Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2868: The past is like smoke

Chapter 2869 Hong Chen's past is like smoke

"How come?" Ren Xingzhe's pupils contracted suddenly.

Chen Yi was also working as a mantra arm, but she didn't expect that the steel thorns that came over suddenly would solidify and suddenly turn into fly ash.

Could it be--

Everyone’s eyes fell on Zhuo Bufan again. Zhang Daoyuan and Li Zhiyuan were also very strange. They once again explored Zhuo Bufan with their mental powers. They only felt that the other party’s body was empty, without a trace of vitality, and could not be a powerful warrior unless the other party. It is the powerhouses of the Martial Saint Realm who can hide their strength from them.

But in the entire Dragon Kingdom Martial Saint Realm, there are very few experts. They are all masters of the Martial King level, and they have never heard of such a young martial sage.

"Meet a master!"

"Big brother, second brother, what should I do?"

Ren Xingzhe, Lun Tan, and Huang Cheng, the three masters of the Martial King realm, were all startled, and their expressions changed.

It can understate and defuse the attack of any walker, besides, the steel thorn is a hidden weapon made of A-grade alloy, even the rhinoceros beast leather armor, which is known as the strongest defense in the beast world, can penetrate, and it actually shatters and annihilates like soot.

"It's not easy for you to practice. There is nothing wrong with martial arts itself. It is the people who practice martial arts that is wrong. You should fight monsters and protect the safety of billions of ordinary people, not for evil." Zhuo Bufan As he said, with a light wave, three translucent breaths shot into the three of them, "I will not kill you, but I will abolish your martial arts for punishment."

The three of them stepped back again and again, and a dazzling blood spilled from the corners of their mouths.

The three of them turned pale, secretly trying to urge the dantian's vitality, but found that the dantian was empty, and there was no source of vitality.

Waving their hands at will will make them lose their cultivation base, I am afraid that even the powerhouses of the Martial Saint Realm can't do it.

"Thank you for your mercy!"

"Thank you for your mercy!"

"Thank you sir for not killing."

After insulting the strong, the other party did not kill them. The three of them turned and led a group of subordinates to flee back quickly. Soon, the figure of a group of people disappeared in the depths of the forest.

Zhang Daoyuan and Li Zhiyuan looked at each other in shock, and then respectfully bowed their hands to Zhuo Bufan.

"Thank you, senior, for helping me."

"The villain has been offensive all the way, please forgive me, seniors."

The two of them are naturally not stupid. Zhuo Bufan’s strength is not an ordinary person at all, and even surpasses the existence of the Martial Saint Realm. Don’t look at Zhuo Bufan’s youthful appearance, because the higher the cultivation level, the higher the cultivation level, the better the ability to maintain the appearance will not be. Too much change.

"Senior?" Chen Yi was still stunned. She always thought Zhuo Bufan was as old as herself, and Zhuo Bufan looked at her twice. He thought Zhuo Bufan coveted her beauty. Now when he thinks about it, with Zhuo Bufan's strength It is estimated that it is an old monster who has lived for hundreds of years, and it is impossible for him to have any thoughts.

"Senior." Chen Yi regained consciousness, and even bowed his hands respectfully.

Zhuo Bufan shook his head, "The state of mind has arrived, there is no need to keep hiding." He immediately looked at Chen Yi and said, "I and your ancestors are also old acquaintances. I will help her understand the Feng family. You will bring this medicine back. Give it to her, it should be able to cure her disease completely."

After that, Zhuo Bufan flipped his palm, and a red pill appeared, permeating the fragrance of medicine.

Chen Yi took the pill with both hands. Although he was not very proficient in pill, he looked like an extraordinary thing.

"Thank you, senior, for your life-saving grace, and thank you even more for the gift of the medicine." Chen Yilian knelt down on both knees, and said: "Since Senior is the old ancestor's deceased, it is better for Senior to come back to Chen's house with us, if the ancestor sees you , She will be very happy."

"Seeing or not seeing it is the same, the past is like smoke." Zhuo Bufan sighed softly, shook his head, and his body disappeared directly in place.

Chen Yi blinked, and the person suddenly disappeared in front of him. Zhang Daoyuan and Li Zhiyuan were even more surprised, teleporting? I am afraid that even the strongest owner of the Kyushu Martial Arts Hall today can't do it.

"An old ancestor's deceased?" Chen Yi murmured, and solemnly collected the pill. "Go back, we will hurry home, and the old ancestor's illness will be cured with the pill given by the senior.


Chen family.

In the steel behemoth-like city, there is a square classical courtyard, and lush tree tips can be seen through the courtyard wall.

"Ancestor, the eldest lady is back!"

"The eldest lady is back with medicine..."

Chen Yi took Zhang Daoyuan and Li Zhiyuan into this rich mansion. For a while, the servants in the mansion became happy, and the old housekeeper ran to the hall.

The Chen family is now prosperous, and the younger generations are even more talented. Whether it is a warrior or a business prodigy, the Chen family is like a strong fortress, but the core of the fortress is the ancestor of the Chen family. If she dies, the Chen family will not decline. But all the enemies who have offended will surely swarm up to gnaw the Chen family industry.

Many of the core figures of the Chen family are in the ancestral hall.

The first woman in the ancestral hall sat in a plain skirt. From her appearance, she was only in her early forties. She was an extremely beautiful girl when she was young. Anyone who knows her knows that she is now hundreds of years old. , Has developed a calm state of mind.

