Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2948: Everyone is shocked to practice in the red stone

Chapter 2949 everyone is shocked to practice in the red stone

The phalanx flew back to Zhuo Bufan's hand again, and the white bones showed a **** brilliance.

Holding it in his hand, he could feel the majestic qi and blood fluctuations in it, this time it was a blessing in disguise.

"I control this phalanx, and I can play at least one half-holy full blow, even if the Xuan Wu world master dare not fight it head-on, although it can only be used once, it is enough for the three world masters to cast the mouse bogey, and I will not be too controlled by others. "The corner of Zhuo Bufan's mouth lifted up with a soft arc, and he was about to put the Holy Bone into the space ring.

This time, the magma strong of the Flame Demon tribe can be solved. One is because he has been trapped in the redstone for millions of years, and his strength has been constantly weakened. The second is because of the phalanx of the saint, if the strength of the magma man The realm has not been weakened too much, so even if you get this phalanx, it may not be able to completely kill the opponent.

"Can you practice two different avenues at the same time? The perfect rule universe can't practice two avenues at the same time?"

Zhuo Bufan frowned slightly, thinking about the words of the magma man in his mind. The opponent's realm of strength fell, but the mysterious level of his mastery would not be affected. He also mastered the two avenues of the'fire source' space', together Cultivation not only does not conflict, but can display a stronger combat power.

Sitting in the red stone, Zhuo Bufan pondered the words of the magma man, while quickly absorbing the rich holy energy, guiding the holy air to turn through the meridian, and then entering the dantian to condense into a vortex of vitality.

And the dangers in the abdomen of Redstone are naturally unknown to the outside world. Everyone only saw Zhuo Bufan being sucked into the interior by Redstone, and then the blood mist that filled the bottom of the valley began to roll and boil. As for the fluctuations caused by Zhuo Bufan and the Magma Man fighting inside the Redstone , Because of the formation restriction, the fluctuation did not spread out.

Luo Mo's figure just moved, two figures suddenly appeared in front of her and blocked her way. Huo Ding and Tan Yu were surging with surging vitality fluctuations. If Luo Mo was forced to enter the bottom of the valley, they could only Use some tough measures to stop it.

"You guys, get out of me!" Luo Mo'e frowned, eyes icy blue cold.

"Commander, you can't take the risk. Our Demon Race is led by you on this mission. You promised the Demon Lord." Huo Ding shook his head and his tone became tough.

Both of them knew Luo Mo's character well. After seeing Zhuo Bufan being sucked into the redstone, he hadn't come out for a long time. They were going to go down and have a look. Even if he died inside the redstone, he would never owe Zhuo Bufan any kindness.

When Luo Mo heard this, his eyes slightly lowered as if he was thinking. Huo Ding and Tan Yu had not had time to breathe a sigh of relief when they saw this. The latter had already raised their heads and said with a firm look in their eyes: "Besides me of the demons, there is also a saint leading the team. , I will never accept any kindness from anyone in the Star Alliance, please let me go!"

As soon as the babble sounded, Luo Mojiao's body spread icy blue ripples, instantly freezing the surrounding air, and some fine ice crystals condensed in the air. Both Huoding and Tan Yu felt stiff.


The dull sound from the bottom of the gorge made Luo Mo's figure stagnant, and the rich blood below the bottom of the valley boiled and rolled, turning crazily, forming a blood-red tornado entwined at the top of the red stone.

Countless blood qi was swallowed and absorbed by the redstone.

"Still alive?" Luo Mo also sensed a familiar aura inside the redstone. Although he was obscured by the formation, he was sure that Zhuo Bufan was still alive.

"Commander, he's still alive." Hooding let out a sigh, and said again.

"The favor, just return it to him in the future." Tan Yu also said.

Luo Mo didn't speak, but he was sure that Zhuo Bufan was still alive, and the kindness owed to him would be returned to him later.

The Poison Demon Realm Emperor, the Iron Mountain Realm Emperor, the Black Bear Realm Emperor, and the Bai Chi Realm Emperor have been observing the situation in the valley floor. Zhuo Bufan was swallowed into the red stone and was destined to die or not. At first, the Bai Chi Realm Emperor accidentally approached the red. Shi was almost swallowed in, but fortunately, Lord Xuan Wujie made a timely move to rescue him.

The secrets inside the Redstone are only known to the Emperor Bai Jia. There is a terrifying existence inside, and even the Lord Xuan Wujie can't completely erase that guy.

"It's a pity, I didn't kill that kid personally and let him die in the red stone." The Poison Demon Realm Emperor shook his head with a regretful expression with a gloating arc at the corner of his mouth.

But the next moment, the smile on his face solidified, countless blood rushed to the upper end of the red stone, and an extraordinary breath faintly came from the red stone. He was not dead yet.

This scene naturally made the top of the canyon silent for a moment. Immediately, there was some air-conditioning and exclamation sounded, and even the face of the Baiji Realm Emperor who thought Zhuo Bufan had died also climbed with a trace of amazement. color.

"Poison Demon Realm Sovereign, your wishful thinking seems to be wrong, and the Shadow Killer King is still alive." The Black Bear Realm Sovereign looked at the sullen Poison Demon Realm Sovereign next to him, and the smile on that rough face was exceptionally bright.

"Huh! He's just lucky, luck isn't something like every time." The Poison Demon Realm Emperor gritted his teeth, his eyes covered with bloodshot eyes, and his voice was cold to the bone.



"You said that Shadow Killer was sucked into the redstone in order to save the Realm Emperor Luo Mo." The Master Xuan Wujie wore an ice mask on his face and said in a low voice.

"I saw it with my subordinates' own eyes!" Below, a bull demon in the realm of a realm king was kneeling down.

The master of Xuan Wujie was long and thin, with his hands behind his back. After hearing the words, his spiritual thoughts spread out. Observing the situation in the canyon, he was slightly surprised. The breath of the Flame Demon clan completely disappeared. Zhuo Bufan is still alive. Wipe out the remnant soul of the Flame Demon Race.

"Well, you go down first." Xuan Wujie said.

"Yes." The bull demon even got up and flew out of the palace.

The Lord Xuan Wujie raised his head, looked at the palace gate, and muttered to himself: "I can't imagine that a Human Race Realm King has the means to erase the remnants of the Flame Demon. Is there any special treasure in his hand?"


Zhuo Bufan stayed inside the red stone and sat cross-legged, with no sadness or joy on his face, the rotating star wheel Yanyu in his dantian frantically swallowed the holy energy, transforming it into pure energy and condensing the elemental force vortex.

After the fellow of the Flame Demon Race was completely wiped out, the evil spirit also disappeared. In addition, Zhuo Bufan held the saint's phalanx in his hands, so he would hardly be pressured by the holy power, and his cultivation speed increased several times than outside.

According to Jiang Cheng, the more vortexes of cohesive elemental power, the more difficult it will be to control it, just like the stronger the egg shell, the harder it is for the chicken to break out of the shell. This kind of training method has advantages and disadvantages, and the elemental power can be more vigorous. But the difficulty of breaking through the realm of the emperor will also increase.

Five days passed, and the blood vortex formed above the red stone finally gradually recovered calm. Many monster clan powerhouses have not left in these five days, but watched the changes in the bottom of the valley and saw the blood vortex dissipate, and everyone’s eyes immediately flocked to it. Redstone.

A slender figure rushed out from inside the redstone, wrapped in surging vigorous blood, this figure would naturally not be someone else, it was in the redstone for five days of cultivating extraordinary.

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