Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2903: Crossing the river and demolishing the bridge is all luck


As the two golden gates slowly opened inward, a beam of white light gradually enlarged, causing everyone's eyes to suddenly shine before dimming, and indeed, the formation was cracked and the golden gate was opened.

Zhuo Bufan stood on the spot, and the moment the door opened, the divine consciousness had already explored and left. There were many realm master realm remnant soul powers permeating in it, even divine consciousness could not penetrate, but the mystery of the universe was not hindered, and there were still in the mansion. Many formations are banned, and opening the door is only the first difficulty.

"Father, Zhuo Bufan succeeded." Jiang Ling's eyes were reddish, and Yu hand covered his lips, making a depressed sob.

This was not because Zhuo Bufan didn't need to marry Xiao Chen after success, but because the treasures left by the ancestors of the Biling clan finally appeared, and their Biling clan would become the strongest family in the city of flames.

Not only Jiang Ling, but the strong men of the Biling clan all have slightly moist eyes. The Biling clan can stand in the city of fire, can compete with the sky demon wolf clan and the Yanhu clan, and are generations of strong men who use sweat, blood and tears. The result of hard work.

If the treasures in the secret territory can be obtained, the Biling clan can cultivate more powerhouses in the realm of the emperor, and there will not be so many bloodshed.

"Good, good." Jiang Shan said three good words, and his palms covered with snake scales trembling slightly. "As long as we get the treasures in the secret realm, our Biling clan can cultivate more realm emperors. Well, the Yanhu tribe and the Sky Demon Wolf tribe have killed many masters in our tribe over the past few years, and I want them to pay for this account."

Faced with such a result, the scene remained silent for a long time.

"This, how is this possible, he can actually crack the formation?" Master Qi's lips trembled, his eyes rounded.

This unbelievable result completely solidified the faint arrogant color on Xiao Chen's face. Both palms were squeezed into fists, and the nails were inserted into the fleshy seams of the palms, and there was a trace of pain.

"This kid, luck is really good." Xiao Chen gritted his teeth, he didn't believe that Zhuo Bufan broke the formation based on real materials.

The Lord Bodhisattva on the side looked slightly gloomy, staring at Zhuo Bufan with a strange color. He never put this little guy in his eyes. It was just such a result that even he was a little surprised, "A Nine Seal Demon Mark Only a teacher? Even Qi Mokun is not as strong as Qi Mokun, can he crack the last demon pattern by luck?"

Because Zhuo Bufan used the mystery of creation to transform the breath of the ‘dark pattern’ into the aura of the ‘demon pattern’.

Although the three elders were shocked by Zhuo Bufan's opening of the formation, they were more happy to be able to obtain the treasures in the secret territory.

At this time, Zhuo Bufan flew back and smiled at Jiang Ling: "Miss Jiang, it's fortunate that you didn't disappoint you."

"Well, it surprised us all." Jiang Ling pursed his mouth and smiled.

The faces of Qi Mokun, Jiang Chao and others who had just mocked Zhuo Bufan changed slightly, all with some embarrassment. Zhuo Bufan broke the formation, naturally, some doubts and contempt within the Biling clan were converged.

"It's just good luck. My teacher has cracked the first ninety-eight demon patterns. You are just lucky enough to break the last demon pattern. What is there to be proud of?" At this time, a slightly cold voice appeared and spoke. The person is Xiao Chen.

"Yes, even Lord Bodhisattva didn't solve the formation. Why can you do it? It must be luck. It just happened to hit." Jiang Chao also attached.


Deciphering the formation can indeed be mixed with luck, but there are hundreds of millions of variables in the last demon pattern. Finding the correct one among the hundreds of millions of changes is probably a bit of luck.

Even Qi Mokun, who had never looked at Zhuo Bufan, was silent. He didn't believe that Zhuo Bufan's luck was against the sky, nor did he believe that Zhuo Bufan had real materials and real ability to crack the last demon pattern.

