Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2919: Desert White Ape Water and Fire Mystery

Chapter 2920 The Mystery Of Desert White Ape Water And Fire

Hearing the shouting, Zhuo Bufan opened his mouth and let out a long breath, then opened his eyes, walked to the campfire, looked at the roasted golden chicken, and looked at Xiao Sang whose blushing face was reflected by the fire. , Smiled slightly and said: "I didn't expect your craftsmanship to be so good."

"That's natural. I used to take care of myself. If I can find a lot of condiments in the mountains, the roasted chicken will be more fragrant." Xiao Sang gently lifted his chin, looking quite proud, and then tore off one with his little hand. The drumstick was handed to Zhuo Bufan, "My son, eat it."

"Yeah." Zhuo Bufan took over the chicken legs interspersed with branches. As a cultivator, it doesn't matter whether he eats or not, but Zhuo Bufan doesn't want to waste Xiao Sang's mind. Moreover, occasionally satisfying his appetite, tasting delicious food is also a joy in life.

Sitting cross-legged in the endless desert, looking up at the sky full of stars, occasionally a refreshing wind blew by, but it was very pleasant. During the period of entering the demon domain, it is rare to have such a peaceful moment.

The chicken was crispy in the mouth, Zhuo Bufan was eating the roasted chicken legs, thinking about things secretly.

"I understand the mystery of the universe, the mystery of the creation of the mystery of yin and yang, the three mysteries are very skillful with each other, and can maximize my melee strength, including when fighting with Qin Hu, even though he is a realm higher than me, But if you don’t grasp the mystery, you will still die under my gun."

The mystery of the universe can be integrated into the world, monitoring the ten-mile range, and the mystery of the creation has a strong recovery ability. The mystery of the Yin and Yang can maximize the attack power, thereby creating the first move of the universe-level martial arts, ‘annihilation’.

Even the third gate test can be passed, indicating that I have mastered the three mysteries.

"But if you want to enter the avenue, you can only choose one direction to practice. No one has ever successfully practiced on the two avenues together. The deeper the understanding, the easier it is to doubt yourself, and eventually die of madness." Zhuo Bufan shakes Shaking his head, looking at the bright starry sky, his eyes were deep.

"Senior Yu mastered the mysteries of time and space, and the mysteries of the earth. He also tried to cultivate both mysteries at the same time, but he failed in the end. He gave up the mysteries of the earth and concentrated on the mysteries of time and space, and finally became the master of the world."

"It's difficult! Too difficult!"

Zhuo Bufan shook his head contemplatively. Now the three mysteries are not deep enough, and they can cooperate with each other. But as one of the mysteries evolves deeper, it will repel the other two mysteries. If you can only comprehend One kind of mystery must be chosen. The mystery of the universe is complete in all aspects, and the creation of the mystery belongs to the auxiliary. As for the mystery of Yin and Yang, although it can increase the ultimate attack power, it is single and only focuses on offense.

Rustle... rustle...

At a towering sand dune behind Zhuo Bufan and Xiao Sang, two raised sand marks swam quickly, coming quickly towards them, and the ground trembled slightly.

"What's the matter?" Xiao Sang was startled, and looked back, only to see two sand springs spraying hundreds of meters, his face pale in shock, "Iron sand centipede, both are here!"

In the night, two wild monsters measuring tens of feet long and five or six feet thick stood up, and a section of their body was hidden in the sand. There were thousands of sharp-edged blood-red feet under the chest and abdomen, like a curved handle. The sickle, with sharp and cold light on the edge.

call out!

A flying sword is fast and extremely fast. It shoots past like lightning. The flying sword splits into two halfway, each penetrates the head of the centipede, and then merges into one behind.

Kaka Kaka...Two iron-sand centipedes were fixed in place, starting to freeze from their tails, and the ice-blue ice blossoms spread upwards quickly, instantly freezing the two iron-sand centipedes into two ice sculptures, and the starlight flashed with magnificent and enchanting blue light. Suddenly the centipede ice sculptures It broke into countless pieces of ice, collapsed and poured into the sand.

The Ice Emperor Rain Sword went around in the air, then returned to Zhuo Bufan's head and stood in the air.

"Having been with me for so long, do you still plan to hide?" Zhuo Bufan said loudly, looking at a dune on the dark side.

Xiao Sang blinked and looked at the sand dune with a pair of clear eyes, "Master, someone has been following us?"

"I've been following the tail since I came out of the city of flames, hiding my head and showing my tail and dare not see people?" Zhuo Bufan whispered.

After a moment of silence, a figure flew out from behind the sand dune. Through the starlight, he could see that it was a silver-haired old man with a red gourd in his hand. He smiled and looked at Zhuo Bufan, "Oh, the strength is pretty good. Was it discovered by you?"

"Is that the old man who sold us the bone quenching pill?" Xiao Sang kept his eyes on it, and besides, the old man had a bad attitude.

"You follow me all the way, don't you just think it's fun, right?" Zhuo Bufan asked.

The old man flew in front of Zhuo Bufan, took the wine gourd in his hand to his mouth, took a few sips of wine, and immediately said: "The old man has no time to play with you. Do you know the secret of that bone?"

"The phalanx you sold me?" Zhuo Bufan said.

"Yes, you know what the secret is and tell me quickly, I can give you a million demon crystals." The old man asked Lian, with a look of expectation in his eyes.

"Sorry, I don't know, even if I do, why should I tell you?" Zhuo Bufan shook his head.

Hearing Zhuo Bufan's words, the old man suddenly became furious, his face flushed, "The old man didn't want to bully you a little baby, but if you don't know anything, don't blame me for bullying the little one."

When the voice fell, a vigorous vitality surged from the old man, his vitality aura was not weaker than Qin Hu, even much stronger than the opponent, even though it was also the peak of the realm of the emperor, but how much vitality vortex was cultivated , Whether to master the mystery, all determines the true strength.

For example, Qin Hu didn't condense too much vitality vortex, and he didn't grasp the mystery. He could only be regarded as an ordinary realm emperor. The old man in front of him was obviously not as easy to deal with as Qin Hu.

The old man shook his palm, and the surging power of heaven and earth set off a hundred zhang sand waves. The sand waves turned into two entangled dragons. The endless pressure of the carrier rushed towards Zhuo Bufan, and water and fire suddenly appeared between the sand and gravel. One flood dragon condensed into ice, exuding endless chill, and another flood dragon burst into flames, burning the world.

"The mystery of water and fire?" Zhuo Bufan's eyes lit up.

Unexpectedly, the old man in front of him was actually in charge of the mystery. The water and fire mystery belonged to the ‘third-rank mystery’, and the level of display should have touched the threshold of the avenue.

"Stay on the flying sword, don't come down." Zhuo Bufan grabbed Xiao Sang's shoulder with his palm, and raised it lightly. The latter flew directly and landed on the ice emperor rain sword. Immediately, the ice emperor rain sword carried Xiao Sang flew to a high altitude in the distance.

In such an instant, the two ice and fire dragons had already pounced and bitten, and the huge heads slammed into Zhuo Bufan like cannonballs.

Suddenly, the speed of the two dragons stagnated slightly, and Zhuo Bufan's figure was blurred. When the two dragons were culled, they had disappeared in place.

Rumble...Two dragon heads slammed into the ground, causing the ground to tremble violently, strong waves surging, and wave-like sand waves spreading continuously for hundreds of miles. Some unlucky barbarians sleeping 100 meters on the bottom of the sand The beast was directly shaken into powder.

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