Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2883: The girl who was chased after entering the demon territory for the first time

Chapter 2884 the young girl who first entered the demon realm and was hunted down

I don't know how long it has been, when Zhuo Bufan once again regained control of his body, he found himself in a forest.

Although the frontier of the Demon Territory borders the Star Alliance, it is not known how many light years away from the Daoyuan, and Master Sage can teleport them over by casting an array, unpredictable.

"Sure enough, it is a random transmission! I can't sense their aura." Zhuo Bufan opened his palm and looked at the Xingkong Daoyuan token. The light of the token was dim and could not sense other people's tokens.

The tokens can sense each other within a certain distance, but they cannot sense if they exceed the sensing distance limit.

Although the leader Jiang Cheng used half a holy magic weapon in exchange for a quota for the strong human beings to enter the new universe, it was also used at the entrance of the new universe.

This time the entrance of the new universe appeared in the territory of the monster race. The monster race will definitely send some powerful practitioners to guard the passage. Even if some groups sneak into the monster domain, they will encounter the monster masters at the entrance of the passage. There is nowhere to hide, so it's useless to sneak in.

Even if you can enter the Demon Realm, you will not be able to enter the new universe in the end!

Zhuo Bufan put away the token, and the other four Realm Kings who were randomly transmitted this time were not near him.

"Although my spirit is comparable to the realm master, I must use it with caution. If I encounter great power, I am afraid I will expose my whereabouts. The war between the monsters and humans has lasted for hundreds of thousands of years, and they hate each other very much! Once exposed, I am Humans, I am afraid there will be countless troubles."

Zhuo Bufan thought of it silently while walking fast in the mountains and forests.

"There are two conditions to enter the new universe! The first is to get the treasure of the new universe, the ‘Essence Stone’, which can resist the rejection of the new universe’s rules, and the other is to have enough demon crystals to enter the forbidden area of ​​the demon ancestor, neither is indispensable."

"These two things still need to hurry to find!"

Because the new universe channel has not been fully opened, Zhuo Bufan spent sixty years to understand the mystery, but his heart is suffering and anxious. He can get reincarnation earlier and Shi Qinghuan will be able to wake up earlier, but before then he can't do anything. , Now that you enter the demon domain, you must quickly find a way to go to the demon ancestor restricted area.

Zhuo Bufan flew to a high altitude and looked down below, underneath was a huge mountain range that stretched for 100,000 miles.

On the edge of the mountain range, the outlines of some city buildings can be faintly seen.

"The place recorded on the map is not here either!" Zhuo Bufan frowned, shaking his head and sighed slightly.

When I came to the Demon Realm this time, apart from the most important thing to get the stone of reincarnation in the new universe, Zhuo Bufan also had two things. The first was the pendant he got from the little prince of the Silver Fox tribe. There was a map hidden in it. The territories above may have something to do with the'Sage Arms', but the map is incomplete, and half of it is missing.

Second, he promised three wishes of the little prince of the Silver Fox tribe, and the last wish was to help him find his sister, the princess of the Silver Fox tribe.

With the last wish, Zhuo Bufan can only do his best.

"The demon domain is too vast. This planet is the sacred star of the demon domain. The super powers of the demon race are gathered here. If you do not consider being discovered by the power to carry out a carpet search in this area, I am afraid it will take decades. What's more, in some places, there are'secret realms' and formations to cover up, and it is obstructed if you want to explore with divine consciousness."

"Where is such good luck? Randomly teleported to the demon domain and came to the place marked on the map."

Zhuo Bufan thought for a while, and a drop of blood appeared on his fingertips.

This drop of blood was given to him by Yinyue, the little prince of the Silver Fox tribe, and within a certain distance, he could feel the same blood of the Silver Fox tribe.


The essence and blood suddenly turned into strands of faint red silk thread around his body, and Zhuo Bufan’s body aura changed slightly. If he did not directly probe his soul, or his mental power was too much higher than him, he would not be able to find that he was a human being. I can feel the aura of the Silver Fox tribe from him.

Then, the red silk threads entwining his body contracted and restrained and entered his body.

"In this way, it can not only cover the aura of oneself, but also sense the blood of the Silver Fox tribe." Zhuo Bufan's mouth lifted a smile.


Zhuo Bufan turned into a ray of light and quickly swept toward a city on the border of the mountains, ready to go to find some news in the city. Suddenly, Zhuo Bufan, who had already swept thousands of miles in an instant, turned back and stayed in the sky above a lush mountain peak, frowning and looking down. .

"Is there such a coincidence?"

With a trace of golden glow across his eyes, he looked down, and saw several figures chasing in the woods. The one running in the front was a young girl with torn clothes on her body, exposing the white skin to the air.

Take a closer look at the other party's pretty face and shoulders with bruises. She rushed, her feet clashed, tied with a heavy chain, which greatly slowed her speed.

A group of men with knives behind her were quickly chasing her. The girl looked anxious and frightened. She looked back from time to time and heard the scolding voice coming closer and paler behind her.

Although the group of men chasing behind is still some distance away from her, it is estimated that a dozen or so breaths can catch up with her. Those chasing people are practitioners, and the wind under their feet is like walking on the rugged mountain road.


The girl wore chains on her feet and was made of fine iron. It was already heavy, and the road in the mountains and forests was uneven. She ran quickly and fell directly to the ground.

Her eyes were full of horror, and she finally found a chance to escape. If she was caught back by the group of people behind her, thinking about the tragic consequences would make her tremble.

"Smelly girl, run for me?"

"I want to run, go back and see how we can clean you up."

"Fuck, you can sell twenty monster crystals. If you run away, the helper won't let us go."

Sure enough, within a few moments, the dozen or so men with swords chased up and saw the girls who fell to the ground with cruel sneers on their faces.

"No, don't catch me, please let me go." The girl pleaded with tears on her face.

"I beg us to be useful? Dare to escape, we will educate you when we go back. A woman of the silver fox tribe like you, those adults will like it very much." A leading man sneered as he kept approaching the miserable girl. .


Suddenly, two hurried winds suddenly sounded in the peaceful mountains.

The head man’s eyes suddenly changed, and an arc-shaped gas mask was shrouded in front of him, ding-ding...Two fast-flying arrows all hit the gas mask, and the arrows were powerful, directly penetrating the gas mask, and then quickly Fly to the man's face.

However, because the gas shield weakened the speed, the man drew a broad knife and swung it, successfully blocking the two flying arrows.

"Who would dare to attack? Don't you be afraid of our gang of fire..." The man clenched the broad knife, looked around in surprise, but couldn't see anyone.

The other dozen or so men also drew out their weapons, urging their vitality, and being vigilant.

"Fire Gang, are you a running dog of the Yanhu Clan?" A cold sneer came from the mountains and forests. Immediately, a woman in a blue suit jumped down from a big tree in front and landed gracefully.

The jade hand held a long and strong bow, and the bow body exuded a shining blue light.

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