Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 3028: Red Eye Demon Lord

Chapter 3029 Scarlet Eye Demon Lord

Bai Yuan solemnly accepted the'Great Buddhist Book' with both hands, and his red eyes were filled with tears. This book is the most advanced practice method of the Great Ape Sect. Back then, the Ape Sui stole the Buddhist scriptures, and Bai Ape pursued the Ape Sui's traces. However, Yuan Sui was unable to regain the sacred scriptures of the sect, which led to the decline of the Great Apes.

"Unexpectedly, before I was dying, I could see Sui Sui's fall, and I could get back the sect of the sect." Bai Yuan trembled slightly, and said to Zhuo Bufan: "Master Zhuo, you got this book from Sui Sui... …"

Zhuo Bufan knew what Bai Yuan was going to say, and simply waved his hand and said: "Although this book is precious, it is not suitable for me. I have my own way of practicing. If I am greedy for all kinds of rare treasures, I will mess up my mind and chew more. I still understand the truth of not bad."

The extraordinary power of the great Buddhist scriptures has personally verified that if it were not for the powerful dragon evil body and the power of chaos, it would be impossible to kill the Ape Sui Realm Emperor. One thought becomes a Buddha, one thought becomes a devil.

What's more, there are many treasures in the space ring left by the Ape Sui Realm Emperor and the Nine Realm Knife Emperor, and it is also a great harvest. At least the demon crystals needed to travel to the forbidden area of ​​the Ancestral Demon are completely enough.

When Bai Yuan heard the words, he sighed in his heart that the great Buddhist scriptures are peerless practices, otherwise the Ape Sui Jie Huang would not risk betraying the master and steal the Buddhist scriptures due to the stigma, but Zhuo Bufan can calmly regard it. His xinxing and Dao xinxing are as firm as one, and his future achievements will be limitless.

"The search for treasures is almost the same, let's leave here too." Zhuo Bufan said.

Zhuo Bufan didn't dare to covet the treasure in Saint-Burial Yuan. Now that he had obtained the ‘Universe Origin Stone’ and a lot of treasure, it’s time to leave.

The Red Cloud and White Ape, Zitian, and the Black Bear Realm Emperor nodded. Just as everyone was about to leave, a whirlpool suddenly appeared above the sky, and a breath-holding coercion diffused, whether it was preparing to leave or flying. The figures of practitioners stopped in the middle.

Such a terrifying coercion caused countless people's hearts to tremble, Zhuo Bufan raised his head and looked up at the vortex that appeared in the sky, his sword eyebrows were frowned, and there was a vague premonition in his heart.

A huge, hideous and fuzzy face appeared in the sky, and a pair of red eyes carried a breathtaking pressure, as if a **** was overlooking all beings.

"Ape Sui actually died in your hands?" The giant face of the sky opened his mouth, and his voice was low, as if a heavy drum was beating in his heart.

"It's the Scarlet Eye Demon Lord!" The Black Bear Realm Emperor's face was pale.

The Red Eye Demon Lord, one of the three realm masters in the northern realm of the demon, it is rumored that the one who attacked the first among the three realm masters was also the master of Baijiaoyuan.

Shocking gazes converged on the giant face of the sky, and the Scarlet Eyed Demon Sovereign appeared suddenly. Is it because he wanted to avenge the Ape Sui Realm Emperor?

Facing a real world master, Zhuo Bufan had no chance of winning at all. His palms slowly clenched into a fist. Only the last hole card remained on him. If the Scarlet Eye Demon Lord really wants to avenge Yuan Sui, He can only use the sacred finger bones and display a blow from the semi-sacred realm powerhouse before he has a chance to escape.

"Big Brother." Zi Tian held the Blood Moon Scimitar and stood in front of Zhuo Bufan, a pair of purple pupils exuding fierce aura, looking at the huge face of the sky.

"Shadow Killer, come with me!" The Scarlet Eyed Demon Lord said lightly.

"Master Zhuo."

"Shadow Killer."

"Big Brother."

Purple sky, white ape, black bear, red cloud, all eyes fell on Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan's frowning sword eyebrows slowly loosened, and the corners of his lips raised a faint arc. If the Scarlet Eyed Demon Lord really wanted to avenge Ape Sui, he would not say this to him. It seemed that the other party seemed to have another purpose.

