Chapter 3053 Hu Yanhai

After receiving the lesson, Qin Jingqiu was quite obedient, sitting on a rock, holding a dead branch, writing and painting on the ground, and didn't know what he was thinking about.

Compared with two slaps by Zi Tian, ​​Qin Jingqiu was even more dissatisfied with Zhuo Bufan's remarks. Who would dare to preach to her in the Southern Demon Realm since she was a child, and even dare to kill her.

"What qualifications does a cultivator of the little realm king have to teach this lady? When I find my grandfather, I must let him take your skin off and make you cry and kneel down and beg this lady for forgiveness." Qin Jingqiu grumbled. Grind silver teeth and break dead branches in his hands.

While Qin Jingqiu was silently resenting, a group of uninvited guests suddenly appeared over the forest.

There were a dozen people in total, and the head was a black-clothed man with a face like a knife and a chisel. The eagle looked at the wolf and looked around, his face was icy, "The eldest lady of the Qin family escaped so quickly, if Without the blood trace tracking technique, I'm afraid she really let her escape this time. Those three people should be in this forest, and they all searched me carefully, put away their spiritual thoughts, so as not to startle the snake."

"My lord, do you really want to kill Qin Jingqiu?" a black-clothed man asked in a low voice.

"What did you kill her doing with the Emperor Huyan? This time I will use Qin Jingqiu to threaten the old man Qin Yun. As for the other two people, I will kill you without mercy." The black-clothed man had a cold killing intent across his eyes.

In an instant, dozens of people in black dispersed away.

Soon, a man in black found a clue, "My lord, there has been a fire here. The two human practitioners around Qin Jingqiu were injured. They must have not escaped far. They should hide nearby for healing."

"Continue to search, remember to restrain your breath and don't use divine minds, this time I want them to stick their wings hard to fly!" the black-clothed man said coldly.

"Yes, sir." Everyone took their orders and continued to search forward.

Zhuo Bufan and the others did not continue on their way, because Tao Bo and Xing Qing experienced a tragic battle and needed to meditate and heal their injuries. A few people found a deep valley and set up an array to let Tao Bo and Xing Qing heal their injuries.

"This kind of formation also wants to stop me?" The black-clothed man led his subordinates and finally found this valley. He felt the wave of the formation. The black-clothed man showed disdain on his face and blasted the formation with a punch. , The scene changes in front of him, revealing the true face of Lushan.

Sitting on a rock, Qin Jingqiu, who kept cursing Zhuo Bufan in her heart, suddenly raised her head, then her face was pale.

"Miss Qin, I didn't think we would meet again so soon, you can make us look for it." The man in black led his men, striding towards Qin Jingqiu.

Qin Jingqiu didn't even step into the Realm King Realm, and had no resistance to these people.

"Hu Yanhai, you are bold and dare to catch me. If you let my grandfather know, you will definitely kill you." Qin Jingqiu said in a stern tone, but the retreating pace betrayed her disguised calmness.

Hu Yanhai shook his head, with a sneer on his face, "Miss Qin, I advise you to put away the temper of Miss Qin, and catch it with all your hands. I will take you to see Master Qin Yun."

Qin Jingqiu knew that Hu Yanhai would not kill herself, but she would definitely threaten Qin Yun with herself, and even implicate the entire Qin family. Although she was savage and willful, she was not a fool. He knew who the Qin family and the Huyan family depended on.

Once the Qin family betrayed the eldest prince, it would be annihilated.

Even if the Qin family didn't betray the eldest prince, she would fall into the hands of the Hu Yan family, and would make Qin Yun throw a rat-avoidance weapon, and it would be difficult to cope with the Hu Yan family's offensive.

"You really let a few stinky mice find here, and the sense of smell is really sharp!" A faint voice suddenly sounded.

Hu Yanhai looked up and saw four figures walking out of a stone cave in the valley. One of them was a human practitioner who protected Qin Jingqiu.

"Oh, there are two more helpers?" Hu Yanhai looked jokingly, and secretly investigated the cultivation realm of Zhuo Bufan and Zitian, and found that it was the two Realm King Pinnacles, with disdain on their faces.

"Two more realm kings are just going to die in vain. The four of you slay yourself in front of me, so you can suffer less torture." Hu Yanhai stood with his hands in his hands, raised his chin, extremely arrogant.

"Who is this guy, so mad?" Zi Tian's eyes contained a fierce look.

The faces of Xing Qing and Tao Bo were extremely ugly.

"Hu Yanhai, the powerhouse of the Realm Emperor's peak realm, the fifth-ranked master of the Huyan family!" Xing Qing transmitted to Zhuo Bufan.

It was not Hu Yanhai who had chased them before, but a realm king Dianfeng led his subordinates. Unexpectedly, after they escaped, Hu Yanhai would go out in person. This time, I am afraid that he will die in nine deaths.

"We have obviously escaped the chase, why can they still find our place? Are you two traitors? Leave clues for them?" Qin Jingqiu was angry and scared, flushed, and pointed at Xingqing. .

Seeing this, Zi Tian slapped away.


A crisp sound.

Qin Jingqiu covered her face, her eyes were a little frightened, although she was angry, she did not dare to speak any more.

"I really don't know how your IQ has survived until now. If it weren't for the Qin family's eldest lady, I am afraid you would have died many times." Zhuo Bufan shook his head, "If Xingqing and Tao Bo are really traitors, directly It's not enough to hand you over to the Huyan family, and it will save you this time."

"Haha, good scolding, Miss Qin's arrogant and arrogant personality has long been arrogant, and I did not expect to be an idiot. I have the blood that your maid gave me, formed into a blood trace tracer, and I am afraid that you will escape from my Wuzhishan. "Hu Yanhai followed and laughed.

"Xiaohuan, she actually dared to betray me, I must kill her when I go back." Qin Jingqiu was furious, Xiaohuan was her close maid.

Hu Yanhai said: "Miss Qin doesn't have to be angry, that little maid, I have sent her back to her hometown, so I can avenge you."

Even killing his own people shows that Hu Yanhai is cruel.

"Don't talk nonsense, the four of you hurry up to kill yourself, lest I act to make you suffer." Hu Yanhai looked coldly, "As for Miss Qin, don't worry, I will not kill you, as long as you obediently cooperate with me, I will keep you. Life."

After speaking, Hu Yanhai frowned when he saw Zhuo Bufan and four of them did not move.

"Why, do you really want me to make a move? I make a move that won't let you die so easily." Hu Yanhai said in a sharp voice.

Xing Qing clenched her two jade palms, gritted her silver teeth, and said to Zhuo Bufan with a look of guilt: "Brother Zhuo, I'm sorry, it's me who made you tired. If you don't stay with us, you won't meet Hu Yanhai."

"Before dying, if you didn't eat a full meal, you can only be a starving ghost if you die." Tao Bo touched his belly with regret.

To be able to think about eating at this time, Tao Bo is also a wonderful work.

Zhuo Bufan smiled faintly, "We are all disciples of the Star Academy, and I am even your senior brother. Do you want me to die? Just leave Hu Yanhai to me to solve it!"

Xing Qing, Tao Bo, and Qin Jingqiu were all taken aback when they heard Zhuo Bufan's words.


Hu Yanhai is the pinnacle of the Realm King, the top five masters of the Huyan family, and Zhuo Bufan is just the pinnacle of the Realm King, and the two are completely different.

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