Chapter 2937 the Poisonous Warrior

When the people of the Demon Scale Clan knelt down to Zhuo Bufan, Xiao Chen clenched his fists and his eyes were about to split. The young master of the Demon Scale Clan, no matter how shameful he had suffered, he wished to tear Zhuo Bufan into pieces.

Xiao Yan and Xiao Hao had the same grim expressions and fierce eyes, Zhuo Bufan slapped their Demonscale Clan's face severely this time.


A vortex with a diameter of one hundred meters in the sky appeared out of thin air, and the head of an incomparably towering giant snake drilled out of the vortex. This giant snake was hundreds of meters long and covered with thick scales. With two green horns on its forehead, it looked terrifying. It's not Yuan Li condensed, but a real savage snake.

"Big Brother."

"Big Brother is here..."

"You must strip that kid alive."

The faces of Xiao Ya, Xiao Gang, and Xiao Chen showed joy.

Neigh...The head of the giant snake came out of the whirlpool first, and a long body slowly wriggled out from the whirlpool, entrenched in the sky, a breath of deterrence, making countless monsters powerhouses discolored, and all of them shuddered.

Zhuo Bufan also raised his head, the giant snake was released with terrifying pressure, at least the savage demon at the peak of the Realm Emperor, and on top of the giant snake stood a figure in black robe, with thin cheeks, clear cheekbones, and a pair of sunkens. His eyes smell of gloom.

Poison Demon King!

One of the four kings under the master of Xuan Wujie.

Among the Ten Thousand Demon Valley Realm Sovereigns, the positive strength is far stronger than him, but why the Poison Demon Realm Sovereign can become the four great kings? For one thing, he has a savage demon symbiotic with him, the Great Python, and the second Poison Demon Realm emperor. The "poison" that is good at horror, once entangled by it, even the strong of the same strength will have a headache.

"Too much deception, dare to injure my third brother, and break into the realm of my Demon Scale Clan." The voice of the Poison Demon Realm is cold, but Divine Mind has already detected Zhuo Bufan's body and sensed the vigorous fluctuations in his body. , I was slightly surprised, it is no wonder that I can challenge more.

Xiao Ya is known as one of the three giants of the Demon Scale Clan. Although he has a reputation as the master of the Poison Demon Realm, his strength is not weak. Moreover, he is a realm higher than Zhuo Bufan, and was seriously injured by it. It shows that the other party is somewhat capable. .

Puff puff!

The great python opened its mouth in the blood basin, and the green arrows burst out at Zhuo Bufan like streamers.

Seeing this scene, all the strong monsters not far away fled and flew away. The most powerful thing for the Poison Demon Realm Master is to use poison. If a trace of venom is contaminated, the average Realm King will lose half of his life.

Wow... Zhuo Bufan's spear tip swept away, and an arc-shaped light curtain enveloped a radius of a dozen miles, and the poisonous arrows that burst out hit the light curtain one after another.

"It's so toxic, even the elemental force barrier can easily corrode." Zhuo Bufan was slightly surprised.

Those poisonous arrows easily penetrated the vitality barrier, the poison gas diffused, invaded the extraordinary skin, and penetrated into the body through the pores.

If an ordinary realm king encounters such a strong poisonous gas, he may not even be able to use his vitality.

But Zhuo Bufan possessed the Dragon Evil Waste Body, which was at the level of the Primordial Eucharist, and had reached the Small Stage. The poisonous arrow's toxin was first blocked and weakened by the Yuanli barrier, and then entered the body, the toxicity had been reduced a lot.

Zhuo Bufan's body was trembling with waste marks, strands of waste gas wandering through the meridians, limbs and hundreds of skeletons. When encountering those poisonous gases, they would all turn them into nothingness. Waste gas can destroy all vitality, and toxins are actually a kind of vitality.

"It's useless, is there any treasure on my body that can resist my poison gas?" The Poison Demon Realm Master squinted his eyes, seeing Zhuo Bufan not afraid of his poison gas, and he was a little surprised.

