Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 3066: Huyanbo's challenge

Chapter 3067-Hu Yanbo's Challenge

Hu Yanbo walked to Zhuo Bufan, his steps stopped, his eyes cold as cold.

Want one to ask for Hu Yanhai? An hour ago, Hu Yanbo and Hu Yanling were still at the door, and they warmly invited Zhuo Bufan to come in. Now they turn their faces and don't recognize them?

Hu Yanbo really wants to hate Hu Yan poster? not necessarily.

It was only because Zhuo Bufan rejected the invitation of the fifth prince that Hu Yanbo dared to jump out to find Zhuo Bufan's trouble. It was just an excuse to hate Huyan, and the most important thing was to please the fifth prince.

"Hu Yanbo, how did Hu Yanhai die? Don't you know it?" At this moment, Qin Yun stood up.

Although Qin Yun is old, his voice is full of anger, and his breath is not anger or prestige, like a mad lion awakening from a deep sleep, "You sent someone to kidnap my precious granddaughter Jingqiu, and I haven't settled the account with you."

"Old Piff, want to settle the account? Today, I will accompany Hu Yanbo to the end." Hu Yanbo did not show any weakness, a coldness was raised in the corner of his mouth.

In the hall, the guards and masters of the Huyan family gathered one after another, spreading across the air with a rattling sword.

On the other hand, the fifth prince, sitting in the main seat, bowed his head and fumbled with the jug and bottle, turning a blind eye to all this.

Qi Mu didn't speak either. At this time, Qin Yun and Hu Yanbo represented the fifth prince and the eldest prince respectively, but now they obviously won't really tear their faces.

"Emperor Qin Yun, this is a matter between me and the Huyan family. Since Huyanbo wants to take revenge on Huyan's poster, he is looking for me." Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly, and fisted at Qin Yun.

Zhuo Bufan knew in his heart that the Huyan family and the Qin family would not tear their faces for the time being. Qin Yun couldn't do this because he wanted to help him, and once he accepted Qin Yun's help, he would undoubtedly stand in Qi Mu's team.

Even if Qi Mu didn't ask him for anything, the fifth prince would find a way to get rid of himself.

Qin Yun was slightly startled when he heard Zhuo Bufan's words. He didn't expect Zhuo Bufan to reject his kindness. Qin Yun Yuguang glanced at Qi Mu.

Qi Mu shook his head slightly. She knew that Zhuo Bufan didn't want to stand on either side and cause trouble to herself. Qin Yun seemed to help Zhuo Bufan, but this would make Zhuo Bufan disgusted instead.

"Hu Yanbo, the old man will write down this account first, and then he will have the opportunity to ask Hu Yan's home slowly." Qin Yun snorted and returned to his seat immediately.

As soon as Zhuo Bufan was elected to become the head of the North Realm, Hu Yanbo came to trouble him. The masters of all parties in the North Realm frowned at the same time, and Hu Yan's doing this was undoubtedly slapped in the face of the North Realm of the Demon Realm.

Hu Yanbo looked at Zhuo Bufan and said: "Since Hu Yanhai died in the hands of the King of Shadow Killer, I also want to learn about the ability of the King of Shadow Killer. This matter is a grievance between you and me. It does not mean the Huyan family and the fifth prince. We are singles. Fight alone, as long as you can leave the palace smoothly, Hu Yanhai will not be blamed."

Hu Yanbo's words put aside the contradiction between the Huyan family, the fifth prince and the northern border, only to show that this is his grievance with Zhuo Bufan.

"Since Patriarch Huyan wants to teach you a few tricks, how can Zhuo refuse it?" Zhuo Bufan said indifferently.

Today, without a fight with Huyanbo, I'm afraid I can't leave here safely.

"It's too despicable. I didn't see them yesterday and wanted to take revenge on Hu Yan's poster. But you refused the invitation of the fifth prince, and Hu Yanbo jumped out." Xing Qing bit her thin lip and said angrily.

