Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2858: Unexpectedly, another avenue

Chapter 2859 another avenue unexpectedly

"Yes, my'Mystery of Ice Rain' is only a third-rank mystery, and it's easier to master it, and you can feel it by comprehending the laws of heaven and earth." Ning Nihan continued.

The lower the rank of the mystery, the easier it is to comprehend. This is only a relative point of view. It is necessary to know that many practitioners of the realm king state have no mystery, but compared to the first-rank mystery and the top mystery, it is easier to understand.

"Yes." Zhuo Bufan nodded with feelings.

He felt the'Mystery of the Universe' since the battle with the Dao Sovereign, he has only mastered the'a trace of the Mystery of the Universe', and now he has been in the Taoist Academy for thirty years to comprehend the changes in the laws of the Vault of Heaven. Mystery didn't make any progress.

On the contrary, observing the "Birth of Silkworm Moth" in the past two months gave him a sense of life. He unexpectedly mastered the "Mystery of Life", and it was a complete mastery. The top mystery is really harder to comprehend than the second grade mystery.

"What about the third-rank mystery? The universe is one in the final analysis, and all mysteries end up in the same way. I heard Master said that there was a genius in the Starry Sky Daoyuan, who first mastered the third-rank mystery, and then changed to the top level. Mystery, this is all true." Zhang Su said, "Mystery, the deeper the understanding, the easier it is to evolve."

"Bai Changfei first grasped the'strange light mystery', but finally realized the'light mystery', one is the second-rank mystery and the other is the first-rank mystery." Zhu Yu also interrupted. Nowadays, Bai Changfei is the most popular in the Dao Yuan Secret Realm. .

The second and first products sounded a level different, but it was too difficult and too difficult to cross.

A realm master who masters the first-rank mystery can easily defeat a hundred realm masters who master the second-rank mystery, provided that the mystery cultivation is the same.

"Well, keep working hard, maybe we can also feel the mystery of the first grade." Lei Yuan was full of confidence.

"The road to practice, ask the heart." Zhuo Bufan said with emotion.

This sentence was the first time he listened to a lecture by Saint Xia Ling 30 years ago. He always kept it in his heart. He never understood what it means to ask the original heart, but two months of watching silkworms made him understand that everything Do not need to deliberately pursue, follow the original heart to feel is to ask the original heart.

He didn't deliberately want to learn from ‘Watching Silkworm’, but he witnessed the mystery of life, and even felt that he realized the weakness and magnificence of life, thus successfully mastering the complete mystery of life.


Mirror Lake.

The straight line of the lake is about tens of thousands of miles, like a bright mirror inlaid on the earth, reflecting the stars in the sky.

Ripples rippling, stirring a lake and galaxy.

The figures walked side by side on the galaxy, looking at the spreading fantasy scenery, making people feel relaxed and happy.

"Sister Pan Zhi, you are finally willing to agree to my request to come out on a date with me." Bai Changfei was in a good mood, and looked at the woman walking beside him with a bright smile.

"Brother Bai, if you want to form a Daoist companion with me, unless you master the triple mystery, you have to work hard. Your light mystery is a first-grade mystery. If you succeed, you will also be among the top realm masters when you step into the realm of the realm in the future." Pan Zhi pursed her thin lips, and the cold light reflected from the lake surface reflected her face, a bit shy.

"The triple mystery? Isn't it just stepping into the avenue? It's too difficult...Even if I can succeed, I don't know how many years to wait." Bai Changfei frowned.

"Well, let's step into the double mystery." Pan Zhi lowered his request, the triple mystery is indeed a bit difficult.

"Well, as long as I step into the double mystery, Sister Pan Zhi will be willing to be my Taoist companion." Bai Changfei was excited, "Senior Dong Fang is also a genius of the Starry Sky Taoist Academy. He once spent thousands of years (100 years of Taiyi Universe) mastering it. With the triple level of mystery, I don’t dare to compare Bai Changfei with those amazing and talented predecessors, but I’m sure to master the double mystery within a thousand years."

Bai Changfei naturally understood why Pan Zhi asked herself out today because Zhuo Bufan——

Although Zhuo Bufan had mastered the complete mystery, it was only a second-rank life mystery. The original top-level universe still could not be mastered, or he had given up mastering the top-level mystery and turned to practice the second-rank life mystery.

"The mystery of the universe is the top mystery, not everyone can comprehend it. Zhuo Bufan has self-knowledge. Knowing that he can't comprehend the top mystery, he turned to practice the mystery of life. Although it is only the second-rank mystery, it is better than never. It is good to master a mystery." Bai Changfei sneered.

Pan Zhi's eyes drooped slightly, looking at the glorious galaxy under her feet, her eyes flashed with a complex color. She still had expectations before, hoping that Zhuo Bufan could master the mystery of the universe, but he did not expect Zhuo Bufan to master the'complete mystery' , But it was actually only the Second Stage'Mystery of Life', which was weaker than Bai Changfei's'Mystery of Light'.

Bai Changfei's mystery evolved from the second-rank mystery to the first-rank mystery, and Zhuo Bufan fell from the top mystery to the second-rank mystery.

"Even the first-class mystery is good." Pan Zhi muttered in his heart, "at least Senior Brother Zhuo has a special charm, which is stronger than Bai Changfei, but unfortunately he only realized the second-class mystery."


Xingkong Taoyuan.

Inside the temple.

The three sage clones are all here.

"Xia Ling, take a look at Jiuqu, both of you." said the saint of the blood palace, his palm gently stroked the void.

The void presented a water wave-like picture, in which Zhuo Bufan extracted a crystal grid from Yutianji. The crystal grid turned into water flowing around his arm, and then turned into streamer and flew back into the Yutianji again.

"What Zhuo Bufan grasps seems to be the mystery of life, and it is also a kind of second-rank mystery." The blood palace saint said in doubt, "but the crystal grid is the rule and mystery of our structure. He can actually manipulate the crystal grid to transform form, at least Only after reaching the Triple Mystery Realm can it be done!"

With three thousand cosmic avenues, there are countless mysteries derived, and there are many mysteries that even the three of them don't know.

"Do you still remember that there was a famous disciple in our courtyard called Huang Chengtian, who mastered the same mystery of life, but he couldn't control Zhuo Bufan as freely." Jiuqusheng nodded and frowned.

"This should not be the mystery of life!" Saint Xia Ling said suddenly.

Both the sage of the nine songs and the sage of the blood palace looked at her.

"If I guess right, this should be the rumored'Secret of Creation', which is the extreme opposite of the'Mystery of Destruction'." Xia Ling said.

Hear the words.

The eyes of the Jiuqu Sage and the Blood Palace Sage showed a trace of amazement.

The mystery of creation is a mystery derived from the "Road of Creation". They have only studied it, but no one in the Starry Sky Daoyuan has mastered this mystery. It is also a top-level mystery!

"You mean Zhuo Bufan has realized the ‘Mystery of Universe’, and now he has realized the ‘Mystery of Creation’? These are the two top mysteries, and they will be able to step into the top avenue in the future." The Blood Palace Saint said in surprise.

"Interesting, this kid is really interesting. He hasn't fully grasped the mystery of the universe yet, and now he has actually realized another top-level mystery." Jiuqu Sage laughed.

"Don't worry, wait for him to come to the temple tomorrow, we will take a closer look, and then we can be sure." Xia Ling Saint said.

The three nodded slightly.

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