Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 2978: Secrets of the Sirius Realm Emperor

Chapter 2979 the secret of the Heavenly Wolf Realm Emperor

"Okay, go and see, the old man won't admit his fate so easily." Bai Yuan nodded.

Hong Yun and Zi Tian followed Zhuo Bufan, and the four swept towards the corridor behind the secret room again, this time still following the passage that Zi Tian chose.

The corridor is wide, the fire is swaying, and the stone walls on both sides are inlaid with a kind of luminous stone, like the fire to illuminate the passage.

There are also many strong monsters who choose this channel. For example, Peng Prison Realm Emperor also quietly followed behind, perhaps because he wanted to wait for Zhuo Bufan and others to fall into the trap and seize treasures when they encountered a crisis.

It is a pity that even though Zhuo Bufan and others walked ahead to clear the way, they did not encounter any danger.


puff! puff! puff! puff!

Inside the divine palace, there was another long passage. Five consecutive strong men from the realm of the realm flew out, all of them were pierced by a hand claw, crushed the heart and died, dripping with blood.

"Deer Sting Realm Emperor, we have no grievances and no enmity with you, why..."

The five powerful monsters of the realm king stage fell to the ground, all of them pale, with endless fear in their eyes.

They are just ordinary kings of the monster race. This time the Death Gobi opened to seek fortune and treasures, and they didn't have enough treasures to make the deer sting world emperor look upon.

Who knew that when they first entered this passage, they met the Deer Sting Realm Sovereign, and the five immediately turned to flee, because they couldn't provoke such a strong person, but they didn't expect that the latter would mercilessly attack them.

"Why? Wait for you to go to **** and think about it slowly." A scarlet light appeared in the eyes of the Deer Sting Realm Emperor, and immediately stretched out his palm, and his palm emitted five blood-red rays, directly piercing the heads of the five Realm Kings and shattering the sea of ​​God. Let five people be buried here.

After solving the five people, the Deer Sting Realm Sovereign turned around slowly, and said coldly toward the air behind: "Sirius Realm Sovereign, this kind of invisibility is useless to me, let's show up."

As the voice fell, a figure gradually appeared in the empty rear, and it was the Heavenly Wolf Realm Emperor.

The eyes of the Heavenly Wolf Realm Emperor contracted slightly, his face looked a little weird, and he saw the scene in front of him as soon as he entered the passage. Generally speaking, if there was no deep hatred, the Realm Emperor would not take the initiative to attack the Realm King. If you do, you will not only lose your identity, but will also be pursued and killed by other world emperors.

The Heavenly Wolf Realm Emperor looked at the five fallen corpses in front of him, and then looked at the Deer Sting Realm Emperor. From the latter, he faintly felt a sense of danger from his soul.

"Sirius Realm Emperor, since you have seen it, then I will also send you on the road." The Deer Sting Realm Emperor's eyes were cold and there was a fierce arc on the corner of his lips.

"You want to kill me?" The Heavenly Wolf Realm Emperor's eyes were wide as bull's eyes, looking at the Deer Sting Realm Emperor incredibly.

He is also the pinnacle of the realm emperor himself, even if his strength is not as good as the deer sting, it is difficult for the opponent to kill him. He asks himself that he has the ability to escape.

"Do you think I can't kill you?" The Deer Sting Realm Emperor's smile was quite weird, making the Heavenly Wolf Realm Emperor a chill from the bottom of his heart, freezing his limbs.

When the voice fell, the deer sting world emperor's body suddenly disappeared, and suddenly he appeared in front of the Sirius Realm Emperor, his fist enveloped the weird and evil aura, tearing the air like a poisonous thorn to the Sirius Realm Emperor. Come.

The Heavenly Wolf Realm Emperor subconsciously raised his palm and caught the fist head-on. The fist collided with the palm, and the invisible air wave dispersed, causing dense cracks to appear on the solid stone walls on both sides of the passage.

The body of the Sirius Realm emperor shot out like a cannonball in an instant. After stopping, the expression of the Sirius Realm Emperor changed suddenly. When he opened his palm, there was a hint of black mist in his palm, which made his arm feel numb.

"This, what is this?" The eyes of the Heavenly Wolf Realm Emperor expanded, and he could feel the black mist eroding the vitality in his body.

A faint scarlet light appeared in the eyes of the deer sting realm emperor, with an evil black mist on his body, and he looked at the Sky Wolf Realm emperor coldly, "Now, you should understand that I have enough strength to kill you and make you even blew up. Can't do it."

"Follow me, or die, choose for yourself!"

The Heavenly Wolf Realm Emperor gritted his teeth, every strong monster of the monster race has his own arrogance in his bones, but the Heavenly Wolf Realm Emperor really felt the death threat from the Deer Sting Realm Emperor.

"I am willing to submit to you." The Heavenly Wolf Realm Emperor finally loosened his fist, and when faced with life threats, the so-called arrogance would eventually disappear.

The Heavenly Wolf Realm Emperor took out a strand of blood and flew it into the Deer Sting Realm Emperor's hands. The Deer Sting Realm Emperor directly signed a life and death contract. The Heavenly Wolf Realm Emperor did not dare to resist.

"Now your life is in my hands. Since you are all your own, you don't need to be afraid. As long as you do things for me, it will not be difficult for you to become the realm master in the future." There was a shadow of evil in the corner of his mouth.

"Master Luzhe, the aura on your body just now..." The Heavenly Wolf Realm Emperor hesitated to speak.

The emperor of the Deer Sting Realm said: "You are my servant now, and life is in my hands. It doesn't matter if you tell, I have taken refuge in the flame demon clan, and you now also take refuge in the flame demon clan."

The Flame Demon clan invaded the northern border of the Demon Realm, and was finally suppressed by Ye Bai Supreme. This matter is not a secret in the Demon Realm.

The Heavenly Wolf Realm Emperor was stunned for a moment, and then a bitter taste was set off at the corner of his mouth. He didn't expect that he would betray the Demon Race and join the Flame Demon Race. In order to drive the Flame Demon Race away, the Demon Race paid the blood and lives of countless powerful seniors.

"This world is already the weak and the strong. The Lord Yanmozu will give us stronger strength, and then maybe it will allow us to dominate the demon realm, and the future is boundless." The Deer Sting Realm Sovereign gave him a cold look and said indifferently.

"Yes, sir." The Heavenly Wolf Realm Emperor nodded respectfully.

"I have sensed the call of Lord Balrog, follow me." The Deer Sting Realm Emperor looked towards the end of the passage, and immediately led the Sky Wolf Realm Emperor to the front.


The four Zhuo Bufan walked through the winding corridors, following Zitian's guidance all the way. After about a time for the incense stick, everyone appeared in a passage that was ten times wider than the other corridors. The stone walls of the passage were dark and smooth. With many mysterious lines.

"Master Zhuo, I feel like something is calling me in front of me." Hong Yun'e frowned, looking at the end of the passage, and faintly felt a voice calling in his heart, even transmitting the sound to Zhuo Bufan.

"You are the princess of the silver fox clan, this is the shrine of the ancestor of Yinguo. It should have something to do with your bloodline. Let's take a look at it, but we have to be vigilant." Zhuo Bufan nodded and spoke to the four people.

Immediately, the four of them swept to the front of the passage. The passage was hundreds of thousands of meters long. When they reached the end of the passage, they found two stone gates that were thousands of meters high, opening a gap large enough for carriages to pass, and a faint light came out of the gap.

"Go, go in and take a look." Zhuo Bufan's sword frowned, calling out the Ice Emperor Rain Sword, floating above his head, and immediately swooping into it.

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