Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 3038: Promise to test


"Since I can go to Shengtan without fighting with you, why should I waste time." Zhuo Bufan smiled faintly.

These words instantly blocked Xue Dao’s mouth, his face was blushing. He had no idea that Zhuo Bufan would avoid the battle. In his imagination, his provocation would surely arouse Zhuo Bufan’s anger. As long as the two of them acted, He can judge whether Zhuo Bufan is nominal or not.

But now Zhuo Bufan didn't fight him at all, giving him a sense of frustration that was powerful and helpless.

What's more, this is the palace of Master Jiuli. If he moves forward with Zhuo Bufan, he will definitely be punished and even lose the qualification to enter the holy lake.

In order to enter Shengtan, Xue Dao put in too much sweat and effort, and he was not willing to fall short.

"You are still not a man, and you don't even have the courage to stand up and fight with me? It seems that you are a waste of foreign power and dryness. Are you afraid of being stepped under my feet and avoid fighting?" Xue Dao gritted his teeth and cursed. Tao.

He wanted to anger Zhuo Bufan to fight him.

But Zhuo Bufan's mood was completely different from him, and this level of humiliation wanted him to do it. This Xue Dao might underestimate his qi training skills.

But this also made Zhuo Bufan understand that a person’s city, thought, and state of mind have nothing to do with strength. A genius like Xue Dao has reached the peak of the realm emperor himself, but he has been living in the Suzaku Sacred Mountain, even because he has The asylum of the Nine Li saints rarely comes into contact with the sinister side of people's hearts, and this type of people is rather simple.

"The cowardly fellow doesn't even have the courage to fight Brother Xue Dao, and I don't know where he is qualified to enter the holy lake."

"Yes, I am afraid that he killed the Ape Sui Jie Huang is also a rumor. Perhaps he took advantage of the Ape Sui Jie Huang's serious injury and picked up a bargain."

"I thought I could watch the wonderful battles of World War I, but I didn't expect this famous Shadow Killer to be a rat hiding in the sewer."

Everyone's contempt and ridicule sounded one after another, but Zhuo Bufan turned a blind eye, still enjoying himself.

In the crowd, Qi Fu looked at Zhuo Bufan's indifferent appearance, biting her teeth with anger, Qiqiao ascended to heaven, she had never seen such a spineless man.

"It's so lively, what are you talking about?" An ethereal voice sounded, making the hustle and bustle of the square disappear completely and instantly quieted down.

At the gate of the palace, three figures flew out.

In the middle is naturally the Nine Li saints, dressed in red, with a cold face, a lotus-shaped cinnabar on the eyebrows, and a majesty that makes him unable to look up.

On the left and right, he followed a man and a woman, Qi Mu and Chao Zhi, the two most beloved disciples of the Jiuli Sage, who also have the highest status in the Zhuqueshenshan.


"Participate in Master Jiuli!"

Everyone respectfully said in unison, Zhuo Bufan also bowed with them.

"It was so lively just now, what are you talking about Xue Dao?" Saint Jiuli's eyes fell on Xue Dao and asked him.

Xue Dao even bowed his head and said, "Master, there is nothing to talk about, it's just that I met the King of Shadow Killers and want to learn from him."

After that, Xue Dao didn't dare to look up, for fear of Master's scolding. After all, his careful thinking could not escape Master's eyesight.

Saint Jiuli nodded slightly, with no special expression on her face. She also understood that all the disciples of Zhuque Shenshan wanted to enter the holy lake, but she gave one of them to Zhuo Bufan. It is natural for everyone to be unwilling, and Xue Dao's character is reckless. She wanted to challenge Zhuo Bufan as well as she expected.

"It turns out that this is the King of Killing Ape Sui, the famous Shadow Killer. I have been practicing in retreat some time ago, but I didn't see the King of Shadow Killer for the first time. As expected, Chao Zhi suddenly smiled at Zhuo. Bufan said.

