Chapter 3080 Desolate Yuan Jing

"Tell him, I will accept things, but if I do something with no IQ next time, I won't be sympathetic again." Zhuo Bufan said.

"I must tell him." Tao Bo smiled.

Zhuo Bufan got up, "Everyone, take a good rest, and the Ancestral Demon Stele appears, proving that the seal of the Ancestral Demon Forbidden Area has been unlocked, and it is estimated that we will leave for the Ancestral Demon Forbidden Area within two days. It is a peerless and dangerous place, and there are many dangers. Please try your best to prepare.


Close the door, Zhuo Bufan sits on the couch.

The image that he saw in the Ancestral Demon Stele appeared in his mind. Although he didn't get any substantial benefits, witnessing the Ancestral Demon's cultivation process with his own eyes would also be of great benefit to his future practice.

At the same time, Zhuo Bufan discovered something that surprised him greatly.

The ancestor demon Emperor Hao cultivated two avenues at the same time.

According to Saint Xia Ling, the practitioners first understand the mysteries of the universe and can choose many mysteries, but after practicing to the triple realm, they will embark on the path of the great path. Only by embarking on a path of their own can they become Saint.

There are three thousand Dao Dao. The deeper the cultivation of each Dao, the deeper the understanding, and the greater the difference from other Dao ideas. When practicing two Dao Dao at the same time, the two ideas collide, and it is easy to doubt oneself and the Dao heart collapses.

"What level of Dao Heart of Ancestral Demon Emperor Hao Dao Xin can cultivate two Dao Dao, and Dao Heart will not collapse." Zhuo Bufan frowned, thinking secretly.

According to the legend of the demon clan, the ancestor demon practiced the secret technique crazy demon, it is very likely that it was because of the simultaneous comprehension of two avenues, two conceptual paradoxes, and eventually the Dao heart was injured and began to be crazy!

But as to why the Ancestral Demon Dihao is crazy, Zhuo Bufan is just guessing, and there is no evidence. If he has to pursue it, he can only go to the depths of the Ancestral Demon Forbidden Zone to find the answer.

"The flame demon in the Redstone Mountain of Ten Thousand Demon Valley can cultivate two mysteries at the same time. Is Dihao's cultivation of two avenues related to the flame demon clan? Or is Di Hao taking refuge in the flame demon clan?" Zhuo Bufan immediately denied this absurd idea.

If the ancestor demon really takes refuge in the flame demon clan, I am afraid that the entire demon domain has already fallen. Most likely, the ancestral demon has acquired the flame demon clan’s advanced secret art, mastering the two ways of cultivating the two great ways, but the deeper you practice, the more you begin to doubt yourself, and the Dao Heart will eventually Crash crazy.

This is the answer that Zhuo Bufan thinks is the closest to the truth.

"Qi Mu and the five princes are all inherited by Dihao this time. My purpose is to go to the new universe channel and get the stone of reincarnation. No matter what secrets are in the forbidden area of ​​the ancestral demon, I must give up this time and wait for stronger strength in the future. , And then explore the forbidden area of ​​the Ancestral Demon." Zhuo Bufan thought to himself.

Di Hao was able to master the methods of cultivating the two avenues, although Zhuo Bufan was greedy, but he had to consider the situation he was facing now.

First, he is unwilling to be an enemy of the fifth prince, and second, he needs to go to the new universe channel, both of which can only make him temporarily give up exploring the forbidden area of ​​the Ancestral Demon.

In addition to getting Di Hao's secrets of both types of avenues at the same time in the Ancestral Demon Stele, Zhuo Bufan has another gain.

"Brother, you are looking for me, are you going to get revenge on the fifth prince?" At this moment, Zitian opened the door and walked in and sat down.

Zhuo Bufan let him sit down, then took out a jade slip, and copied all the traces of the stone stele rubbed by the divine consciousness into the jade slip. "Look at the jade slip first."

Zi Tian nodded, took the jade slip, and his divine consciousness penetrated. After a while, Zi Tian widened his eyes, and then frowned.

