter also come to report?" The lion-weary world master frowned.

It was normal for Zhuo Bufan to come back and have a drink with his friends.

"Lingtong Jiehou has also gone. They used to live in Jiejiang District. They are neighbors and friends, and the relationship is pretty good." The butler said again.

"Ling Tong?" The lion-wearing realm master frowned, "This girl is so talented in cultivation, but the family is not good. Who knows that Lian Yu is fascinated by her. Lian Yu is the junior I value most in our Lian family. He has hope. Become the master of the world."

"Don't worry about the feelings between the lion-weary world lord and the juniors. Moreover, Ling Tong is familiar with and friends with the shadow-killing world king. In the future, the shadow-slaying world king may become a world leader even higher than you and me. I am sick of your family. Saying this is good, and if the Shadow Killing Realm King goes to the Xingkong Daoyuan to practice, he can control all the powers in the future, then it will be more certain to enter the Xingkong Daoyuan." Hongshan Realm Master said casually.

"En, Brother Hong Shan also makes sense." The lion-wearing world master nodded and followed the steward and said: "Go, lift the ban on Yu-Yu, and tell him that he wants to fall in love with Ling Tong. It's okay to practice hard. can."

"Well, I will immediately notify Master Miyu." The butler heard the words and even withdrew from the hall.

"What? The ancestor lifted my ban and allowed me to be with Ling Tong?" After receiving the news, Jiyu Jiehou excitedly communicated with Ling Tong immediately.

Ling Tong returned to the mansion and was about to sit cross-legged to practice. He suddenly received a message from the Jieyu Jiehou, crying with joy, and was very happy.

The next day.

The most majestic palace in the Star Alliance, a radius of thousands of miles is filled with golden light, any practitioner below the realm of the realm is prohibited from entering this area. This is the main hall of the Star Alliance, the palace of the lord Jiang Chen.

"Leader Jiang Chen." Zhuo Bufan stood in this magnificent palace, arching his hands.

Ahead, standing in front of a middle-aged man dressed in white, with a refined temperament, he is the most recognized strongest "Jiang Cheng" in the entire Star Alliance.

However, this is just a clone of Jiang Chen's leader.

"Second brother, you are finally here. It seems that Miss Qing Huan's affairs didn't make you into a trough." Jiang Chen smiled.

"I went back to the Celestial Star Territory to accompany my parents and wife. I just rushed back to the Star Alliance yesterday." Zhuo Bufan replied.

"Okay, let's not chat here either. I will take you to the Daoyuan Secret Realm first." Jiang Chen said. With a wave of his palm, a circular black hole appeared in the void, as if it were leading to another world. Kind of mysterious attraction.

Jiang Chen flew directly into the black hole, and Zhuo Bufan immediately followed.

The two entered the black hole, and after a while, they appeared on a mountain peak filled with white mist, like a fairyland.

Zhuo Bufan raised his head and saw that all kinds of ambilight flashes above the sky are dizzying, and the undulations and entanglements formed by some laws can be faintly seen, sometimes appearing and sometimes hidden, exuding terrifying world pressure.

"My Primordial Eucharist is already very strong. Even if it fully activates the power of the physical body but rushes into the sky, it will be crushed and annihilated by these invisible rules." Zhuo Bufan was shocked.

Jiang Chen stood aside, just looking at Zhuo Bufan with a smile, "Second Brother, this is not an ordinary secret, but a ‘small universe’."

Zhuo Bufan had some doubts.

The so-called secret realm is the place where the heaven and the earth naturally form, isolated from the outside world, or some powerful cutting space, the deployment of the array method makes it impossible to perceive that area, and it is impossible to enter the secret realm unless a passage is found.

No matter what kind of mystery, it is actually part of the Taiyi universe, and the flow of space and time are connected to each other.

"Small universe, not Taiyi universe?" Zhuo Bufan opened his mouth slightly.

"Well, this is no longer the Taiyi Universe, and a separate universe world has nothing to do with Taiyi Universe." Jiang Chen nodded, "but this small universe is very small, only the size of a white bear star."

The White Bear is a star in the ‘Apocalypse Constellation’, about three hundred times the size of the sun.

"But the space and time here are completely different from the Taiyi Universe. They are two separate individuals. For example, there are many countries on one planet, but they all live on the same land and sky, but the other planet is different from the original one. The planet is completely different."

"The Barbarian Monster Race has discovered a new universe channel, and it's talking about another brand new unstable universe."

"Recently, our Star Alliance and the Demon Race have stopped the war, and I have also sent people to contact the master of the Barbarian Demon Race in order to win everyone to explore the new universe together."

Jiang Chen explained that Zhuo Bufan's understanding ability was also very high, and he understood the key in an instant.

"The Dark Supremes that Dao Jun colluded with are the powerhouses of another universe?" Zhuo Bufan said.

"Well, yes, those strong men who were driven out of the Taiyi universe by the master and the ice emperor in the ancient times are from another universe." Jiang Chen nodded and said with a solemn expression: "Those Dark Supremes once again grasped the devil. Entering the Taiyi Universe shows that the formations laid down by the master can no longer restrain them."

"Why are they attacking Taiyi Universe?" Zhuo Bufan asked.

"The universe also has a lifespan, but the lifespan is close to infinity, but the stability of different universes is different." Jiang Chen said, "These are the conclusions drawn by the master's research, like our Taiyi universe has three known age The imperial realm powerhouse in the Origin Era is as ordinary as the current Jiehou, and there are very few imperial realm powerhouses in the Nether Age. The only emperor realm powerhouses that appear in the Holy Age are the Emperor Shang and the Ice Emperor.

"The Taiyi Universe is an extremely stable and perfect universe. The principles and rules of the universe are the most perfect and stable here. Stability means longer life. Like some newly born universe eggs, they may collapse in one year. , Maybe tens of thousands of years will produce a big bang again and be completely annihilated, and the environment there is extremely harsh, and some cosmic beasts or cosmic cracks that have spawned, even the strongest practitioners are easy to die."

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