Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 3033: Suzaku Mountain

Chapter 3034 Vermilion Mountain

"Fifth prince, he has a magic weapon of Mingwen in his hand. According to my judgment, it is probably related to the ancient Mingwen." Bodhuo lowered his head and said in a consoling manner.

"With his current reputation, it is enough to be on the emperor list, but don't be too anxious. I will meet him in the Ancestral Demon Forbidden Zone soon. I also want to see what he looks like." The Huafu youth had a face. Cozy, but in that cozy, there is a shadow of obscurity hidden.

Botuo was slightly surprised. The Realm Emperor List is a list published by the Demon Race Temple. Only some super powerful Realm Emperors can be on the list, and the name of the Realm Emperor Sui Sui is on the list. But there has never been a "world king" on the list, which is not in line with the rules.

But in terms of Zhuo Bufan's current reputation and strength, he is indeed qualified to break the so-called rules. He is not a realm emperor, but he can kill a realm emperor pinnacle!

"And you, I didn't even investigate the opponent's true strength, which caused me to lose a superman like Sui Jiehuang, and also broke my layout in the North. Tsk tsk...It's really a rubbish, it's useless at all. "The five princes looked down at Bodhisattva and said in a deep voice.

Bodhisattva sank in his heart, his five bodies threw himself on the ground, his body kept trembling, and he begged for mercy: "Fifth prince, this time the subordinates did not think well. I will definitely investigate it clearly in the future and never let the five princes worry about it."

"It's useless to keep waste like you." The fifth prince shook his head, "Cut it off by yourself, lest I get my hands dirty."

Bodhisattva raised his head and looked at the young man sitting high on the throne. He was full of horror. He followed the five princes for thousands of years. He was a chess piece placed in the north by the five princes. He has always been loyal and loyal, but he also knows the mood of the five princes. , Never dared to annoy the fifth prince, but he did not expect that one day, he would also end up like this.

"I beg the five princes for the sake of my loyalty, and don't embarrass my family." Bodhisattva's face was as gray as death, and his palms slapped his forehead hard, shattering the sea, and a ray of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth and fell to the ground.

Looking at Bodhisattva's corpse, the five princes did not have any emotional fluctuations on their faces. In his eyes, Bodhisattva was nothing more than an ant, but he enjoyed the power that could bring power without hands.

It's a pity that the Demon Emperor still has an endless life span. As long as the Demon Emperor does not die, he will not be able to ascend the throne in one day. However, among the many princes in the royal family, except for the eldest prince, he is most likely to be crowned prince, as long as he goes to the new universe channel this time to get the treasure. , To be able to step into the realm of the realm, the crown prince is none other than him.

The two guards appeared without saying a word, and took Bodhisattva's body directly out of the palace.

"Ancient Mingwen? If you really have an ancient Mingwen magic weapon in your hand, you'd better hand it to me obediently, otherwise..." Standing on the hall, the fifth prince muttered to himself, his eyes turned into a cold and stern look.

Half a month passed in a flash.

As soon as Princess Hongyun returned to the Silver Fox tribe, she passed on some of the cultivation techniques she had obtained from the ancestors of the Yinguo to the tribe, and taught some powerful martial arts to several head guards to practice. The members of the Silver Fox tribe not only maintain the operation of the family’s life. Besides, I have been practicing hard during this period of time.

This time, Princess Hongyun will be inherited by the realm master, and she has also successfully stepped into the realm of the realm. I believe that in the near future, the Silver Fox tribe will once again bloom their brilliance in the demon domain.

In the Valley of Ten Thousand Monsters, due to Zhuo Bufan’s prestige, the status of the Silver Fox tribe has also risen. Several other fox tribes are now led by the Silver Fox tribe. No demons dare to provoke the Silver Fox tribe. There are rumors about Princess Hongyun. He is Zhuo Bufan's confidante, Zhuo Bufan can kill the Emperor of the Sui Dynasty, who dares to offend the Silver Fox tribe.

