Chapter 2928 my promise crisis is coming

"You want the necklace, and I want the inheritance of the silver fox clan. If I can get the inheritance of the silver fox clan, I will have the opportunity to grow the silver fox clan so that the people will not be bullied and insulted. Therefore, I can give you the necklace, but you I must take me to find the inheritance of the Silver Fox clan. The Holy Burial Abyss will be opened in a few days. Even if you don't show up, I will go there alone." Princess Hongyun's voice was clear and her eyes were extremely firm.

"Inheritance of the Silver Fox tribe?" Zhuo Bufan thought for a moment, and finally nodded and said: "I promise your terms, but apart from the inheritance of the Silver Fox tribe, everything else belongs to me."

"Deal." A smile on Princess Hongyun's face, and immediately waved her hand, the necklace flew directly into Zhuo Bufan's hand, "I believe you, a big man, should not be shameless enough to deceive a woman like me."

Hearing this, Zhuo Bufan’s face muscles twitched. This woman is really not easy. She is obviously strong and terribly strong, but she is so charming and charming to say such soft words, but it makes him speechless to refute, and immediately holds the necklace in her palms. , Grinned, "Your vision is correct, I really disdain to do such a despicable thing to lie to women."

Princess Hongyun knew very well how terrifying the Burial Holy Abyss is. The world masters of the three major forces are in danger every time they enter, not to mention that he is a small fox demon in the small world. He may die in nine deaths, but he did not expect to encounter Zhuo. Extraordinary, and the white-haired old man beside Zhuo Bufan should be a realm emperor. In this way, the chances of entering the Holy Burial Abyss will be greatly improved.

The information in the necklace was probed by God's mind, and as expected, the other half of the map was hidden inside, combined with the map in the silver moon necklace, it became a complete map.

"This map should be the map in the Holy Burial Abyss, and the inheritance of the Silver Fox tribe should be in it." Zhuo Bufan said inwardly.

The three pieces of Sage Armed Shards sleeping deep in the Shenhai trembled slightly, Zhuo Bufan had already determined that this map must have some connection with the "Sage Armed Shards".

"Princess, princess, people from the nine-tailed fox race are here!" Outside the door, a fox demon ran in and shouted.

Princess Hongyun frowned, glanced at Zhuo Bufan, and whispered: "The matter of the Frost Demon Wolf Clan has to be resolved first. Although my Silver Fox Clan has taken refuge in Ten Thousand Demon Valley, my status is too low. The wolf clan oppression, when I get the ancestor inheritance, I will definitely return to them ten times the insults I have suffered over the years."

Zhuo Bufan touched his nose and smiled: "Since you are willing to hand over the necklace to me, just leave it to me to handle such trivial matters as the Frost Demon Wolf Clan. Besides, keeping a low profile may not be a good thing."

When Zhuo Bufan and Hong Yun walked out of the house, they saw many people appearing at the entrance of the Silver Fox Village.

The Silver Fox tribe joins the Valley of Ten Thousand Demons, and it is also the fox tribe who has a lot of blood, including the Silver Fox tribe, the red demon tribe, the Xuelan tribe, and the Nine-tailed tribe, among which the Nine-tailed tribe is the strongest.

There were three fox chiefs, headed by an old white-haired woman, with a cane in her hand, she was the chief of the Nine-tailed tribe.

"Hong Yun has seen Jiu Po ​​and all the chiefs." Hong Yun seemed to have known this situation a long time ago. Without any surprises or surprises on that cold face, he walked to the door of the stockade and saluted respectfully.

Jiu Po, the strength of the realm king, the strongest of the fox clan, dominates the entire fox clan. She was also the one who took in the silver fox clan at the time, so that Princess Hongyun could gain a foothold in the fox clan.

In addition to Jiu Po, there is a beautiful woman next to him, a middle-aged man with a fat body.

The glamorous woman is the leader of the Red Demon Clan, named Taoyan Jiehou, and the fat man is the leader of the Xuelan Clan, the Xuelan Jiehou.