"This is the imprint of the stone stele I rubbed with my divine consciousness. It should be something left by Di Hao. I feel it is a technique, but it is too messy. I have studied for a long time and still have no clue." Zhuo Bufan suffered. Frowned.

Zitian has the bloodline of the Nether Snake in his body, and inherits the memory since the era of the Netherworld. The knowledge should be better than him, so Zhuo Bufan asked Zitian to help.

"I have not fully regained my memory now, so I can only try to sense it, but in my sense, there is no such exercise." Zi Tian shook his head, looking frustrated, "Big Brother, am I unable to help you? It's very useless. ."

Zhuo Bufan looked stern and patted his shoulder, "You are my brother, not my pet."

Zitian was moved, nodded vigorously, and immediately said, "But there are things in my memory that are similar to these imprints. I tried to find them out, maybe they can be used to prove it."

After that, Zi Tian closed his eyes again, put his palm on the jade slip, and began to search hard. After a while, his forehead was covered with beads of sweat, his brows were tight, his face was slightly painful, and his blood memory was not fully awakened, so he forced it. Searching for memories is very mentally exhausting.

After a full scent of incense, Zi Tian paled, opened his eyes, and revealed a bright smile: "Brother, it's done, look at it."

Zhuo Bufan nodded, without pretense, his divine sense went into the jade slip.

In addition to the rubbing of the stone tablet, there are some other techniques in the jade slip, which should have been searched by Zitian from his own memory. There are some similarities in some places, which can be mutually confirmed.

His divine sense is comparable to the realm master, and the computing power of a trace of divine knowledge exceeds millions of super calculators, and his divine knowledge is wide open and crazily confirmed.

After a stick of incense, Zhuo Bufan looked at the imprint of the stele again, and faintly read the three characters "Huang Yuan Jing".

"This is the secret technique of Ancestral Demon's cultivation?"

The imprint left on the stone tablet is incomplete, Zhuo Bufan can feel even less, he can only see the tip of the iceberg in the "Huang Yuan Jing", try to run, the blood in his body is rushing, like a flame burning in his body!

This is a body-building secret technique, and it should be a secret technique created by Di Hao against the sky.

According to the incomplete exercise method, Zhuo Bufan stopped after running for about half an hour, and saw his skin like a red iron block. As he stopped running the exercise method, the color gradually became lighter and returned to normal.

Although the training time was short and the exercises were fragments, Zhuo Bufan's eyes gradually lit up, and he could clearly feel the subtle changes in his body.

The dragon evil waste body began to be inherited from the Shura master’s evil body, and merged into the waste seal and the blood of the ancestor dragon to form the dragon evil waste body. It looks powerful, but it is actually mixed; like iron, various precious iron materials are burnt and melted. Together, create a magic weapon, which seems to be strong, but the characteristics of various materials are different, and it is impossible to achieve a perfect integration.

The "Huang Yuan Jing" is like a raging fire, dissolving all the miscellaneous things, and everything becomes one!

"Domineering, only the ancestor demon's great power can create this kind of heaven-defying secret technique." Zhuo Bufan sighed with excitement on his face.

Cultivating the physical body will surely supplement the pill, or rely on rare and precious treasures to improve it, but the integration of various things, in the end, it will not be able to return to the original state, and it will eventually leave drawbacks.

"It's a pity that this secret technique is incomplete. If it is complete, it should be more powerful." Zi Tian shook his head, a little regretful.

"You can't be too greedy. It's an unexpected joy to be able to obtain the incomplete secret technique left by Di Hao from the Ancestral Demon Tablet." Zhuo Bufan said indifferently, "But your physical body is the Burning Purple Python, and you haven't merged with other things. Pure and single, no need to practice this kind of secret technique."

Zhuo Bufan clenched his fist quietly, relying on the "Huang Yuan Jing" may make the Eucharist approach perfection. Since seeing Ye Ziqin this time, he has become more urgent to improve his strength. Only when his fist is hard enough can he be fearless of rules. Be with Ye Ziqin upright.

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