Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2871: Years change exercise long gun

Chapter 2872 the time has changed to exercise the long spear

after a few days.

The fishing village became lively, because Mu Xing was recruited by the "Tianfu Academy" to train as a warrior, and he will become a warrior in the future. Whether it is to kill monsters to make money, or join some clan, mercenary group, or martial arts hall, he can make a lot of money.

this day.

Mu Xing came to the smithy again as usual, with a gourd wine in his hand.

In ten years, he has grown from a four or five-year-old boy to a teenager. With dark skin, strong body and determined eyes, he has grown much taller.

"Uncle Zhuo, I'm coming to see you." Mu Xing walked into the blacksmith's shop and shook the wine gourd in his hand with a smile.

He has liked to come to the blacksmith shop since he was a child. If he didn't want to be a warrior, he would want to strike iron here with Uncle Zhuo, because every time he watched Zhuo Bufan strike iron seriously, he felt it was a kind of visual enjoyment.

Compared to ten years ago, Mu Xing felt that Uncle Zhuo's face had been vicissitudes of life like his father's, but Uncle Zhuo's ironmaking skills were getting better and better.

"Uncle, take a break and let me have two addictions." Mu Xing rubbed his hands and said excitedly.

"Okay, let you come, I'll have a good rest." Zhuo Bufan handed the hammer to Mu Xing, and then sat beside him with the wine gourd, helping him to pull the bellows, and the flames in the furnace burned, and the simple blacksmith The spread is red.

Mu Xing rolled up his sleeves, showing strong arms and muscles, holding the iron tongs in his left hand to clamp the iron block, and holding the hammer in his right hand. The two hands cooperated very well, and then after another, the clanging sound continued. , The iron fire splashes, like clusters of fireworks.

"The speed is too fast... slow down, each other needs to cooperate and understand each other." Zhuo Bufan looked at it and commented.

Not long after, Shepherd was sweating profusely from exhaustion, and his face was flushed with a bright smile on his face.

"Uncle Zhuo, I'm going to the'Talent Academy' to report for training. I guess I won't be able to come back for many years. I can't see you hitting the iron anymore. You hit the iron again and show me." Mu Xing stopped and looked expectantly Zhuo Bufan.

"Okay, uncle will show you again." Zhuo Bufan stood up and worked iron for more than ten years. He was already a mature blacksmith.

"Ironing seems to be simple, but there are a lot of knowledge in it. First, you have to choose the material, and the material is suitable for the utensil you want to build." Zhuo Bufan said, and put an iron block into the raging furnace for calcination, "then calcine, calcine. To master the temperature and time of the fire, too long or too short is not good, and the temperature is too high or too low."

Quickly put the red iron block on the iron pier, fix the iron block with the iron tongs in the left hand, and then lift the hammer with the right hand. The two hands are tacitly back and forth, and the red iron block gradually changes under the hammer.着形。 The shape.

"Keep beating the iron block to change its shape, and you can also quench the impurities in it. When the temperature drops, it can be quenched and set." As he said, Zhuo Bufan clamped the iron block into the water, scoffed at the white smoke, and then continued to put it in. Stove calcination.

"Also pay attention to quenching. Too hard is easy to break, too soft to have no edge!"

"It's meticulously polished over and over again, and only when you are fully engaged in your body and mind can you polish what you want."

Mu Xing squatted beside the bellows just like he did when he was a child, attentively, staring at Zhuo Bufan's iron strikes without blinking. Everything is moving and flowing. Every time he strikes the hammer, it seems to be a combination of strength and beauty. There is also the rapid jingle sound. Excited like the neighing of a war horse, the blood boils, and sometimes like a rush of rain, it penetrates into the heart.

In the humble blacksmith's shop, sparks were flying everywhere.

Another winter.

Thick snow accumulated outside the blacksmith's shop, and Mu Xing left the fishing village and went to practice in the'Talent Academy'.

Jingle bell...

Zhuo Bufan continued to strike iron in the iron shop, but what he forged was a long spear. The material of the spear was the'Star Meteor Mine' exchanged by Zhuo Bufan with the'Daoyuan Points'. The material was tough and he beat it over and over again, according to himself. What I thought in my mind, every time I beat my body, my mind and body became one, and I was completely involved in it.

Ten years later.

At the age of 24, Mu Xing became a military commander. With excellent grades in school, he joined the Kyushu martial arts gym to become a real fighter.

After making money, Mu Xing came back and took his parents to the city. Originally, Mu Xing wanted to take Zhuo Bufan to live with him, but Zhuo Bufan refused. He still stayed in the small fishing village and continued his iron life.

When Mu Xing was 30 years old, he brought a beautiful girl with purple grape-like eyes to the fishing village.

"Xiao Wei, I lived here when I was a child, and went fishing with my father. I know all kinds of fish, but my favorite thing is to see Uncle Zhuo hit the iron."

The girl's name is "Han Wei" and she is a classmate of Mu Xing. The two have developed emotions in their school days. They are now married and have children, and the child has just reached the full moon.

"Uncle Zhuo, I'm coming to see you." Mu Xing carried a pot of wine and walked into the simple iron shop with his wife.

Han Wei is a kind girl. She didn't show any contempt because of this simple and narrow place. Instead, she shouted sweetly: "Uncle Zhuo, my name is Han Wei. I often hear Shepherd mention you. When I was a child, you took care of him. of."

"I married a wife, okay, I haven't forgotten me yet." Zhuo Bufan drank his wine and smiled happily.

"Uncle Zhuo, how could I forget me and let me have fun with two irons." Mu Xing picked up the hammer and shook it up.

As a warrior, his strength is getting stronger and stronger.

Zhuo Bufan looked at it and said: "Great power is a good thing, but to learn to control and use it, brute force is no better than skill."

"When it comes to ironing, I am definitely not better than Uncle Zhuo, Uncle Zhuo, your body is still so strong, and your ironing skills are getting better and better." Mu Xing enjoyed watching Zhuo Bufan's ironing process.

The year of fifty.

Mu Xing has become a powerhouse at the top of the Wuwang class, and also a well-known powerhouse in Kyushu Wuguan.

Mu Xing gave birth to a son and a daughter, his son was 20 years old, and his daughter was 18 years old. Both of them are good seedlings of cultivation. Together with the cultivation of Mu Xing, they have now entered the ‘talent academy’.

And because of the growth of Mu Xing, De Mu's family became Mu's Mansion, and it was also a well-known family in even the city.

In recent years, as soon as he is free, Shepherd will return to the small fishing village to fight with Zhuo Bufan, but with the improvement of his status and status, he has not returned to the small fishing village for six years.

Jingle bells!

The sound of iron strikes in the iron shop suddenly stopped. Zhuo Bufan looked like an old man over 80 years old with silver hair. On the iron pier was a black long spear, without any patterns on the surface, and the tip of the spear was flat. sharp.

"Life is dead." Zhuo Bufan murmured, took a sip of the wine gourd on the side, and continued to lift the hammer.

His movements are smooth and natural, with a special sense of beauty and rhythm.

A white silk was hung in front of the Mu's Mansion, Mu Yongsheng was dying at the age of 79, and Lu Yihong had taken a step three years ago.

"Dad." The fifty-year-old Shepherd knelt by the bed and slammed his head. Fighting monsters has been used to life and death these years, but his eyes are still red at the moment.

"Dad is at the end of his life. He didn't suffer from illness before he died. Don't be too sad and hurt your body." On the side, a gentle middle-aged woman comforted him. It was his wife Han Wei.

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