Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2969: solve it completely


"Brother, that Balrog will be handed over to me." Zi Tian licked his lips and held the scarlet scimitar in his hand. At the same time as the voice fell, his figure turned into a streamer and quickly rushed towards one of the Balrogs.

Roar... The flame demon will open his mouth and let out an angry roar, waving two sharp claws to tear the air, and violently colliding with the scimitar in Zitian's hand, making a crisp sound of gold and iron symphony, snorting, and being dismissed. White smoke rose from the arm where the machete was cutting, and the strong toxin corroded the Balrog's muscles.

Without the power blessing of the voodoo mystery, it would be difficult for Zitian to harm this flame demon general.

But even so, the strength of this Balrog General cannot be underestimated, Zi Tian and this Balrog General soon became blurred, and they had fought hundreds of times in just a few breaths.

Although Zitian has just regained his life, his blood inherits the memories of his ancestors, including practice techniques and combat experience. After a few battles, he gradually masters the combat skills and cooperates with the voodoo secret technique. I believe that it will be solved soon. The Flame Demon General.

And Zhuo Bufan also cast his gaze on the other Balrog general, holding the silver spear in his palm, his deep black eyes flashing fiercely and coldly, "Then you leave it to me to solve it."


This stronger Balrog will roar at the same time, leaving behind an afterimage, breaking the sound barrier with its body, tearing the space between the two claws to produce a violent and fierce air current, Zhuo Bufan double grasps the barrel of the gun, and urges the dragon to send off the dragon. The evil waste body, with fine scales growing on both arms, like two dragon arms, dancing with silver spears.

Splitting, picking, stabbing, pumping, sweeping, turning... the shooting skills are extremely smooth and hearty.

As the saying goes, the moon stick, the year knife, and the gun for a lifetime.

Marksmanship is the best weapon for sharpening close combat, which is why Zhuo Bufan chooses a long spear as a melee weapon.

The flame demon will be swept out again and again, before he can stop, Zhuo Bufan suddenly hits the flame demon with a long spear in front of the flame demon again, causing the latter to explode everywhere.

The flame demon clan, the flesh is invincible, even if the soul dies, the flesh has the instinctive killing ability and can continue to fight.

But this feeling of being unable to fight back made the Balrog general extremely angry and frustrated, and at the same time more secretly frightened, because Zhuo Bufan’s melee strength is by no means weaker than the Balrog clan, and every shot hit him makes him feel like being hit by a mountain. .


Zhuo Bufan’s arm muscles swelled, holding the tail of the gun and flicking it, the barrel of the gun was curved, and then suddenly bounced like lightning and hit the Balrog’s head, drew the latter like a cannonball and flew out, hitting a cliff hard. , The whole body was embedded in the stone wall, and a dark deep hole was knocked out, and numerous fine cracks were rapidly cracked around.

"Sure enough, it's not that easy to solve." Zhuo Bufan held a gun and stood in the air, looking at the dark hole with a deep gaze.

A trace of darkness hovering in the depths of the canyon suddenly gathered towards the entrance of the cave. After a while, a powerful aura that made people palpitation radiated, and the Balrog would fly out from the depths of the cave again, and the rubble would fall down. .

"Humans, humans! Your Taiyi universe will be destroyed one day, and everyone must die." The flame demon roared hoarsely, covered with weird red magic patterns, and stretched out two huge bone wings on his back. The black air current is permeated, and it looks very evil.

"Have you lost your patience? Anger is the most incompetent manifestation." Zhuo Bufan's mouth was joking.

"Die me!" The Flame Demon roared, his wings flapped, his body cut through the air, and he quickly slaughtered Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan’s eyes flashed with cold light, and in his dantian, the sea of ​​yin and yang was boiling and roaring, the yin and yang gathered force to pour into the gun barrel, seeing the flame demon slaughter the brave and brave, Zhuo Bufan did not retreat, advances, and his feet break through the void Charged past for an afterimage.

The two figures staggered past, and immediately stopped in the void with their backs to each other.

"No, it's impossible." The flame demon made a muffled sound in his throat, lowered his head, and watched a bowl-wide hole appeared in his chest, piercing his chest and abdomen, and a special energy penetrated into his body, and began to continuously decompose his body. .

"The King will step on the Taiyi Universe and kill you all..." The flame demon made the last unwilling voice in his throat, and his body was completely shattered, turning into powder and dissipating with the wind.

A flame demon comparable to the Four Kings of Ten Thousand Demon Valley will die in Zhuo Bufan's hands.

On the other side, the flame demon fighting with Zitian will see this scene with round eyes and an unbelievable expression on his face. The flame demon body is known to be immortal, and even if the soul is annihilated, the body will not decay, and it will be nourished by evil all the year round. It can also be transformed into a state of'living dead' and continue to looting and killing enemies.

But just now he saw Zhuo Bufan pierce through his companion's chest, and his companion's body was completely broken into powder.

"The power of yin and yang is so powerful?" Zhuo Bufan was also secretly surprised. He also tried to use the power of yin and yang before, but the fusion of the power of yin and yang was not perfect at that time. Although the power is strong, it is not as terrifying as it is now. effect.

There are many energy bodies in the universe, and the most common one is Yuan Li. No matter what kind of exercises you practice, you can absorb Yuan Li. For example, the practice of "Voodoo Mystery" belongs to the evil attribute, and the energy that absorbs the evil attribute is the best practice, except In addition to this, there is the power of meditation which also belongs to a special energy in the universe.

Among the many energy bodies, at least in terms of extraordinary insight, the power of Yin and Yang is the most terrifying.

"Zi Tian, ​​do you need my help?" Zhuo Bufan looked at Zi Tian, ​​who was fighting fiercely with the Flame Demon, with a slight smile on his face.

Zitian used the sword technique, and the scarlet blade made a series of weird and misty knife marks, forcing another Balrog general to retreat, especially the voodoo contained in the sword technique. Once contaminated, it can corrode the muscles and bones.

"Brother, this guy should be solved by me personally. I don't want to be a role of dragging oil bottles by his side." Zi Tian speeded up his sword skills, while responding, the brutality on his handsome face became more intense.

Hearing the words, Zhuo Bufan nodded appreciatively, and simply put away his spear and stood by to watch the battle.

The other Balrog General is also very nervous and angry now, because it knows that once Zhuo Bufan joins the battle, he will only have a dead end.

"Fight..." The Flame Demon General suddenly rushed away at Zitian, the burning black flame suddenly turned into a giant claw, emitting a monstrous demon flame, the giant claw enveloped the sky above the purple sky, and grabbed him directly. Where the giant claw passed, the space was shattered into countless fragments.

Zhuo Bufan's sword eyebrows frowned slightly, once Zi Tian was in danger of life, he would immediately take action.

"Do you really treat the little master as a soft persimmon?" Zitian's eyes showed a chill, and he held a scimitar and slashed it forcefully. The blade light that was tearing the sky hit the giant claw. Crossing the eyebrows, the Balrog divided the body into two.

Voodoo invades every cell, making the Balrog unable to recover the body, and eventually the soul is annihilated and perishes.

Zitian's palm threw a cloud of burning purple fire, burning the former's body to ashes and dissipating with the wind.

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