
"It's so hard to save a person." Tai Lie's eyes were cold. "If you want to be a big brother for others, you have to show some real skills, otherwise you will only be embarrassed."

"I have to try before I know if I have the skills." Zhuo Bufan said.

The people around immediately dispersed, leaving enough space for the two in the middle of the street. Many people held a gesture of watching a good show. A realm king actually dared to challenge a realm king, but he had enough booing heads, just big. Some people seemed to foresee the result of Zhuo Bufan lying on the ground begging for mercy.

Bai Changfei hid in the crowd with a pale face with a bit of gloom. He deliberately pushed Zhuo Bufan out, wanting to see the tragic situation of Zhuo Bufan being abused, so as to solve his hatred.

When he was in the Star Academy, he overpowered Zhuo Bufan, but later Zhuo Bufan understood two top mysteries and became the first genius recognized by the Star Alliance, which made him quite jealous and dissatisfied.

"Bai Changfei, what is your heart? You deliberately led the war to Senior Brother Zhuo." Xingqing Liu's eyebrows were erect, her eyes burning with anger, staring at Bai Changfei fiercely.

Bai Changfei smiled pretentiously, "Sister Xingqing, Senior Brother Zhuo is the first genius recognized by our academy. If we are bullied by these savage monsters, wouldn't we lose the face of Xingkong Academy if we spread it out?"

Xing Qing clenched his fists, Bai Changfei looked righteous, but he was full of crooked reasoning.

"Nonsense, if you want to fight for the Star Academy, why don't you go up and fight the barbarian monsters?" Xing Qing bit her silver teeth.

Bai Changfei spread his hands and smiled: "I can't beat it, but Brother Zhuo is the first genius of our Star Academy. He must be able to beat it."

Having said that, Bai Changfei did not believe that Zhuo Bufan could defeat a master in the middle of the realm, and the gap between the realm of the realm and the realm of Realm was not so easy to erase.

He just waited for Zhuo Bufan to be beaten and his nose and face swollen, he knelt on the ground begging for mercy, and then he was passing the incident back to the Star Academy, making Zhuo Bufan lose face.

Seeing Bai Changfei's appearance that the most humble but invincible, Xingqing couldn't wait to punch him twice.

"This is my business, it has nothing to do with you." At this moment, Gu Yu suddenly stepped forward, staring at Tai Lie with a cold expression.

The five realm kings sent by the Star Academy to the Monster Race are all geniuses from the Star Academy. Although Gu Yu is the pinnacle of the realm king, his strength is comparable to that of an early realm emperor, but he wants to get a bargain in the hands of Tai Lie. difficult.

"I'm not making a head start for you, but some people look down on our Star Academy." Zhuo Bufan looked at Gu Yu and smiled indifferently.

"Brother Gu Yu, let Senior Brother Zhuo take action, he is not Senior Brother Zhuo's opponent." Xing Qing persuaded.

Hearing Xing Qing's words, Gu Yu was a little stunned. Although Zhuo Bufan was the number one genius of the Star Academy, he was only at the pinnacle of the realm king. Could it be that he could really match a powerhouse in the middle of the realm emperor.

However, seeing the perseverance on Xing Qing's face, Gu Yu finally retreated, and his gaze fell on Zhuo Bufan. He also wanted to see how far Zhuo Bufan had grown up after a period of time.

"Haha, there are not many people who have the courage to provoke our Barbarian Monster Race, and they are still a little fellow of the Realm King Realm." Tai Lie smiled openly, but he looked contemptuously, "Don't say that my Barbarian Monster Race is bullying you. , I will let you punch me. If you can hurt me, I will let you go away. If you can’t hurt me, kneel down and kowtow to me, then get through my crotch."

Several Barbarian Demon Race Realm Sovereigns laughed.

The corners of Zhuo Bufan's lips curled up, "Are you really going to punch me?"

"Hmph, I, Tai Lie, do what I say, even a realm king like you is delusional to hurt me?" Tai Lie said nothing.

The barbarian monsters have infinite physique, thick skin, and the extremely harsh environment of the Western Realm. They are all powerful people in the Western Realm, and they are all outstanding in the same realm. Although Tylie is the emperor of the realm. In the mid-term, but it is comparable to the powerhouses at the peak of some realm emperors.

Moreover, what Tai Lie is best at is defense, and he is comprehending the mystery of the "earth", which belongs to the first-grade mystery.

Tai Lie squeezed both fists, and the vitality inside his body rushed with a thunderous roar. An earth-yellow mask appeared, enveloping Tai Lie's body, and mysterious runes floated on the mask, which was indestructible.

"The Barbarian Monster Race is best at strength and defense. How can a realm king break through the defense of a realm king."

"If I'm not mistaken, this barbarian monster realm emperor should have comprehended the mystery of the'earth'. He is like the earth, even if a realm king attacks with all his strength, he can hardly shake it."

"There is nothing to see in this kind of competition that knows the end a long time ago. I want to see if this realm king will get past his crotch."

There were many whispering voices in the crowd, and everyone was not optimistic about Zhuo Bufan.

After all, the strength of the two is too far apart.

Bai Changfei folded his arms with his arms, a shadow of darkness hidden deep in his pupils, and a touch of irony appeared at the corners of his mouth. He murmured in his heart: "I also want to see what it is like to be the first genius of the Star Academy, who has crawled under someone else's crotch."

"This Tylie is so arrogant, I don't know what his expression will be later." Xing Qing sneered coldly.

Zi Tian, ​​Xing Qing, Tao Bo and Qin Jingqiu who knew Zhuo Bufan's details were not worried at all, and even wanted to laugh.

As the protagonist, Zhuo Bufan's face is indifferent, his right arm lingers with scarlet evil spirits, the dragon scales grow densely and turn into a dragon arm, the power of chaos instantly condenses his fist, and then blasts out in the air with a punch.

The power of chaos condensed a little, but it didn't cause much momentum.

The fist marks gathered by the evil spirit bombarded the khaki mask in front of Tai Lie. The mask was as crisp as thin paper, bursting into countless yellow spots.

Fist stamps are like a broken bamboo!

Tai Lie's pupils suddenly tightened, with an incredible expression on his face, his fist marks hit his abdomen fiercely, his body was like a sharp arrow, and it burst back.

Both feet clenched the bluestone ground, and the slate shattered and flew, pulling out two straight gullies.

And this scene also made countless scornful and contemptuous eyes hold their breaths, and the whole street was silent, and the needle fell audible.

Tai Lie stepped back several tens of feet before stopping his figure. The armor of his abdomen was sunken in, his blood was disordered, and the bones all over his body seemed to fall apart. His pale face was full of shock. He opened his mouth, and a mouthful of red blood spurted out. Immediately, both knees knelt on the ground.

With just one punch, Tai Lie flew away and seriously injured the opponent.

The faces of the world emperors who passed with Tai Lie climbed with a trace of horror and unthinkable. Their strength is almost the same as Tai Lie. So, if you were them, you would still be blown out by Zhuo Bufan with a punch.

The onlookers gathering practitioners were also shocked to the point where they could not be furthermore shocked. In their eyes, Zhuo Bufan was only in the realm of the realm king, how could he seriously hurt a realm king, but the facts are in front of them. She slapped her face and looked embarrassed.

"What a domineering and fierce power, I feel that his dantian is about to be shattered!" Tai Lie lowered his head, still can't believe that he will lose to a realm king.

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