Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2853: Incomplete Olympiad

Chapter 2854 the incomplete mystery falls to the altar

"Zhuo Bufan, you come first."

Suddenly, the gaze of Saint Xia Ling passed through layers of practitioners and fell directly on Zhuo Bufan.

Being directly named by the Xia Ling saint is a matter of great face. It is important to know that there are hundreds of thousands of practitioners in the entire Star Sky Taoist Academy. Not many of them can be named by the three deans. All of them are the original Star Territory. The geniuses in the family are extremely proud of themselves, but when they arrive here, the geniuses are everywhere, and they all have reduced the arrogance in their hearts.

Zhuo Bufan noticed countless ardent or adoring eyes converging on him, his lips could not help but a touch of bitterness, and he stood up.

"Brother Zhuo, come on." Pan Zhi squeezed his fist, his eyes flickered, and whispered.

Zhuo Bufan flew directly in front of Saint Xia Ling, and gave a salute to the younger generation.

"It's been ten years since you entered the Xingkong Taoist Academy?" Saint Xia Ling asked with soft eyes.

"The disciple has indeed entered the Taoist Academy for ten years." Zhuo Bufan replied respectfully.

"Every ten years, you will test the mastery of the mystery. What you have mastered is the mystery of the'Top Cosmos Dao'. If you fully grasp it, you can step into the Cosmos Dao. You need to know that the entire Star Alliance has tens of thousands of geniuses who can master the'Top Mystery.' There are only a hundred people, and there are only a handful of people who can cultivate the complete triple mystery and step into the door of the avenue smoothly." Saint Xia Ling said.

Zhuo Bufan nodded, he understood that the three saints of the Star Alliance had high hopes for him.

The peak of the realm king within a thousand years may even become a practitioner of the realm king within a thousand years!

And mastered the mystery of the "Top Avenue"-the mystery of universe.

These things are like layers of dazzling light draped on Zhuo Bufan. Even some realm masters in the Daoyuan will be very polite when they see him, because they have long regarded Zhuo Bufan as a strong at the same level as them. It only takes time, he can become the strongest realm master.

"Brother Zhuo, come on..." Zhu Yu squeezed his fist and shouted excitedly.

All the practitioners in the realm of the realm and kings looked at him, with a trace of worship in their eyes. In the world of practitioners, the strong should be respected and worshipped, of course, some of them are jealous. It's a pity that Zhuo Bufan's reputation in Xingkong Taoyuan is too loud, and these people are suppressed and dare not talk nonsense.

"What's so great, the mystery of the universe is the mystery of the top avenue, can it be so easy to master?" Bai Changfeng said disdainfully, regardless of the strange gazes of the people around him.

"Crow's mouth, what you understand is the second-tier avenue's'strange light and mystery'. Now it has been ten years. Have you mastered the complete mystery?" Pan Zhi glared at the latter, making Bai Changfeng an instant. Shut your mouth.

"It's flat." Hong Fei followed with a smile.

Aside from these episodes, when Pan Zhi's gaze fell on the square, Saint Xia Ling had already taken out a crystal ball that released countless sunlight.

The crystal ball is transparent, and countless beautiful rays of sunshine overflow from the sphere, like countless flying butterflies.

"Yu Tianji is a magic weapon made by me and the blood palace saints and the nine song saints according to the rules of the'Dao Yuan Secret Realm'. It can also be said to be a reduced model of the'rule universe'. Although it is not powerful, it can test the mastery of the mystery." On the jade palm of the saint Xia Ling, the crystal ball slowly turned.


A reduced model of the regular universe?

Zhuo Bufan opened his mouth to simulate the operation of the laws of a universe. Even if this magic weapon has no power, it is beyond his imagination to be able to do so.


Suddenly, I saw the crystal swell, and then the surface stretched and contracted to form a crystal grid. In a blink of an eye, it became a large crystal with a diameter of hundreds of meters, suspended in the sky, and the glowing light emitted quickly covered the entire island like a tide. .

All the practitioners on the square stared at the enlarged crystal, and in it, they could also see the illusion of rules produced by the circulation of the same laws as the sky.

"Yu Tianji magnified and turned into '186,733 yuan', representing all the mysteries produced by the Three Thousand Avenue. If you can successfully take out one of the squares, it means you have mastered the complete mystery. Reached the first stage of mystery." Saint Xia Ling said.

"Zhuo Bufan, do your best." Zhuo Bufan clasped his fists and rushed to the crystal body with a swish. The surface of the crystal ball raised a square for a while, and then shrank back again.

Zhuo Bufan stretched out a palm and aimed it at the crystal ball.

He tried to comprehend the mystery of the universe, the vastness of the universe, and for an instant Zhuo Bufan seemed to be integrated with the surrounding world, able to observe everything and the world from the ‘world’s perspective’.

Immediately, the palm of the hand surged.

Cuckoo... a three-dimensional square with radiant glow in the crystal ball bulged out, as if to rush out of the crystal ball and fly into Zhuo Bufan's hands.

"It's still a little bit, only a little bit to come out..." Zhuo Bufan gritted his teeth, his sword eyebrows furrowed.


Suddenly, the crystal square burst open suddenly, like flowing water returning to the crystal ball again.

"Still, I failed." Zhuo Bufan sighed softly and retracted his palm. Although he expected it, he still felt a little uncomfortable seeing this result.

"The Qiankun Avenue is the top avenue. It is very difficult to master its complete mystery. You don't need to feel frustrated, just keep working hard." Saint Xia Ling said with a cold expression without any emotional fluctuations.

"Failed, Brother Zhuo actually failed?" Zhu Yu was stunned.

"Brother Zhuo." Pan Zhi frowned.

"Bai Changfei, your crow's mouth is very effective." Hong Fei looked at Bai Changfei.

Bai Changfei didn't speak, but a hint of joy flashed deep in his eyes.

The disappointed disappointment, the secret mockery, Zhuo Bufan just sighed and then arched his hand to the Saint Xia Ling, and then flew towards the mountain peak of his mansion.

"Brother Zhuo." When Pan Zhi saw this, he even transmitted the sound to him.

"I will go back to rest and rest, this bit of shock can still be endured." Zhuo Bufan replied.

"The others continue, I'll start calling...Qin Le." Saint Xia Ling continued.

The entire test lasted for a whole day before it ended. In the last ten years, there were a total of 300 geniuses who entered the Starry Sky Academy. Only two of them have mastered the complete mystery. , It’s just that Zhuo Bufan has too many auras, so if he fails, it will make countless people regret it.

"Brother Zhuo, Senior Brother Zhuo." A graceful figure walked into Zhuo Bufan's mansion and shouted directly.

Zhuo Bufan woke up from the meditation, and when he came out, it turned out that it was Pan Zhi calling him.

"Brother Zhuo, I made an appointment with some friends of our mountain for a drink in the evening, and I came to call you specially." Pan Zhi smiled and said, "The test is over, the three hundred newcomers of ours, only a few lucky ones have mastered the complete mystery. Sage Xia Ling said that it usually takes at least 20 years to master the complete mystery when entering the Starry Sky Taoyuan to watch the law of the sky. It will take longer for such a powerful mystery as you."

"Sister Pan Zhi, you don't need to comfort me. I can bear this small setback." Zhuo Bufan smiled indifferently.

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