"Hu Yanbo can become the spokesperson of the five princes, sitting in the north, and his strength should not be underestimated. I heard that Hu Yanbo is the ninth master of the emperor's list. Are you sure of Zhuo Bufan?" Gu Yu frowned and said worriedly.

"Sure? I don't know, but Hu Yanbo wants my life, it's not that easy yet." Zhuo Bufan looked back at Gu Yu and said calmly.

The square outside the palace.

Zhuo Bufan and Hu Yanbo stood facing each other, all the guests gushing out, spreading around, their eyes were quite expectant.

Hu Yanbo, the long-famous realm emperor peak realm powerhouse, ranked ninth on the realm emperor list, is best at space mystery, and his strength is more than one grade higher than the realm emperor Sui Sui.

Chao Zhi and Xue Dao looked at each other. The last time Zhuo Bufan broke Xue Yuan's defense had surprised them, but Xue Yuan is the master of the world after all. Zhuo Bufan can't use his full strength. This time Zhuo Bufan will play against Huyanbo. Let them see Zhuo Bufan's strength clearly.

It's just that Hu Yanbo is the ninth veteran strong in the world.

Chao Zhi and Xue Dao admitted that Zhuo Bufan was an evil genius, but they both found it very difficult to defeat Hu Yanbo.

"Luo Mo, who do you think will win?" Ye Ziqin looked at Luo Mo and asked.

"Ape Sui Realm Emperor and Dao Nine Realm Emperor both died in his hands. Hu Yanbo is much stronger than Ape Sui, and he will definitely lose this time." Luo Mo said.

Ye Ziqin was silent when he heard this. If Zhuo Bufan is in danger of life and death, she will not care about revealing the relationship between the two. She must rescue Zhuo Bufan. However, she is very familiar with Zhuo Bufan, and the man in front of her is definitely not He is the kind of blindly self-confident person, since he promised to fight against Hu Yanbo, he must have enough hole cards and self-confidence.

The various forces and strong men in the Northern Territory also opened their eyes wide, seeing Zhuo Bufan killing Ape Sui and Dao Jiu after all, and most of them just heard about it.

Today, they just can see if Zhuo Bufan is as powerful as in the legend, and can kill the Realm Emperor by a higher level.

"Don't say I bully the weak with the strong, I will let you do it first." Hu Yanbo stood proudly, his clothes hunting in the night breeze.

There was a strong sense of war in Zhuo Bufan's eyes. The last time he and Xue Yuan hadn't done it completely, he met Hu Yanbo today, and he could just check his current strength.

The dragon evil waste body is great!

Ten Thousand Thousand Vortex!

Preliminary mastery of the mystery of chaos!

A strong scarlet evil spirit, gushing out, and densely growing dragon scales on the skin, the dragon evil waste body is urged to the extreme in an instant, an evil spirit that makes many people present, in an instant, swept and raged.

"Sure enough, there are some ways, but unfortunately they can't be used by me." The fifth prince squinted slightly, and looked at Zhuo Bufan's eyes with a trace of appreciation and regret.

This momentum naturally caused some joking, suspicious, and contemptuous eyes to gradually diminish, because many people felt the pressure from Zhuo Bufan.

That kind of vigorous vitality aura, by no means an ordinary realm king can have.

"What's the use of strong Yuanli, this can't easily smooth the gap between the two realms." Bai Changfei hid in the crowd, his eyes gloomy, and he muttered to himself, expecting Zhuo Bufan to be beaten into a dead dog on the ground. .


Zhuo Bufan handed out a punch, and the surrounding Yuanli condensed.

The vigorous vitality condenses into fist marks, smashes the space barriers, and instantly arrives in front of Hu Yanbo.

Hu Yanbo with contempt has always been on his face, his complexion condensed slightly at this moment, and he sensed the vigorous vitality, and he didn't even dare to resist the punch. The vitality inside his body surged at the same time, and the surrounding space began to twist.

Hu Yanbo exhaled with a palm, a black hole vortex condensed in the palm of his palm, swallowing the fist imprints abruptly, and the smoke disappeared.

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