Chapter 3019-A Dream

Zhuo Bufan took a step, his body blended into the jade bi, the scene in front of him changed, and a land of green hills and green bamboo appeared.

Cuizhu Yiyi, when the wind blows, the bamboo leaves rustle.

In the bamboo forest, there is a thatched house, surrounded by a fence, planted with some flowers and plants. A woman with long hair like ink is bending over and taking care of the flowers and plants. When she notices the approaching footsteps, the latter stands up straight. Turning his head to look, he happened to see Zhuo Bufan, with a trace of confusion on his face.

Zhuo Bufan also saw the opponent's face clearly. He couldn't be said to be stunning, he could only be regarded as a medium appearance, but he had a quiet and dignified temperament.

Suddenly appearing here, Zhuo Bufan was also a little confused.

Although he didn't know the woman in front of him, he had a vague premonition in his heart that this was Mrs. Blue Butterfly.

"I..." Zhuo Bufan just opened his mouth to speak, but Madame Landie suddenly said, "Are you a nearby villager? Go hunting in the mountains or picking medicine? Do you want to drink water?"

The voice was very soft, Zhuo Bufan was stunned, and he swallowed what he wanted to say.

There is a stone table and two stone benches in the courtyard of the thatched cottage.

Zhuo Bufan sat on the stone bench, and Mrs. Blue Butterfly came out of the room and brought a bowl of water on the stone table.

"I'm thirsty, drink some water first, there is nothing to entertain you at home." Madam Blue Butterfly sat down and said with a smile.

Zhuo Bufan nodded, then took a sip of water and asked, "Madam, don't you know your surname?"

"Blue Butterfly." Mrs. Blue Butterfly replied.

Zhuo Bufan's body was shocked, and as he expected, the woman in front of him was the wife of Ye Bai Zhizun, Mrs. Blue Butterfly.

"My husband and I have been living in seclusion in this green mountain and bamboo forest. For so many years, no outsider has been here. You are the first one." Mrs. Blue Butterfly said actively, "But I know there are no villages nearby. Where did you come from? "

"I came from outside, and I experienced alone before I got here." Zhuo Bufan said casually, but he was extremely confused and surprised in his heart, Mrs. Landie and husband? Could the husband in her mouth be Ye Bai Zhizun?

"Oh." Mrs. Blue Butterfly thought he was reluctant to say more, so naturally she didn't ask, and immediately said: "My husband went hunting in the mountains. It's almost time to come back, little brother, you can stay and eat together. We two The husband and wife live here and haven't visited guests for a long time."

"Good." Zhuo Bufan said.

"Blue Butterfly, I'm back!" Suddenly, a wild voice sounded.

Zhuo Bufan raised his head and saw a burly middle-aged man with dark skin and a majestic face walking by the door of the thatched house. He carried a dead roe deer in his hand. He was no different from a mountain woodcutter, and Zhuo Bufan didn't feel it from him. The breath of any practitioner.

Is this person in front of him really Yebai Supreme?

Even Zhuo Bufan doubted it.

"Today came a little brother. We have lived here for so many years. For the first time someone from outside came in. You gave me the prey, I went to the kitchen to get food, and you chat with this little brother." Mrs. Blue Butterfly Seeing her husband come back, with a happy smile on his face, he reached out to take the prey and turned to the kitchen.

The burly middle-aged looked at Zhuo Bufan, and Zhuo Bufan stood up from the stone bench. Although the latter did not have the breath of a cultivator and there was no so-called coercion, Zhuo Bufan unconsciously felt nervous in front of the burly middle-aged. .

"You can call me Ye Bai." The burly middle-aged man looked at Zhuo Bufan and said.

Zhuo Bufan was horrified. The man in front of him was the Yebai Supreme who once dominated the northern border of the Demon Region and covered the sky with only one hand.

The two arrived at the bamboo forest one after the other, Ye Bai stopped, and Zhuo Bufan also stopped.

Ye Bai turned around and looked at Zhuo Bufan, his face slightly solemn: "You can come here to prove that I'm dead. In the end, did we win?"

Zhuo Bufan was stunned and nodded, "I won, the people of the Flame Demon Race have left the demon realm with their deadly wounds."

"That's good, that's good." A smile finally appeared on Ye Bai's face.

Zhuo Bufan hesitated, still asked: "Then here? It's just an illusion?"

"Illusion?" Ye Bai shook his head, his face solemnly said: "This is her dream!"

Ye Bai told the story of him and Mrs. Blue Butterfly, Zhuo Bufan stood by and listened quietly.

"I am a Yaozu, and she saved me when I was weak. Later, I was opposed by everyone from the Yaozu when I was with her. At that time, I just wanted to become strong, because I wanted to gain a foothold in the Yaozu. Whoever said the truth is the truth. "Ye Bai said slowly and authentically.

"In the end, I did it. I became a saint, with great power and control over the northern border of the demon realm. The voices that opposed me have since disappeared."

Zhuo Bufan nodded, Ye Bai Zhizun is indeed a hero of the world, if he has the strength of Ye Bai Zhizun's peak period, even if Ye Bai Qin is taken away from the demons, the demons dare not fart.

"But do you know? None of this is what I want. I just want to be with Blue Butterfly quietly, but when I want to be anonymous, everything is too late. I have the mission of the Yaozu on my back, and I have to bear it. Too many things."

"Until the strong from outside the territory invaded the Demon Race, and the two supreme Flame Demon Race attacked the northern border of the Demon Territory, I knew that this time was dangerous, so I built a shrine for the Blue Butterfly, leaving my will to stay here with her.

Zhuo Bufan nodded silently, Ye Bai Zhizun is indeed an infatuated man, pursuing the path to becoming a strong man for his beloved woman, but becoming a strong man is destined to carry some heavy burdens.

Now, am I in Madame Blue Butterfly's dream?

"Well, you can leave when you have dinner, don't bother her." Ye Bai Zhizun sighed deeply.

"Husband, little brother, come to eat." Mrs. Blue Butterfly shouted.

The three of them sat on the stone benches in the yard. The stone table was filled with some home-cooked dishes.

Mrs. Blue Butterfly's smile was beautiful, she looked at Ye Bai and suddenly said, "Husband, thank you for being with me all these years, but this dream is always a dream, and I should be sober!"

Hearing Mrs. Lan Die's words, Ye Bai's face was stagnant, looking at Mrs. Lan Die, with a puzzled expression: "La Die, what are you saying?

"Do you really think I'm stupid?" Lan Die smiled and said, "In these years, you will stand in the same place every time you go home, and you will repeat a few paragraphs every day. In fact, I should have thought about it a long time ago, but I just don't want to believe it. That's it."

"I..." Ye Diphtheria was stuck in a stone, speechless.

Unexpectedly, his wife had seen everything through.

The Ye Bai in front of him was only the Cannian left by the Ye Bai Supreme. The real Ye Bai Supreme was dead. No matter how powerful, Can Nian could not be a living person, and would always make the same actions and say the same words.

"You said you want me to accompany you incognito, and you want me to accompany you at sunrise and sunset. Unfortunately, even if I am a saint, I can't meet your little request." Ye Bai looked at his wife guiltily and choked. Tao.

"The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility." Blue Butterfly shook his head, "As the Supreme Northern Territory, guarding the northern border of the Monster Race, would I really make you give up all responsibilities and responsibilities for my own selfish desires and stay with me in the mountains and forests? I love you, so I don’t want to put you in a dilemma, because love is not selfish."

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