"Ancestor, the eldest lady is back. They successfully killed the blood-stained leopard and brought back the demon pill." The old steward walked into the ancestral hall and shouted.

"I am in a hurry, there are no rules." Chen Qingai said calmly.

She lived for a long time. Because of her talent for cultivation, her husband only survived for two hundred years with the pill, and then drove Hexi. Later, she took charge of the Chen family alone. It was good for her to live so long, but she was afraid. I am leaving now, no one can carry the backbone of the Chen family.

The Chen family's ability to develop and grow has naturally offended many people. If she leaves, these people will definitely come back.

With a word from the ancestor, the ancestral hall was silent, and her majesty in the Chen family was beyond doubt.

"Ancestor, Yi'er is back." A clear voice sounded.

Chen Yi smiled brightly, carrying Zhang Daoyuan and Li Zhiyuan, two martial king-level powerhouses.

"Yi'er, are there any rules? This is how the Chen Family's ancestral hall is laughing and joking." A middle-aged man frowned and scolded.

This middle-aged man is Chen Yi's father and one of the most important core figures in the Chen family.

Chen Yilian narrowed his smile, walked to Chen Qingai, and respectfully bowed: "Yi'er, I have seen the ancestor. For the ancestor, we have successfully hunted the blood-stained leopard, but we still sacrificed a warrior. "

"The sacrificial warrior was buried well, and his family was taken back to the Chen family, treated like my Chen family." Chen Qingai said.

"Yi'er knew that the ancestor had a bodhisattva heart and ordered someone to do it, but this time we went to fight the blood-stained leopard and met someone from the Feng family. This time it turned out to be their trick to kill the blood-stained leopard." Chen Yi said suddenly. .

In the ancestral hall, every Chen family looked cold and their breathing was stagnant.

The Feng family is the Chen family's biggest opponent. Recently, a child of the Feng family, Feng Shifan, broke through the martial emperor realm, which put the Chen family under pressure.

"Three martial arts masters, Feng Jiaran made such a big handwriting? Then what happened?" Chen Qingai asked, if Feng Jiazhen sent three martial arts masters to sneak attack after they killed the blood-stained leopard, it would be impossible to be safe and sound. Back.

"Thanks to a senior's help, things have to start from when we met him..." Chen Yi gushed, telling in detail about the encounter of a tramp in ragged clothes, "I didn't expect that he was actually the same. He is a hidden senior, and he also said that he was old acquaintance with the ancestor, and he was an old ancestor of the ancestor, and he was rewarded with a pill that said it could cure the ancestor’s injuries.

After speaking, Chen Yi took out the Crimson Pill and gave it to Chen Qingai.

The fragrance of the elixir filled the ancestral hall instantly.

Many people had their eyes wide open. The pill was very precious in the Dragon Kingdom, and there were few pharmacists, and their status was very high.

Chen Qingai holds the pill in her hand. She has a very broad vision and knows some big people, but she can't see the grade of this pill. She just feels that it is higher than any pill. It is extraordinary. Things.

"I am old acquaintance with him? Is he an old friend of mine?" Chen Qingai muttered to himself, and immediately waved his hand: "You all go out, Yi'er, you stay."

"Yes, ancestor."

Although everyone was puzzled, they did not dare to violate her words and left the ancestral hall one after another.

"Yi'er, did he tell you what his name was?" Chen Qingai looked at Chen Yi and asked.

Chen Yi shook his head, "The predecessor was very strange, so he said something like'The past of the red dust, like smoke.' Patriarch, do you remember who he is?"

"I can't remember." Chen Qingai sighed softly and shook his head, "You can describe his appearance to me."

"His eyes are not very big, but they are very divine. They are as deep as the starry sky. His skin is as smooth as jade. Anyway, there is a very special charm in the whole person." Chen Yi frowned, trying to recall.


Chen Qingai's face changed slightly, and mist suddenly appeared in her calm eyes.

Chen Yi was stunned and terrified by this scene. The ancestor was a figure who said that the Chen family was unique. He was usually solemn and majestic. Even if she was her favorite great-great-granddaughter, she was usually very strict in handling her.

"Ancestor." Chen Yi said timidly.

"I'm fine, I just thought of someone, maybe it's him." Chen Qingai's eyes seemed to have passed through time and saw scenes from hundreds of years ago.

"Who is he?" Chen Yi couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Zhuo Bufan." Chen Qingai said.

Chen Yi couldn't help widening his eyes, and covered his mouth with two jade hands, "Is he the legend?"

Hundreds of years ago, the aura had just recovered, and the warriors were too weak, including Dragon Soul and Kyushu Martial Arts Hall. They were still weak. The Master of the Dragon attacked Blue Star, and Zhuo Bufan killed the Master of the Dragon, which made other planets frightened. He is the existence that all the warriors of Blue Star respect and look up to. He guards Blue Star with his own power, and even enters the vast universe to practice, becoming a legend in the martial arts world!

"Ancestor, you actually knew that legend? I actually talked to that legendary person." Chen Yi's mind was completely blank.

"Knowing, it's an old person." Chen Qingai said, "Just like what he said, everything is like smoke, and it's gone..."

Chen Yi rarely caught a faint smile on the face of the ancestor.

"So! Is he your first love?" Chen Yi heard an explosive news that made her exclaim even more.

"Unexpectedly, he would come back to see it again." Chen Qingai sighed if there was nothing, "There are many choices in a person's life, but it is a pity if there is no if."

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