However, the Poison Demon Realm Emperor is not in a hurry. He also masters several terrifying poisons, even the general black bear realm emperor will hear about it. Of course, collecting materials is quite difficult and extremely precious, so he does not intend to use it against a realm king for the time being. peak.

The Poison Demon Realm Emperor, one of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Ten Thousand Demon Valley, made Zhuo Bufan a little interested.

"This kind of poison has no effect on me. Since you are the Four Heavenly Kings of Ten Thousand Demon Valley, you should show some real skills, otherwise it will only make people think that you are in vain." Zhuo Bufan Yuanli wrapped the voice and resounded through the wild.

There are many powerhouses in Ten Thousand Demon Valley, and there are not a few who challenge the Four Heavenly Kings, but many realm emperors would rather challenge the other three Heavenly Kings than provoke the Poison Demon Realm Master. It is not only that the opponent uses poison and weird, but also the opponent is narrow-minded. Opponent's life.

"Cang Wei, those who say this kind of thing have a very miserable end in the end." The Poison Demon Realm Master's eyes were slightly cold, and his hands were condensed with the seal. After the printing was formed, the majestic poison gas gushed out from the sky vortex, and the dark green poison gas quickly Condensed into a samurai holding a big sword, about a hundred feet tall, just like the essence.

He was standing there, and the surrounding space was corroded by strong toxicity, and it appeared distorted.

"Taste my ‘Essential Poison Poison’, and you’ll kneel down and beg me for mercy later." The Poison Demon Realm Emperor smiled coldly.

Some strong monsters who are familiar with the Poison Demon Realm Master have pale faces. The'Essential Poison Gu Poison' is a very famous poison mastered by the Poison Demon Realm Master. It can penetrate everywhere and even penetrate the space. Even if it hides in the dark space, it is useless. Moreover, the battle of this level of masters confined the space at the beginning, and it is difficult to break through the space.

Once contaminated by Poisonous Elemental Gu Poison, not only the elemental strength cannot be used, but the body will also be bitten by all kinds of insects.


The Poyuan warrior held a broad knife that was tens of meters long, and smashed it against Zhuo Bufan. The blade easily cut through the space, such as flames igniting paper, and the strong toxicity continued to corrode the surrounding space. The space was difficult to heal for a while.

When Zhuo Bufan saw this, the spear in his hand surged and swept across, a dazzling silver light like a galaxy.

Gunmang collided with the poisonous knife in the hands of the Poyuan warrior, rippling waves swept over thousands of miles, and the poisonous gas spread below, only to see a forest quickly withered, and even turned directly to ashes.

"So strong!"

"This guy should not have strong frontal strength, but this kind of poisoning method is too weird and troublesome to get entangled." Zhuo Bufan frowned.

He even felt a trace of imperceptible toxicity seeping into his body through the space. Although the wild gas could be wiped out instantly, his whole body felt bitten by ten thousand ants.

"My willpower is strong enough, and it's a bit unbearable. If the pain gets worse, it will be enough to affect the fight, and even make the will collapse and confusion."

"A body that can withstand the Poison Poisonous Poison, this body is not bad. When I kill you, I will take your body to soak in a jar of poisonous wine." The Poison Demon Realm Emperor sneered, but the chill in his eyes grew. Be strong.

While talking, Zhuo Bufan fought against the Poyuan Samurai again. Every time he destroys the opponent, the opponent can quickly condense, because the opponent is poisonous gas and not a real life, and every time they come in contact with each other, a trace of toxin penetrates, making Zhuo extraordinary. Jian eyebrows gradually condensed.

Zhuo Bufan simply retracted the silver gun, his hands condensed like lightning, wisps of purple aura rose above him, and then gathered above his head, a beam of purple light hit the sky, forming a purple cloud vortex, purple thunder flashes, and electric snakes swim away. A horrible ancient breath was born from it.

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