Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 3054: Kill with one shot


Hu Yanhai is best at the two mysteries of'golden and wind'. He focuses on the law of'golden'. He is very powerful in both attack and defense. The golden eagle flapped its wings and the wind swept through, and many strong trees were uprooted from the soil, as if There is no resistance to the seaweed in the stormy waves.

"Master Huyan really can look down on this kid, and he has even used mystery!"

"As a result, you don't need to think about it, this arrogant fellow will undoubtedly die."

"There are a lot of geniuses who died in the hands of Master Huyan, and one more was added this time, haha."

Hu Yanhai's men had already foreseen Zhuo Bufan's unwillingness before he died, and they had seen many similar situations.

On the contrary, Xing Qing, Qin Jingqiu and others saw this shocking situation, their faces pale in fright, not everyone can resist an attack from the pinnacle of a realm emperor.

Xing Qing clasped her white palms tightly and prayed silently, hoping that Zhuo Bufan could stop Hu Yanhai's attack.


A scream that pierced the eardrum resounded across the sky, and the golden eagle flapped its wings, carrying the gust of wind and flying down towards Zhuo Bufan.

In the face of Hu Yanhai's shocking attack, Zhuo Bufan's face was as normal, his five fingers clenched the barrel of the gun, his elbows bent backward, and suddenly leaped out suddenly. The spear was like a dragon, and the gray thunder that gathered the gun body suddenly condensed into one. , Transformed into a thunder dragon rushing out.


Zhuo Bufan opened his mouth and shouted.

Hu Yanhai looked at the Thunder Dragon, and a dangerous warning suddenly appeared in his heart, but immediately he denied it. With his cultivation base of the pinnacle of realm emperor, can a small pinnacle king pinnacle be a threat to him?

In the eyes of countless people, the gray thunder dragon collided with the golden eagle. The thunder dragon was like a broken bamboo, directly penetrated through the eagle's chest, and a transparent hole appeared before and after.

Seeing Thunder Dragon piercing through Golden Eagle's chest, Hu Yanhai's pupils suddenly tightened. He did not expect Zhuo Bufan to have such terrifying power, nor did he make a defensive posture. Thunder Dragon quickly enlarged his pupils, and then hit him hard.

The latter is like a kite with a broken line, its body flies upside down and rushes out, with blood spurting from its mouth.

All eyes were held their breath, with an incredible color, including Hu Yanhai's subordinates, the joking and ridicule on their faces had solidified before they disappeared.

"This, how is this possible, Master Huyan was actually defeated?"

"He is only at the pinnacle of the realm king, how could he defeat Lord Huyan?"

"It must be an illusion, Master Huyan will not lose to a realm king."

No matter how much Hu Yanhai's subordinates denied and shocked, it could not change the fact that Hu Yanhai was bombarded by Zhuo Bufan.

"It turns out that this kind of strength can't even match the Poison Demon Realm Sovereign!" Zhuo Bufan shook his head with a disappointed look on his face. He originally wanted to fight a good fight and try the mystery of the'Chaos' that he had comprehended, but he didn't expect Hu Yanhai couldn't help but fight.

If Hu Yanhai knew what Zhuo Bufan was thinking at the moment, he would probably die of anger!

Behind Zhuo Bufan was expressionless except for Zi Tian, ​​because he had known the result a long time ago, and he would be able to defeat Hu Yanhai even when he played, let alone his eldest brother.

The two girls, Xing Qing and Qin Jingqiu, opened their lips, enough to lay down an egg. Both of them had strange colors on their faces, because the result was completely beyond their expectations.

Xingqing knew that Zhuo Bufan was the first genius of the Star Academy, but she didn't expect Zhuo Bufan to be so strong. Ignoring the realm gap, even Hu Yanhai was not his opponent. She originally only wanted Zhuo Bufan to block Hu Yanhai. Zhuo Bufan completely crushed Hu Yanhai.

Not to mention, Qin Jingqiu had resented Zhuo Bufan from the very beginning, and even wished to call Yanhai to kill Zhuo Bufan, but she did not expect Zhuo Bufan to hide so deeply, she even suspected that Zhuo Bufan was not in the realm of the realm king, but a realm master. .

"Brother Zhuo, that's amazing." Even Tao Bo, who only knew how to eat, was stunned.

The valley fell into a brief silence.

Hu Yanhai was bombarded by hundreds of feet, and the violent wind and waves ploughed a deep gully, and finally stopped.

"No, it's impossible. How could Hu Yanhai lose to a realm king's garbage?" Hu Yanhai was startled and angry, his face flushed, suddenly opened his mouth, and spouted out the blood with the entrails in his mouth.

"My dantian?" Hu Yanhai stared round his eyes and found that the dantian was broken, and an extremely domineering external force wandered inside.

Zhuo Bufan looked at Hu Yanhai indifferently, and said lightly: "Since you want to kill, you must be ready to be killed."

"Do you want to kill me? I am from Huyan's family. My elder brother is Huyanbo. If you kill me, he will avenge me!" Hu Yanhai said angrily. Like a small person, showing fear.

"Everyone who died in my hands would almost say these things, but in the end their ending will not change." Zhuo Bufan said indifferently, and immediately shook his palm.

The power of chaos that penetrated into Hu Yanhai's body suddenly exploded, and Hu Yanhai exploded in place, turning into a blood flower.


Hu Yanhai is dead...

The valley was dead still again, and Hu Yanhai's subordinates turned pale with fright, and their bodies trembled like chaff.

Zhuo Bufan actually killed Hu Yanhai with a single shot. If this incident were to be reported, no one would believe it.

After all, Zhuo Bufan was only the pinnacle of the realm king, but he killed a pinnacle of the realm king with a single shot. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, who would believe it.

"After grasping some of the thresholds of the'Chaos Mystery', the power of three hundred chaos can exert the power of five hundred chaos." Zhuo Bufan was quite satisfied.

At the beginning, the Emperor of the Ape Sui Dynasty was unable to use the mystery, and only five hundred Chaos Powers only severely damaged the Ape Sui. Now, the three hundred Chaos Powers are combined with the Mystery, and the power is comparable to the 500 Chaos Powers.

"You stay here, do you want to bury Hu Yanhai?" Zhuo Bufan raised his head, his gaze fell on Hu Yanhai's subordinates.

After hearing Zhuo Bufan's words, Hu Yanhai's subordinates responded and immediately flew towards the sky and fled dingy.

"What are you doing? Why don't you kill them? They are all Hu Yanhai's subordinates. Let them go back. They will definitely tell Hu Yanbo about your killing Hu Yanhai. Huyanbo is a master on the emperor's list. Can you fight it? The entire Huyan family?" Seeing Zhuo Bufan let go of the others, Qin Jingqiu was furious with all his instructions.

Zhuo Bufan glanced back at her.

Qin Jingqiu met Zhuo Bufan's gaze, her face paled in fright, and her voice stopped abruptly.

"I'm not from the Qin family. Put away your eldest lady's posture, and be honest and obedient if you want to survive." Zhuo Bufan glanced at her, then ignored her, walked in front of Xingqing and Tao Bo, and said: "Xing Qing, Tao Bo, hurry up to heal your injuries. Let's go to the Ancestral Demon Forbidden Zone as soon as possible."

"Okay." Xingqing nodded. Although there are many doubts in his heart, it is obviously not the time to ask.

"However, the death of Hu Yanhai will soon reach Hu Yan's house. Hu Yanhai is the younger brother of Huyan Patriarch Hu Yanbo." Tao Bo asked worriedly.

"It's the same sentence. Soldiers will block the water and cover the earth." Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly.

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