Zhuo Bufan looks at the forward, tall, tall, handsome, and has a convincing temperament. Moreover, his strength is restrained and extremely vigorous. In terms of strength, he should be stronger or not weaker than the Ape Sui Jie Huang, although the latter has praise in his words. Meaning, but from Chao Zhi's eyes, Zhuo Bufan still saw a hint of hidden coldness.

There is no other reason, Chao Zhi is also Qi Mu's fanatical suitor.

Zhuo Bufan was recuperating for half a month on the mountain where Qi Mu lived. He didn't receive this kind of treatment, and he naturally became hostile to Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan smiled bitterly. He didn't expect that Qi Mu had erected so many "rivals" for himself for no reason.

"This should be Brother Chao Zhi? I have heard of Brother Chao Zhi's name when I came to Zhuque Shenshan." Zhuo Bufan said politely.

Chao Zhi waved his hand and smiled gently: "Da Ming didn't dare to be, just because I entered Zhuque Shenshan earlier, so I lost a false name of'big brother'.

Having said that, being able to be a ‘big brother’ in Suzaku Shenshan is not an ordinary senior citizen. If you want to convince the crowd, you need to rely on your strength.

"Xue Dao, the King of Shadow Killer is a distinguished guest of our Suzaku Mountain. How can you harass it at will, not to mention that the King of Shadow Killer has just recovered from a serious illness. If you want to fight the King of Shadow Killer, you have to wait until the King of Shadow Killer has recovered. , Is undoubtedly taking advantage of people's danger, isn't it damaging the reputation of our Suzaku Shenshan." Chao Zhi suddenly looked at Xue Dao and rebuked.

"The injury to the King of Shadow Killer has not healed yet. I only compare strength with him. Even if I lose to it, I won't be ashamed. The King of Shadow Killer has been in the limelight recently. I also want to let the juniors and sisters see the strength of the King of Shadow Killer." Xue Dao said.

Zhuo Bufan couldn't help but smile when the two sang and got together.

Having said so much, it was nothing but dissatisfaction that he was given a place to go to Shengtan.

Zhuo Bufan sighed inwardly and said, "Since Brother Xue Dao is eager to fist, I will not give Brother Xue Dao face anymore, please enlighten me from Brother Xue Dao."

After Zhuo Bufan said, he walked towards the center of the square.

The eyes of many disciples in the square lit up, unexpectedly Zhuo Bufan promised to compete with Xue Dao, all of them glowed with excitement, waiting to see Xue Dao ravaging Zhuo Bufan, after all, Zhuo Bufan It does not belong to the Vermillion Bird Mountain, but is given a place to go to the holy lake, who is not jealous and envy in his heart.

Accepting Xue Dao's test was not because Xue Dao and Chao Zhi secretly ridiculed him to make him angry, because Jiuli Saint had always been standing by, but did not expressly stop him, Zhuo Bufan knew what Jiuli Saint was thinking.

Shengtan's quota is so precious that she opened her mouth to give herself a quota. Although no one dared to object, most of the disciples were definitely dissatisfied. If they wanted to convince the crowd, they had to show some strength to show them.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan agree to compete with Xue Dao, Qi Mu wriggled her thin lips, and finally did not speak. She knew in her heart that if Zhuo Bufan couldn't convince the crowd, even if he entered Shengtan, other disciples would be dissatisfied.

Zhuo Bufan has been lying in her bamboo house for half a month. She knows Zhuo Bufan’s injury better than others. Now Zhuo Bufan’s injury has not been fully healed, and Xue Dao’s strength in Suzaku Shenshan is enough to rank in the top five. Now she I only hope that Zhuo Bufan will not lose too ugly.

Xue Dao walked to the square and stood in front of Zhuo Bufan. There was a sharp glow in his eyes, and a joking arc appeared at the corner of his mouth, ready to teach this arrogant fellow.

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