Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2897: One Servant and One Master Demon Scale Old Man

Chapter 2898 the old man with one servant and one master

"I..." Jiang Ling blushed, biting his lip and didn't know how to refute.

If Jiang Chao said these words, she would naturally be able to refute a few words, but these words came from Qi Mokun's mouth. The other party was a well-known master of the demon pattern in the north, and she couldn't refute it at all.

Jiang Chao saw Jiang Ling's speechless appearance, and the corners of his lips curled up with a sneer.

The three elders present at the scene, including Jiang Shan, had a good understanding of the formation method, but they were not profound enough. Zhuo Bufan could destroy a magic weapon of the half-life and death level. They didn't understand the concept. Now Qi Mokun said that it is less than 1% of the true life and death formation. Let everyone understand.

If the formation is only powerful, it can be destroyed and consumed with brute force, but it is too mysterious. When the formation is very strong, it will eventually become a force. How to brute force it?

"Hmm..." The great elder frowned slightly, and muttered in his mouth. Obviously he regretted now agreeing to give Zhuo Bufan five million demon crystals.

Just when Jiang Ling was embarrassed, Zhuo Bufan next to him took a step.

"How does Master Qi know that I have used all my strength to destroy the formation of the Red Hyena? When I enter the secret realm and see the formation, if I have no real skills, naturally I will not want the five million demon crystals of the Biling clan ." Zhuo Bufan looked at Qi Mokun and said calmly.

Qi Mokun took a cold look at Zhuo Bufan and said, "Well, since you dare to say that, the old man also wants to see how good you are against the battle method! But the one who is not ashamed of speaking is only himself in the end."

Now that Zhuo Bufan has said this, don't have the real ability to don't want the demon crystal, the three elders also nodded slightly, there is always more hope for one more person.

"Zhuo Bufan, I believe in you." Jiang Ling looked at Zhuo Bufan, his beautiful eyes with firmness.

"Aren't you afraid that I will embarrass you?" Zhuo Bufan smiled lightly.

"Then I can only admit bad luck." Jiang Ling also smiled brightly.

On the side, Jiang Chao quietly transmitted to Qi Mokun, "Master Qi, what do you think of this kid?"

"A guy who doesn't have real materials, should rely on some magic weapon to break the formation of the red hyena. I can't sense the aura of the demon pattern on his body, unless his level of the demon pattern is higher than mine, but that possibility is almost impossible. Zero." Qi Mokun replied.

After Qi Mokun's answer was received, the condensed color on Jiang Chaoqiao's face disappeared. When he entered the secret realm and found that Zhuo Bufan didn't have any skills, I saw how Jiang Ling and Jiang Shan ended up.

"Elder, when will we enter the secret realm?" Jiang Shan asked.

"Don't worry, wait." The Great Elder said, raising his head and looking to the sky, as if waiting for something.

"Come." The second elder said.

Those who gathered here today were all masters of the Biling clan. They sensed the approach of two not weak auras in the sky, and they looked up, only to see two figures in the distance coming to them in a few flashes.

Zhuo Bufan followed everyone's sights and saw two figures falling.

The old man wore a black robe with dark green mystical patterns on the robe, revealing all kinds of strange smells. A long dark green hair fell down, and his cheeks were as thin as dry tree bark. The most unique thing was that there was a line of ink under his lower body robe. Snake tail with green scales.

As for the handsome young man next to him with evil charm, Eguan Bo belt, suave and romantic.

"Young Master Xiao, Lord Bodhisattva." With a smile on his face, the elder stepped forward and bowed his hands respectfully to both of them.

"Yeah." The snake man in the black robe replied dumbly.

"Great Elder, don't be so polite, we are all snake clan, this time the Great Elder asked my teacher to help, but it's just a matter of effort." Next to him, the evil and charming young man smiled slightly.

"Young Master Xiao, if you don't match up this time, we won't be able to invite Master Bodhisattva." The great elder was blushing.

"It's a member of the Demon Scale Clan..." Jiang Chao showed a look of surprise.

"That is the famous master of demon pattern in the north, Lord Boduo." Qi Mokun said, and then stepped forward, respectfully bowing and arching his hands: "Qi Mokun has seen Master Bo."

"Oh, you are here too." Bo Tuo glanced at Qi Mokun lightly.

The arrogant Qi Mokun was very humble at this moment. Obviously, the strong snake clan named Bo Tuo was a demon pattern master even stronger than him.

Jiang Shan and Jiang Hua, including the other experts in the Realm Sovereign Realm, were astonished. Obviously, this matter was kept secret from them, and only the three elders knew about it.

"Why, how could it be him." Jiang Ling's face was not so good, he bit his thin lip.

"Who are they?" Zhuo Bufan was also curious, and transmitted the voice to Jiang Ling.

"Our Biling clan is the royal blood of the snake clan, and their Demonscale clan is the royal blood of the snake clan. That guy named Xiao Chen once came to my house to propose marriage... but I didn't agree." Jiang Ling said.

"I think that guy is handsome and strong, at least better than that Qin Gang." Zhuo Bufan said.

Xiao Chen is very strong and has a good family background. Jiang Ling looks beautiful, and the two seem to match well at first glance.

"I just want to control my own destiny. I don't want to be a victim of family interests." A trace of loneliness flashed in Jiang Ling's eyes.

Zhuo Bufan understood her feelings, and she seemed to see Ye Ziqin's shadow in her body. At the beginning, he married Ye Ziqin because of the interests of the family. Although the two of them developed true feelings later, not every family marriage would There are such good results.

"Elder, the 30 million demon crystals my teacher asked for, and you promised to betroth Jiang Ling to me, I don't know if I will count." Suddenly, Xiao Chen asked with a smile.

"Oh, thirty million demon crystals are ready." The elder took out a space ring and presented it to Bodhisattva.

Bodhuo took the space ring, felt it, and said, "Thirty million demon crystals have asked me to do it. Normally, I don't look at it. This time it's because of Xiao Gongzi's face."

"That's natural, that's natural." The elder said with a smile.

Their Biling clan can dominate in the city of flames, but compared with the most powerful demon scale clan in the snake clan, they are much worse. The demon scale clan has the existence of the master class.

"What? Want me to marry him?" Jiang Ling suddenly trembled after hearing this.

Before Jiang Ling could speak, Jiang Shan's thick eyebrows were tightly furrowed, and he said: "Elder, why didn't you tell me about this? We can get 30 million monster crystals, but Ling'er's marriage..."

"Uncle Jiang still don't know?" Xiao Chen asked falsely.

The great elder looked at Jiang Shan and stared: "This is the decision of our three elders. You are the patriarch of the Biling clan. Everything should be focused on the overall situation and the interests of the group. What's more, Young Master Xiao is a genius of the Demon Scale clan. The future is promising, isn't it worthy of Ling'er?"

Family marriages are very common among monster races. Marriage with each other can strengthen the relationship. It has long been common for weak and small families to cling to large families to seek refuge.

Jiang Shan frowned. His daughter was his heart. What's more, he loved Jiang Ling even more after his wife died, and he was reluctant to suffer the slightest grievance from her. The last time Xiao Chen sent someone to propose marriage, he refused. He didn't expect Xiao Chen to use this. The method allowed the three elders to agree.

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