"Yeah." Jiu Po ​​nodded, but kept frowning her brows: "Hong Yun, has a woman of your Silver Fox tribe captured by the Frost Demon Wolf tribe?"

"I have been rescued back." Hong Yun nodded.

The entire fox tribe is under the control of Jiu Po, and it is impossible to lie. From the time Zhuo Bufan and three of them stepped into the territory of the fox tribe, I am afraid that the news has reached Jiu Po's ears.

"Hongyun, it's just a woman of the Silver Fox tribe, but two members of the Frost Demon Wolf tribe have died. Yu Yan will definitely not give up." Xuelan Jiehou said with a solemn expression.

Hong Yun pursed his lips and bowed his head slightly. The Frost Demon Wolf Group has been oppressing their Fox Clan, but because the Frost Demon Wolf Clan is too strong, and the Frost Demon Wolf Clan is backed by the Demon Scale Clan, the Fox Clan has never dared to resist.

Although the Mystic and Unreliable Lord of the Ten Thousand Demon Valley is in charge, it is impossible to have a tragedy of genocide due to a group war, but the Ten Thousand Demon Valley, large and small groups of tens of thousands, cannot be managed at any time as the landlord. Some fights and frictions are still impossible avoid.

For example, the Frost Demon Wolf Clan collects a lot of sacrifices from the Fox Clan every year, and sometimes captures the Fox Clan girls to ravage them. Although the Fox Clan is angry, they have no alternative.

"This year's worship of our Silver Fox tribe has been paid to the Frost Demon Wolf tribe, but they also arrested the girls in our tribe. I promised the tribe to protect their safety. If you can't even do this, how can you dominate? Silver Fox Clan." Hong Yun raised his head, biting his thin lips, and there was a stubborn smell in the depths of his eyes.

"Huh!" The enchanting Taoyan Jiehou sneered coldly, "Hongyun, you thought you were the princess of the Silver Fox Country. Your Silver Fox Country has been shattered, and Jiu Po ​​kindly took in your Silver Fox clan, but you actually provoke us. trouble?"

Hong Yun lowered her head, and she also understood that the Frost Demon Wolf Clan was not something that the Fox Clan could provoke. This time two Frost Demon Wolf Clan fighters died, the Yuyan Realm King would definitely not give up.

"I will handle this matter myself, and I will definitely not bring disaster to the fox clan." Hong Yun took a deep breath, raised his head, and said while looking at Jiu Po.

"Do it yourself? What ability do you have to do it yourself, anyway, our Red Demon Clan will not go to die with you." Tao Yan Jiehou said with a cold voice, the irony in it was particularly harsh.

This Taoyan Jiehou was quite unhappy with Hongyun for no special reason, because before Hongyun came, she was recognized as the number one beauty of the fox clan, but when Hongyun came to the fox clan, the name that once belonged to her fell on She had always been jealous of the other person's beauty when she hit Hong Yun, but now that the Silver Fox tribe has made trouble, it makes her a little gloat.

"As the leader of the Xuelan clan, I won't let the soldiers of the clan die in vain." Xuelan Jiehou followed shook his head.

Jiu Po ​​sighed: "Hong Yun, you are the leader of the Silver Fox Clan. The Frost Demon Wolf Clan is indeed hateful, but you also have to focus on the overall situation. The Fox Clan has no place in Ten Thousand Demon Valley, everyone is in the cracks. Survive, I hope this matter can be properly resolved."

Jiu Po ​​still did not abandon the Silver Fox Clan, nor did he abandon the Red Cloud Clan.

Boom boom boom...the distance soared into the sky, the ground trembled lightly, and the sound of rumbling hoofs came from a distance, causing countless lights to look into the distance, only to see a group of soldiers from the Frost Demon Wolf clan coming in mighty, passing by. There, countless trees collapsed, the ground condensed into ice, and the momentum was extremely shocking. Many Fox tribes turned pale when they saw this scene.

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