Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 3010: Join forces again


Luo Mo was followed by Huo Ding and Tan Yu, two masters of the Realm Sovereign Realm, while Zhuo Bufan was in a team with the Black Bear Realm Sovereign, making a total of five realm emperor realm experts.

As for Jie Sui Jie Huang, he followed Qingcheng Jie Huang and three Dijiao clan strong Jie Huang, also a lineup of five Jie Huang Jie strong.

Before Zhuo Bufan could respond, Luo Mo ordered Huo Ding and Tan Yu, "You two hinder the subordinates of the Ape Sui Jie Huang, as for the Ape Sui Jie Huang, let me deal with it."

Facing Luo Mo’s strong character, Zhuo Bufan’s lips were filled with a bitter smile, and he immediately glanced at the Black Bear Realm Emperor, trying to stop the Ape Sui Realm Emperor and the Qingcheng Realm Emperor and the three powerful Dijiao tribes. However, Huo Ding and Tan Yu alone may have some difficulties.

"Leave them to me." The Black Bear Realm Emperor nodded, without talking nonsense.

The relationship between the Black Bear Realm Emperor and Zhuo Bufan is not deep, but the Black Bear Realm Emperor does not know why. He can always feel a convincing temperament from the young man in front of him, and unknowingly chooses to believe in the former.

"Qingcheng, let you play with these few miscellaneous fish." Sui Jiehuang said with a cold smile at the corner of his mouth.

"It's been a long time since I moved my muscles and bones. Give these three guys to me, and I will let them know that my people in Baijiaoyuan are not good people." Qingcheng Realm Emperor stretched his arms lazily, counting all the exquisite curves. Unfolding, immediately waved his hand, and the three realm emperors behind him had turned into three rainbows and quickly swept towards the black bear realm emperor and others.

Although Qingcheng leads the three Dijiao tribes by one more person, the Black Bear Realm Emperor, Tan Yu, and Huo Ding are not vegetarians. These three have not weak records in their respective regions. The two sides fought hard. At the same time, the vitality surged, and the battle situation suddenly fell into a stalemate.

"A good skinny body!" Hodding kicked a strong man from the Earth-Flood Clan, who stepped back again and again, but was not seriously injured.

Tan Yu relied on his ghostly figure and his palms were densely covered with bitter cold air to stop the attacks of the two realm emperors. It is not that Tan Yu is stronger than Hooding, but that the latter is good at speed and has weird moves. Although it was more reluctant to intercept the attacks of the two world emperors, the other two couldn't get away.

"The Black Bear Realm Emperor of Ten Thousand Demon Valley, I have heard of the name for a long time, but unfortunately I didn't have the opportunity to ask for a few tricks, but don't let me down." Qingcheng's slender scarlet tongue licked his lips, but his beautiful face was now full of snakes and scorpions. As venomously, the two exposed arms grow cyan scales, the palms are held empty, two sharp thorns appear, glowing with cold luster.

The black bear realm emperor grabbed his generous palm, and a **** giant axe appeared in his hand, with cold eyes, "I don't know how to pity the jade, if the skin and tender flesh is hurt, don't blame my black bear for destroying the flowers."

Qingcheng's figure swayed, like a creeping grass, waiting for an opportunity to move, his hands are like butterflies and flowers, and the sharp cold light covers the square, and the sky is overwhelmingly stabbing the black bear realm emperor, like thousands of poisonous snakes opening their fangs and biting. .

"Get out of here!"

The black bear realm emperor shouted angrily, slashing with a giant axe in his hand, and the surrounding Yuanli was violent, shattering the overwhelming cold light and thorns.


The Qingcheng Realm Emperor crossed his hands with double thorns to block, and the giant axe chopped and made a symphony of gold and iron. A powerful force passed into the body through his arms, and his figure quickly exploded out.

On the frontal force confrontation, the Qingcheng Realm Emperor is naturally inferior to the Black Bear Realm Emperor.

