Chapter 2985-Tragedy

A trace of chaotic power is as heavy as a mountain, so forcibly extracting the power of chaos to attack, even if the Primordial Eucharist Xiaocheng successfully carries this majestic power, it is still a bit reluctant. It has far exceeded the body load and is transmitted to the tip of the gun through the barrel of the gun. At that time, the silver spear trembled and cracks appeared, as if it could not bear the weight of the power of chaos.

And when the strong chaotic power poured into the tip of the gun, a faint gray mist appeared on the tip of the gun. No one would dare to look down upon this seemingly ordinary gray mist, because every trace is as heavy as a mountain!

The eyes of many practitioners converged on Zhuo Bufan, feeling the sense of danger coming from him, and all his expressions changed. This guy in front of him must never be seen in the ordinary realm king state.


Zhuo Bufan opened his mouth and shouted.

As the sound appeared, the arm carrying the silver gun slammed forward angrily, easily rupturing the space membrane wall, and the surrounding space in the line of sight showed a sense of distortion.

It's a pity that in this place where the rules of the space are broken, he can't use his mysterious power, otherwise he can increase a part of his strength again.

The tip of the gun turned into a black light, seemingly small, but it seemed to lock the deer sting realm emperor, making the latter inevitable.

The pupils of the Deer Sting Realm Sovereign shrank, and the hideous face gradually converged, but a trace of solemn intention appeared on his face.

The power of Zhuo Bufan's gun made him feel uneasy.

"I have obtained the power bestowed by the king. I am invincible under the realm of the realm master. You are just the pinnacle of the realm king. What can you do! Give me death!" The deer sting realm emperor's eyes are red, and his hands hold Thunder The handle of the hammer was lifted high above the head, and it slammed into the face again with the roar.

The violent force of thunder tears the space to pieces, and the thunder and angry python roars and roars in the sky, while the huge body twists, the head is aimed at Zhuo Bufan and sprints down suddenly.

Two forces comparable to the blow of the realm master instantly collided, and the silent air wave spread, causing the space to collapse every inch.

In the surroundings, countless strong monsters flew out, and even some unlucky ones with weak strength and close distance were directly affected by this destructive force, turning their bodies into powder.

It's horrible!

Countless strong monsters flew back and looked at this scene with horror in their eyes.

There was no sound resounding through the sky, but the two forces were silent and began to annihilate each other.

The thunder hammer smashed down and turned into a thunderous and angry python, and the mixed power from the tip of the gun turned into a gray gun shadow.

After the two came into contact, they crazily wanted to break through each other, and the thunder and rage python gave birth to four sharp claws, and the two claws of the forelimbs desperately grabbed the gray gun shadow.

"Break it for me!" Zhuo Bufan's body's vitality was like surging river water, rolling into the silver spear, making the giant gray spear more solid.

The eyes of the deer sting realm emperor suddenly tightened again, seeing the thunder and angry python's claws burst into fine cracks, and his face showed an unbelievable color, with an extremely angry and cold voice, "No, it is impossible...I am the master of the realm. Invincible, you can't defeat me."

"Everything, there are exceptions." Zhuo Bufan's lips swept across a cold arc, and his vigorous blood poured into the silver spear, causing a trace of blood to appear in the silver spear.

Afterwards, the shadow of the gun was condensed as it was, and the cracks in the thunder and rage python's claws spread across the body like lightning, and eventually burst into countless pieces of thunder light, spilling into the void.

After the Thunder Angry Python disappeared, the Thunder Sledgehammer appeared, but at this time the thunder and lightning on the Thunder Sledgehammer was much depressed!

Zhuo Bufan gripped the barrel of the gun tightly, and while his arms were bulging, he lifted the gun and slapped the thunder hammer fiercely. The hammer turned into a meteor and pierced the sky, like a thunder rainbow hitting the chest of the deer sting realm emperor. The latter was hit. It flew upside down tens of thousands of meters, with a hollow in his chest, and blood spurted wildly in his mouth.

Seeing this scene, those demented monster clan powerhouses stiffened all over. The Deer Sting Realm Emperor swallowed the power of the Balrog, with incredible combat power, and actually suffered a big loss in Zhuo Bufan's hands.

Many eyes looked at the black-haired man with a silver gun in the void. In addition to fear, there was more something called awe in his eyes. The monsters originally respected the strong, not to mention Zhuo Bufan, the top king of the world. His power is so powerful, and his future achievements are limitless, and he is absolutely qualified to become the pinnacle powerhouse in the realm of the realm.

Zhuo Bufan's face didn't have the slightest relief or joy. Instead, his eyes looked extremely solemnly at the Deer Sting Realm Emperor. With his chest rising and falling, he was panting heavily in his mouth, and his muscles all over his body at this moment filled with an uncomfortable soreness. In World War I, he almost emptied his hole cards, and forcibly used the power of chaos to make his body carry a strong load.

At this time, the side effects of such overloaded fighting have gradually begun to show up.

Now, he no longer has the strength to perform a powerful blow like just now.

Hope, the Deer Sting Realm Emperor was seriously injured.

But things were not as what Zhuo Bufan wanted. The Deer Sting Realm Emperor’s chest was almost completely sunken, but he recovered almost instantaneously. The deer clan's own vitality is now also integrated with the power of the Balrog. It can be said that the deer sting is now the demon and the Balrog.的组合。 The combination.

"Not dead!" Zhuo Bufan gritted his teeth, his pupils contracted slightly like needles.

He still has the power to fight again, but if he wants to solve the opponent completely, obviously there is not much hope.

Thinking of this, Zhuo Bufan Yuguang looked at Princess Hongyun who was accepting the inheritance. Once he chose to escape, Princess Hongyun would definitely be attacked by the deer sting. He could only continue to insist until Princess Hongyun had accepted the inheritance of the silver scorpion master.

The white ape and Zitian in the distance saw that the deer sting realm emperor was not dead, but slid towards Zhuo Bufan. Both of them became extremely dignified. They could perceive that Zhuo Bufan was already in a weak state, and it might be difficult to stop the deer. The emperor of the sting world.

In an instant, the Deer Sting Realm Emperor had once again flew in front of Zhuo Bufan, his scarlet eyes staring at Zhuo Bufan with a ghost-like insidiousness.

"Zhuo Bufan, you really surprised me, you can actually burst out such a strong fighting power, once you become the world emperor, I am afraid you will be the first person under the real world lord." The deer sting world emperor's voice is bitterly cold and full of demons. Wen's face showed a hideous color, "Unfortunately, I won't give you this opportunity. Just now you used the secret technique to improve your strength, which has exceeded the physical load, and now you are probably at the end of the force."

Zhuo Bufan squeezed the barrel of the gun with his five fingers, and gritted his steel teeth.

Unexpectedly, the Deer Sting Realm Emperor saw himself so thoroughly, could he only come up with the last hole card-Holy Bone.

The holy bone blow is equivalent to the full blow of the semi-sage powerhouse, and the Deer Sting Realm Sovereign cannot resist it.

Buzzing-Suddenly, golden waves surging like a continuous tide, instantly sweeping across the entire void area. This sudden scene not only caused countless monsters to look sideways, but also Zhuo Bufan and Deer Sting. At the same time, they looked at the distance.

I saw Princess Hongyun shrouded in golden light, then slowly opened her eyes, and flew up into the sky like a **** descending.

"Hou Yan Mohou, you are finally willing to show up!" A vast voice hit the hearts of everyone like a hammer, spreading across the void.

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