"You have to say that I'm lucky, and I don't want to explain. But you seemed to have promised just now that if I can crack the formation, you will kneel and kowtow to apologize to me. Is it time to fulfill my promise now?" Zhuo Bufan looked indifferently, watching Xiao Chen said.

Hearing this, Xiao Chen's eyes darkened slightly, implying a bit of coldness.

He is a genius of the Demon Scale Clan, with a noble status in the Demon Scale Clan, Zhuo Bufan actually dared to make him kneel and apologize.

"There are indeed some luck factors in cracking the formation, but no matter what, Lord Zhuo also helped us Biling clan a lot." The elder interrupted and said: "Master Zhuo, the secret realm in the mansion belongs to my Biling clan, and the ancestors taught others. No one is allowed inside, so please go back to the mansion and wait for you and Master Qi."

"Grand Elder..." Jiang Ling was taken aback, gritted his silver teeth.

Even the Great Elder said the same? Actually believe that Zhuo Bufan cracked the formation by luck.

The great elder glanced at Jiang Ling, and his body slightly released pressure. Now the Biling clan's highest prestige is still the great elder. Jiang Ling wanted to say something, but finally swallowed it back.

Jiang Shan frowned. He knew very well in his heart that the reason why the Great Elder said so was simply because he was concerned about the faces of Xiao Chen and the Demon Scale Clan. If the Biling Clan can get the treasures in the secret territory, it would be good. If you can't get it, you have to. Find a way to marry Jiang Ling and Xiao Chen, so that there is no harm to the Biling clan.

"Huh! Fight with me?" Xiao Chen sneered and looked at Zhuo Bufan. He knew in his heart that even if Zhuo Bufan really broke the formation, the Biling Clan wanted to climb the big tree of the Demon Scale Clan. Ling marries him.

Since others have said so, Zhuo Bufan has nothing to say, but this kind of "crossing the river and tearing down the bridge" made Zhuo Bufan laugh in his heart. The formation inside is not necessarily easier than the outside. Because he is a human, the secret has been opened for defense. The strongest level of formation.

"Okay, then I will return to the Biling clan mansion first." Zhuo Bufan said, looking at Xiao Chen and said: "As for when you will kneel and apologize for me, I will wait."

Hearing Zhuo Bufan's words, Xiao Chen couldn't help clenching his fists, his eyes cold like a poisonous snake.

Zhuo Bufan's figure was vague, and he teleported directly to leave the secret realm here. At the same time, Master Qi also left because he did not belong to the snake clan.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan leaving, the elder turned his head and looked at Jiang Zhua: "Send someone to send him half a million monster crystals. Send him away."

"Yes, Great Elder." Jiang drew a little, then gave an order to one of his men, who also left the secret realm.

"Elder, you promised Zhuo Bufan to give him five million demon crystals. Why do you only give him half a million demon crystals now?" Jiang Ling couldn't help but asked eagerly.

The elder snorted coldly: "Giving him half a million monster crystals is good enough. He also cracked the formation with luck. The previous ones were cracked by Lord Bodhisattva. In the end, he took a lot of advantage. I gave him fifty. Wan Yaojing has exhausted his benevolence."

Hearing the words of the elder, Jiang Ling trembled with anger. Zhuo Bufan was invited back to the family by Zhuo Bufan. Now that she treats him like this, Zhuo Bufan will be dissatisfied. She can only find a way to compensate Zhuo Bufan after she leaves the secret realm. .

"Okay, all cheer up and enter the secret realm mansion." The elder said loudly, and immediately looked at Xiao Chen and Bo Tuo and said, "Master Bodhisattva, there should be some restrictions in the secret realm, but you will have to trouble you."

Bo Tuo nodded and didn't say a word. After he determined Zhuo Bufan's demon pattern master realm, he naturally didn't believe that Zhuo Bufan could break the formation by strength. He could only add that ethereal luck to him. This made sense. .

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