"Blind Xiong, you annoyed my old lady..." The Qingcheng Realm Emperor licked his lips, his body exploded with cyan vitality, transformed into poisonous snakes, wriggling his body, and swept towards the Black Bear Realm Emperor from all directions like lightning. Moreover, the angle was tricky, and the black bear realm emperor recovered the giant axe in his hand. Although it was strong, it was poorly flexible and could only passively defend it.

And the fierce fighting on this side naturally caused many people who entered the storm to stop and focus their attention here.

"It's the people of Sui Dynasty Realm Emperor... and the people of Ten Thousand Demon Valley and Zhuo Bufan?"

"What kind of treasure are they fighting for? They are fighting in the blue storm!"

"The blue storm erodes our vitality at all times, and the use of vitality here is twice as much as the outside consumption."

"It's really a luxury for these people to do things here."

The Black Bear Realm Emperor has already fought with the Qingcheng Realm Emperor and the others, and the battle is as extraordinary as Zhuo Bufan expected. No one can do anything about it. The only thing that needs to be solved is the Ape Sui Realm Emperor. This guy is a headache. The name of the first person under the Lord is not a mere name.

Zhuo Bufan knew that although he had some not-so-weak hole cards in his body, it did not mean that the Ape Sui Realm Emperor had no hole cards in his body. In a realm where the strength is respected by the monster race, only by stepping on countless bones can he build such prestige.

Ape Sui Jiehou frowned slightly, his gloomy gaze fell on Zhuo Bufan and Luo Mo. Although Zhuo Bufan was only the pinnacle of the realm king, his true strength was comparable to that of some realm emperor peak-level powerhouses. Naturally, he should not be underestimated. As for Luo Mo, the genius female world emperor from the demon clan, this is the existence that makes the Ape Sui world emperor a little jealous.

"Jie Huang Luo Mo, there are ten cosmic origin stones. How about you and me? As for some people, they should not be eligible to get this kind of treasure." Sui Jie Huang squinted his eyes and smiled lightly, but his eyesight Looking at Luo Mo.

Zhuo Bufan's sword eyebrows are frowning, Luo Mo has not dealt with him very much. Although the two have experienced some things, they are far from reaching the friendship of friends. If Luo Mo and Yuan Sui Jiehuang join hands to carve up the origin stone, he can only choose to give up , Unless the last trump card is sacrificed to kill the Ape Sui Realm Emperor.

However, Zhuo Bufan felt that it was a waste to kill the Emperor Sui Dynasty with the bones of the saint.

Now, I can only wait for Luo Mo's answer.

"Emperor Luo Mo, fighting in the blue storm, consumes three times more vitality than usual. If we continue to fight like this, we will only allow others to reap the benefits." Ape Sui Jiehuang added.

Luo Mo's eyelids were drooping, and his long icy blue hair fluttered behind his head, and his whole body exuded a icy chill. Then, in Zhuo Bufan's nervous mood, the latter finally raised his head, and his beautiful icy blue eyes were cold and thin. Thin lips curled up with a cold crumb, "A rebel who can even betray his master, can I believe what he said? It is undoubtedly to seek the skin of a tiger to agree to your request, and I hate people like you the most."

These words instantly silenced the surrounding area, and Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but twitch at the corner of his mouth. Finally, he was relieved. With Luo Mo's character, he could say this.

"Sure enough, women are all emotional animals and don't know how to choose between benefits." Ape Sui Jiehuang shook his head, and immediately shot out two chills from his pale golden eyes. He held the palm of his hand in the void, and a black long stick was held in his hand. That being the case, I also want to see how Emperor Luo Mo's methods can make me admire."

Zhuo Bufan glanced at Luo Mo. In addition to the strange personality of this woman, there is no sense of disgust in other places. She dares to love and hate. Perhaps it is this kind of character that makes him good friends with Ye Ziqin.

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