"I'll go with him, he shouldn't shoot at me." Zhuo Bufan shrugged and said.

"Big Brother, you killed Ape Sui Jie Huang, he won't avenge Ape Sui?" Zi Tian shook his head. In his heart, Big Brother's status is more important than his life. He didn't want Zhuo Bufan to take risks.

"Don't worry, he really wants to avenge Yuan Sui, and he won't talk nonsense with me." Zhuo Bufan said. Before the last moment, Zhuo Bufan really didn't want to tear his face with the Scarlet Eye Demon Lord. After all, the latter was a genuine man. The realm master really wants to hunt him down, I am afraid that he will only be displaced in the days to come.

Zhuo Bufan patted Zitian on the shoulder and exhorted: "You will go back to Ten Thousand Demon Valley with Princess Hongyun first, and I will come back to pick you up after a while!"

After all, Zhuo Bufan swept directly towards the sky.

"Xiaotian, since Young Master Zhuo is sure, don't worry too much. He is right. The Red Eye Demon really wants to avenge Ape Sui, and he won't waste his tongue." Hong Yun looked at Zitian gently and said with relief.

Zhuo Bufan flew to the sky, feeling the space around him distorted, and immediately disappeared from the eyes of everyone's suspicion.

When Zhuo Bufan came back to his senses again, he found that he was deep in the edge of a vast barren valley. The soil on the ground was dark red, no grass was growing, and full of lifelessness. Standing next to him was a middle-aged man in a black robe, with the corners of his clothes following the wind. There is no oppressive aura from hunting, but it makes people feel a kind of pressure to stop the mountain.

"Zhuo Bufan, I have seen the Scarlet Eye Demon Lord." Zhuo Bufan looked at each other and arched his hands.

The latter looked at Zhuo Bufan, his eyes were red, as if there was a sea of ​​corpses and blood floating in his eyes, making people afraid to look directly into his eyes. Zhuo Bufan glanced at him, suddenly felt trance, the blood in his body was boiling, deep. Take a breath and stay calm.

"Oh, dare to look directly into my eyes, and the state of mind is not affected, but there are some ways. It is no wonder that even Ape Sui will die in your hands." The Scarlet Eye Demon Lord said with a smile.

Zhuo Bufan asked: "Don't the Scarlet Eye Demon Lord want to avenge Yuan Sui?"

"Vengeance? Who do you think he is?" Scarlet Eyed Demon Lord said with great disdain: "Yuan Sui's character is domineering, and he will be blamed for his end. Jiao Yuan's face."

Zhuo Bufan’s mouth couldn’t help twitching. The Red Eye Demon Lord’s temperament was even more weird than Ape Sui, but Zhuo Bufan had a huge boulder in his heart. Shot on him.

"Yuan Sui deceived people too much, and I had no choice but to make a move." Zhuo Bufan replied, arching his hand.

"What a compelling one." The Scarlet Eyed Demon snorted coldly: "Don't think that you have guessed my mind. Maybe I'm on a whim and I will slap you to death."

The corners of Zhuo Bufan's mouth twitched again, this kind of old monster who has lived for so many years has such a strange character.

"King Killer, don't listen to him, he has already started to kill you, just scaring you." A voice with a smile suddenly came.

Zhuo Bufan shifted his gaze, and suddenly saw two figures appearing nearby. One of them was the realm master of Ten Thousand Demon Valley, the realm master Xuanwu Realm. Next to him, there was a strong man with a tiger-headed body covered with snow-white fluff. He is the'White Tiger Lord' of the Qishan League.

The Red Eye Demon Lord is good at attacking, the Xuan Wu world master is good at defense, and the White Tiger world master is both attacking and attacking!

The three world masters are actually here.

"Zhuo Bufan, I have seen the master of Xuanwu Realm and the Realm Master of White Tiger." Zhuo Bufan saluted the two of them.

"The pinnacle of the Realm King Realm can kill the Ape Sui Realm King. Yes, yes, he is a manufacturable material, but unfortunately he is a practitioner of the human race." The White Tiger Realm Master squinted his eyes slightly and said with a smile.

Zhuo Bufan's heart trembled, and his hidden identity could not be concealed in front of the three realm masters.

"Don't worry, I know why you came to the Demon Realm. At our level, what you are looking for is to become a saint. We haven't asked about some mundane things." Xuanwu Realm Master said.

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