Chapter 3041 Holy Pool


The thrown knife fell down, the ground was like tofu, and the blade was halfway in.

Xue Dao lay on the ground, with a straight mark on his body, forcibly suppressing the **** smell in his throat, his eyes widened, and he looked at the scene in front of him incredibly. He actually lost and was shot by Zhuo Bufan. Came out.

This result not only shocked everyone, even Xue Dao himself did not expect that although he did not use martial arts, he was best at swordsmanship and aggressive and aggressive offensive methods, but under head-on head-on, he was shot by Zhuo Bufan. Sweep away, even the knife flew out.

After the audience was silent, there was an uproar accompanied by the sound of inhaling air-conditioning. This result was really unacceptable for too many people.

"Xue Dao is best at strength. Even I don’t want to fight him head-on. Zhuo Bufan was able to fly Xue Dao head-on. Could it be that Xue Dao retained some of his strength because of his injury?" Chao Zhixu narrowed his eyes. , Quietly digesting the shock in his heart, secretly speculating.

Unfortunately, his speculation was completely wrong. When fighting, Zhuo Bufan’s long spear was airtight and put a lot of pressure on Xue Dao. At first, Xue Dao really had the idea that Zhuo Bufan’s injury was not healed, and wanted to retain some strength, but only intended to give Zhuo Bufan. Some embarrassment, after all, Venerable Jiuli is still there, he can't really seriously hurt Zhuo Bufan.

But as soon as the two sides touched each other with swords and guns, Xue Dao knew that his thoughts were grossly wrong, and he tried his best to resist, but he barely dared to retain his strength.

Watching Zhuo Bufan win, Qi Mu secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn't that she had any special affection for Zhuo Bufan. It was only because Qi Mu understood that Zhuo Bufan was hostile to him in part. If Zhuo Bufan was hostile to him, Her conscience was overwhelmed because of the extraordinary injury.

"It is definitely reasonable for Master to rank him above me. I can't find a few people who can repel Xue Dao head-on and head-on," Qi Mu murmured in his heart.

"How could it be? How could it be that this guy could defeat Xue Dao." In the crowd, Qi Fu was unwilling to bite his silver teeth, and suddenly said: "It must be Brother Xue Dao who thought about his injuries. Using all his strength, he deliberately attacked Brother Xue Dao by taking advantage of Brother Xue Dao's release of water."

Everyone is not a fool, and his eyes are very bright. When Xue Dao was just now in the fight, he wielded his sword domineeringly and fiercely, and it seemed that he hadn't deliberately released the water.

But Qi Fu’s remarks aroused the approval of some people. The reason is no other reason. Xue Dao is after all a member of Suzaku Shenshan and their senior brother. Zhuo Bufan is just an outsider, not to mention that Zhuo Bufan is only in the pinnacle of the realm king, who I don't want to admit his toughness.

"Girl Qi Fu is right. I think Senior Brother Xue Dao deliberately released the water, allowing him to find a chance to attack."

"Senior Brother Xue Dao will certainly not use his full strength in his own identity, but he accidentally lost."

"Unexpectedly, Senior Brother Xue Dao was kind, but the other party showed no mercy, huh!"

These words fell in Xue Dao's ears, and instead made his face red and hot. Only when he knew it, he didn't show mercy at all.

"Shut up all to me." Xue Dao stood up, his vitality shook, and all the dust on his body disappeared. The chattering on the square stopped abruptly. Xue Dao picked up the knife and walked to Zhuo Bufan, "I am willing to defeat. you win."

"Acknowledge." Zhuo Bufan also put away the silver spear and arched his hands.

Xue Dao said nothing, and walked back into the crowd.

Although this Xue Dao has a somewhat mad personality, his heart is not bad, and it can even be said to be innocent. Naturally, he will not bear hatred for this kind of person. He just shook his head helplessly.

After a battle with Xue Dao, although Zhuo Bufan's strength was not recognized by everyone, at least some people's mouths were blocked.

"The farce is over, and then you all will go to Shengtan with me." Jiuli Saint said at this time.

Everyone flew up, like a group of locusts flying across the sky, and came to a valley behind Zhuque Mountain, surrounded by mountains, and a quiet lake like a mirror below, steaming with white mist. This is the forbidden place of Zhuque Mountain, the "Holy Pool". .

Unless Shengtan is opened, no one dare to enter here.

The Jiuli Saint took out a token, pinched a magic trick in his hand, and gently threw it out. The token flew to the top of the lake, and the colorful glow bloomed. It turned out that there was a formation protection above the lake, and it could not be opened without a token. .

"The holy pond that Yebai Supreme left behind can help you reborn and cleanse your marrow and sublimate your vitality. I don't need to say any more about the benefits, but the energy in the holy pond will also bring endless suffering. It depends on how long you can persist. Your own willpower is tough enough." Jiuli Saint exhorted.

Qi Mu, Zhuo Bufan, Chao Gai, and Xue Dao, who were qualified to enter the holy lake, came to the lake. The four of them took a look and jumped into the holy lake without hesitation.

The body sank to the bottom of the lake, and a milky white halo could be seen on the bottom of the lake, exuding a soft and warm light.

Each of the four took a position and sat down cross-legged, and immediately guided this force into the body meridians, and began to cleanse the bones, meridians, muscles, and even purify the vitality in the dantian. If the vitality is given a trace of holy energy, it will definitely increase greatly. Combat effectiveness.


Zhuo Bufan opened his mouth slightly, and secretly took a breath.

Sure enough, as the Jiuli Saint said, guiding the holy energy to temper the body, the pain felt a little unbearable even with the extraordinary will.

In order to cultivate the Dragon Desolate Body, Zhuo Bufan has experienced the pain of physical tempering and has a strong tolerance for pain. As for the faces of Chao Zhi, Qi Mu, and Xue Dao, they are even a little distorted. Obviously, they are not as good as suffering from pain. Zhuo Bufan.

But the opportunity to enter Shengtan is extremely precious, and no one is willing to give up easily, and it hurts and has to endure.

Zhuo Bufan felt that the cells in his body were boiling. The muscles, bones, and fascia were washed by the holy energy again and again, just like the pain of slicing bones. This feeling is like breaking the bones with a hammer, and then letting the bones re-integrate and grow. The pain is natural. It can't be avoided, but in this way, all the hidden injuries in the body will be repaired.

Not only the physical body was tempered by the holy energy, some holy energy was guided into the dantian. According to the sage of Jiuli, the holy energy was integrated into the Yuanli Vortex, allowing Yuanli to be mixed with a trace of holy energy, and it could have stronger power.

A ray of holy energy entered the dantian, was suddenly attracted by the Chaos Sea, and was instantly absorbed into it.

This change made Zhuo Bufan slightly surprised. If the holy energy is to be integrated into the Yuanli Vortex, he must be careful. A little carelessness may even destroy the Yuanli Vortex, but the Chaos Sea actually swallows the holy energy directly and is extremely overbearing.

When the four of them entered the Shengtan for baptism, many disciples did not leave. Instead, they stayed around the valley or sat cross-legged for meditation, or gathered in twos and threes to chat. Shengtan was opened once in a hundred years. Although they did not get a place to enter the Shengtan, but Every time the three of them enter Shengtan, they will have a special contest.

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