Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 3015: Fukuzawa Junior

Chapter 3016 Fukuze Descendants

Seeing Zhuo Bufan successfully entered the passage, it made many people's faces climbed with a hint of surprise. After all, the Ape Sui Realm Emperor is the number one strong under the Realm Lord, who can fight frontally with the Guardian to enter the passage, and he is at ease. Unexpectedly, Ke Zhuo Bufan also entered the passage with a frontal fight, but it made countless people appear shocked.

"This guy is really not easy, it seems that there are a lot of trump cards hidden." Zi Spider squinted his eyes and murmured softly.

"But he offended the Ape Sui Realm Emperor. If he really wants to work hard, I don't know if he can escape the Ape Sui Realm Emperor's chase." Zi Mei's lips curled up with an arc of evil charm, and said with interest.

Zhuo Bufan was not interested in paying attention to the surprised expressions on other people's faces. He looked at the passage. The dark passage was emitting a hazy blue light, and the front should lead to the shrine.

Zhuo Bufan walked slowly in the passage. Luo Mo, Tianya, Bai Chi, and Yuan Sui had already entered the passage before him, and should now reach the shrine.

"What happened just now? The guardian would secretly release water for me?" Zhuo Bufan walked and pondered, and immediately moved his mind, his palms, a piece of white jade pierced phalanx appeared, some blood flowing inside the phalanx, exuding pounds. Stubborn blood.

Holding the sacred bone, Zhuo Bufan's spiritual power penetrated into it. Suddenly his body shook, and his eyes gradually lit up. He finally knew why the guardian would release water on him. It must be because of the existence of the saint's phalanx in his spatial ring. The reader sensed a familiar breath, and didn't hit him cruelly.

At this moment, the saint’s phalanx was taken out, and Zhuo Bufan had absorbed the holy energy to temper his physical body. The phalanx did not repel his spiritual power. Instead, after the spiritual power entered the phalanx, Zhuo Bufan had a strange feeling and felt the whole god. Gongdu was in his grasp, and he could even'see' the positions of Luo Mo, Tianya, Bai Chi, and Yuan Sui through his spiritual power.

This shrine was built by Yebai Supreme, with array restrictions everywhere. Zhuo Bufan’s grasp of the saint’s phalanx is equivalent to a talisman. Although he cannot fully control the entire array, he can also'monitor' everywhere through the array. Mobilize the functions of some formations.


Inside a magnificent palace.

Ten thousand-foot-long stone pillars stood, and the tops of the pillars shone brightly.

Luo Mo, Tianya, Bai Chi, and Yuan Sui stood volley in the air, all their eyes fell on the top of the stone pillar, and they sensed the existence of heaven-defying treasures.

But none of the four dared to act rashly, and the guardian outside the passage was enough to give them headaches, let alone in this palace, there might be even more powerful presences.

Suddenly, a row of golden light characters appeared in the air.

"The demon juniors who entered the palace, it is your source of blessing to come here. There are ten precious treasures left by me in the palace, which proves your strength to get the treasure and leave here!"

A row of small golden characters showed the pressure of the saints, causing the four of them to slightly change their complexions, feeling a powerful sense of oppression and fear from the depths of their souls.

As the golden handwriting slowly faded, everyone's tight bodies and muscles slowly relaxed.

"This is the handwriting left by Ye Bai Zhizun." Tianya Realm Emperor has unconcealable excitement on his face. Ye Bai Zhizun is a legendary existence in the northern realm of the monster race, and is a powerful person respected by countless monsters. .

Even the unruly Ape Sui Jiehuang didn't dare to show disrespect on his face, and he also maintained a sense of awe.

The Emperor Tianya looked at the shining brilliance on the ten stone pillars, and said in a deep voice: "Ye Bai Zhizun left us with the treasures and blessings. If we take the treasures, we should leave quickly. There is still Ye Bai Zhizun left in this palace. If his will irritate the Supreme, I am afraid the four of us will be buried here."

The four of them nodded quite tacitly this time. Even though Yebai Supreme had been dead for a million years, no one in Yu Wei dared to provoke.

"But I don't know what the test mentioned in the golden inscription is!" Luo Mo frowned. Treasures and dangers will always coexist. It may not be easy to get treasures.

However, the sights of the four of them were already cruising on the stone pillars, looking for treasures that suit them.

"Remnant Sword Secret Technique!" Bai Jia Realm Emperor's eyes suddenly glowed, his heart has been like a sword in his pursuit of kendo all his life.

Legend has it that Ye Bai Zhizun was also good at using swords when he was young, and he was amazing, but later became stronger and stronger, and he did not always specialize in kendo. However, after becoming a holy, it took tens of thousands of years to learn about kendo again and created a Part of the'Secret Technique of Remnant Sword'.

After martial arts reaches the life and death level, it can't be passed on, and can only rely on your own comprehension.

But the secret technique is different. The secret technique can be directly inherited, and then the martial arts can be learned through the inherited secret technique.

The "Voodoo Fragment" obtained by the Poison Demon Emperor is a unique secret technique. It was later obtained by Zitian. It was supplemented by the memory inherited in the bloodline. After successful cultivation, it will be a powerful means.

"I want this secret technique for the broken sword. You can choose other treasures by yourself." After the idiot Realm Emperor said, the figure had swept to the top of the stone pillar, and then the body merged into the light ball and disappeared.

"I want this universe-level magic weapon!" The Emperor Tianya also flew out and entered the light group at the top of a stone pillar.

After Luo Mo glanced over the many treasures one by one, he chose a treasure that exudes endless chill and plundered it. This treasure is a cosmic strange treasure, the "Black Hole Ice Soul", which is a very special and rare treasure, which is very important for cultivation. The mystery of ice has a great effect.

"If I can get the Black Hole Ice Soul, maybe I can better grasp the power hidden in my body." Luo Mo murmured in his heart, and his body was swept away and disappeared.

After scanning the many treasures, Jie Sui Jie Huang's eyes fell on an inconspicuous gray stone, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Jie Shi." An excitement appeared on the face of Sui Jie Huang.

Boundary stone is a precious treasure bred in the Dantian of the Boundary Lord. What is a Boundary Lord, refers to the ruler of a realm, and it also refers to the ability to breed a world in the body. There is a sky gap between the realm of the Boundary Emperor and the realm of the Boundary Lord. , It is difficult to overcome that layer of shackles!

For example, Sui Jie Huang is known as the number one strong under the realm lord, but he is not the realm lord after all. It has been tens of thousands of years since he reached the peak of the realm emperor realm, but he still failed to find any hope of breakthrough.

"For me, the magic weapon and the secret technique of the universe level are not important. What I want most is to be the master of the world." Ape Sui Jie Huang was breathing slightly, his face glowing red from excitement.

The boundary stone is a piece of the world in the main body of the realm. The world inside the body will collapse after the death of the realm master. If a boundary stone is cut rashly, the whole body world will collapse. Only the power of the monster race like Bai Ye Zhizun can be against the sky. Means, can cut a piece of boundary stone from the main body of the world.

"Although the world stone can only be enlightened once, only once is enough. Let me realize the feeling of owning the world in my body, and I can find the way to become the world master, and then it only takes some time to retreat and enlighten, and I can break through to become a world. Lord." Ape Sui Jiehuang's feet slammed into the void, his body slid into the top of the stone pillar, and disappeared.

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