"Princess, Lord White Ape is back." Xiao Sang ran into the hall, looked at Princess Hongyun who was sitting cultivating, and shouted.

Princess Hongyun opened her eyes, stood up, and walked out quickly. After returning from the dead Gobi, the white ape quickly returned to the sect. It should be an account of the funeral, and by the way, he returned the'Da Zong Buddhist Scripture' to the sect. It's half a month.

"White Ape Realm Emperor, you are finally back, everything is done?" Princess Hongyun asked with a smile.

After being tempered by the Death Gobi, Princess Hongyun established some friendship with White Ape, Black Bear, and Zitian, and naturally cared about White Ape's affairs.

"The things in the sect are all done, the great Buddhist scriptures are returned, the Sui Sui is dead, and the master has been wronged, everyone in the sect is very happy." Bai Yuan said with a smile: "Now I just wait for Zhuo If you come back soon, I can take the Purifying Soul Pill and reincarnate again!"

Hearing Zhuo Bufan’s name, Princess Hongyun’s eyes were slightly sad. It’s been half a month, Zhuo Bufan hasn’t come back yet. He only heard Lord Xuanwujie say that he was taken away by the Jiuli Saint, and I don’t know when he will return to Ten Thousand Demon Valley. .

Two people walked in front, it was Zitian and Black Bear Realm Emperor.

"No way, no, I'm going to find big brother, maybe the Jiuli saint might take big brother somewhere!" Zi Tian said eagerly.

"The sage of Jiuli lives in the Vermillion Bird Mountain. No one knows where that place is. Maybe it's a secret world away. Let's wait patiently." said the Black Bear Realm Emperor.

Bai Yuan also smiled and said, "The dignified nine-li saints, don't you know how to deal with a realm king, Zitian, wait patiently."

Zitian knew that what the few people said made sense, but he hadn't been separated from Zhuo Bufan for so long, so he could only droop his head, sink his shoulders, and sighed.


Zhuo Bufan only felt that his head was extremely dizzy, he was plunged into endless darkness, his body continued to fall, and his senses were completely isolated from the outside world. This feeling of losing control made him extremely uncomfortable.

I don't know how long it has been in the dark, and a little white light finally appeared. Zhuo Bufan raised his heavy eyelids, the light flooded in, and his eyes were a little uncomfortable.

After Zhuo Bufan got used to the light, he opened his eyes completely and found himself lying on a wooden bed, surrounded by some bamboo tables and chairs. The surroundings were spotlessly cleaned, and outside was a verdant bamboo forest. Sprinkle on the ground.

Recalling what happened before the coma, Zhuo Bufan twitched his mouth, "It looks like I am not dead, after all, this place is not like hell."

I ridiculed myself. Just about to raise his arm, there was a piercing pain in his body. Zhuo Bufan couldn't help taking a breath, and checked his body. The degree of horror was beyond Zhuo Bufan’s imagination. Muscles, cells, and almost intact places are sequelae caused by strong actions and chaotic power.

In the end, he killed the Flame Demon, and his body was overloaded and withstood too much impact.

There was the sound of footsteps outside the house, a slim figure appeared, a mint-colored dress with a bun, and his appearance was a little bit pretty. Seeing Zhuo Bufan opened his eyes and tried to get up, his smart big eyes blinked a few times. Then he said: "Are you awake? I thought you would have to be in a coma for a few months like this. I didn't expect to wake up so soon!"

Zhuo Bufan didn't know the woman in front of him, but from the former's tone, he heard some thorny smells.

"This girl, may I ask where is this?" Zhuo Bufan frowned and asked.

"You don't know who saved you. This is the Suzaku Sacred Mountain. I don't know what good luck you have gone. Lord Jiuli Sage brought you back." The woman glanced at her mouth and said: "You are honestly waiting here. Now, I'll go tell my father... tell my eldest lady."

After that, the girl hurriedly turned and left, leaving Zhuo Bufan with a dazed look. He always felt that the girl was hostile to him, but he did not offend her either.

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