Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 3087: Mu Xue's identity

Chapter 3088 Mu Xue's Identity

The blood crystal contains a strong ancestral demon aura and murderous aura.

Absorbing hastily, not only can't temper the body, but the domineering demon energy will destroy the body, and Shenhai will also be affected by the murderous aura. If you can't maintain clarity, you will fall into a madman and become a killing machine!

Zhuo Bufan ran the ‘Huang Yuan Sutra’, turning the three blood crystals into ‘liquid’ in his hand, and quietly drilled into his body along the pores.

"Hiss!" Zhuo Bufan couldn't help frowning with a burning sensation and took a breath of cold air.

If you don't practice the "Huang Yuan Jing", you will never be able to easily control the power in the blood crystal!

After a while, Zhuo Bufan's whole body skin was red as iron, like a high-temperature oven, white smoke rose from the ground, and the surrounding green plants quickly withered and burned to ashes.

At night, when the cool breeze blew, the red skin gradually "faded" and returned to normal complexion. Zhuo Bufan also slowly opened his eyes, and there was a glimmer of light in the depths of his eyes.

"What a domineering power, the effect of absorbing three blood crystals is comparable to my slowly absorbing demon for decades. It is not a quality at all." Zhuo Bufan looked at his fist, squeezed it, his joints crackled, feeling his body possessed. Endless power.

With the three blood crystals, Zhuo Bufan felt that the Dragon Evil Waste Body had reached the ‘Great Success Realm’. Although there was still a long way to go, it had already taken a big step.

"I don't know how many Chaos Powers the physical body can withstand now." Zhuo Bufan was a little excited and wanted to try.

Suddenly, Zhuo Bufan raised his head and saw a solitary figure standing on a mountain col, with a graceful silhouette and a skirt rippling with the wind. It was Mu Xue.

"You have been here?" Zhuo Bufan asked.

Refining the blood crystals, he only allowed the Ice Emperor Rain Sword to guard him, his consciousness was completely concentrated, and he did not dare to neglect, so he did not find Mu Xue.

Mu Xue's figure swept away, floating in front of him, her pretty face with a smile, and her jade hand arched: "Congratulations, Master Zhuo has gone further."

Mu Xue could clearly feel the turbulent qi and blood in Zhuo Bufan's body. The feeling was like a wild beast entrenched in his body. Once he was born, it would surely send out a mighty power to shake the world.

"Miss Mu Xue, I don't know why you are waiting for me here?" Zhuo Bufan asked.

Mu Xue hesitated and said, "Master Zhuo, I should tell you my true identity now. I am actually the daughter of the Yaozu Zhennan King."

Zhuo Bufan had guessed that Mu Xue's identity was extraordinary, and he was not too surprised by what Mu Xue said. Zhennan King is also a well-known realm master of the monster race, and his strength is even stronger than Jiang Tu.

"What, you have the blood of the Demon Race in your body?" Zhuo Bufan was taken aback after hearing Mu Xue's words, and his eyes widened.

It turns out that Mu Xue’s mother's ancestors had a relationship with the monster clan. Mu Xue’s mother married the King of Zhennan. In fact, there is also a thin bloodline of the ancestral monster in Mu Xue’s body. Of course, the bloodline is too thin. After all, it is even the royal bloodline. They are all thin, not to mention the blood in Mu Xue's body.

But when Mu Xue reached the Realm King Realm, there was a phenomenon of blood returning to the ancestors!

The blood of the Ancestral Demon in the body awakened, from thin to rich.

"This matter is the most important secret of the Mu family. Lao Lin and the hundred realm kings masters who followed me are both dead men trained by the Mu family and loyal to the Mu family." Mu Xuedai frowned and said: " It's a pity that we still underestimated the danger of the sea of ​​blood. If we hadn't encountered Master Zhuo this time, we might have been wiped out."

Zhuo Bufan finally understood, "If you don't enter the Ancestral Demon City, are you afraid of being discovered by the Five Princes?"

"Well, if the Fifth Prince finds me, he will definitely be suspicious and kill others." Mu Xue nodded.

"What are you telling me for? Don't you be afraid that I and the fifth prince are in the same group." Zhuo Bufan sneered.

Mu Xue smiled mildly when she heard the words, "Everyone knows that you and the Fifth Prince had a festival, and publicly refused his solicitation in the Ancestral Demon City."

Zhuo Bufan was silent. At that time, he refused the fifth prince because he did not want to participate in the imperial power struggle between him and Qi Mu. But after Jiang Tu kidnapped Ye Ziqin, Zhuo Bufan was in the same position as the fifth prince. This time he entered the sea of ​​blood with the purpose of catching it. The fifth prince, exchange him for Ye Ziqin.

"Master Zhuo, look at this thing." Mu Xue poke out a deceptive arm from the cuff, with a shell-shaped blood jade lying in her palm, emitting a misty red light.

"This is..." Zhuo Bufan's eyes lit up, took the blood jade, and carefully sensed it. From the blood jade, he sensed a strong ancestral demon aura.

Mu Xue said: "This jade pendant is a treasure handed down from my mother's line. It is rumored that it was a token of love given to my ancestors by the ancestor demon. Because of my blood awakening, my mother gave this jade pendant to me. The blood activates it."

"Master Ancestral Demon gift to your ancestors." Zhuo Bufan touched his nose. It seems that Master Ancestral Demon was also a romantic figure when he was young.

"You give me this thing? Aren't you afraid of me coveting it?" Zhuo Bufan said.

"I originally planned to give this treasure to Young Master Zhuo. I only need Young Master Zhuo to promise me one thing." Mu Xue bit her thin lip lightly and looked hesitant.

"Give it to me?"

"Why are the three-headed sea snakes attacking us? I think it's because of this jade pendant. We haven't entered the core area of ​​the sea of ​​blood yet. Once we enter, this jade pendant will probably provoke stronger sea monsters, which is impossible with my ability. Guard this blood jade." Mu Xue shook her head, her pretty face showing worry.

Zhuo Bufan was silent. He did not encounter a sudden attack by the sea monster on the island, but when Mu Xue and others arrived on the island, they attracted countless sea monsters and three sea snake monsters, which should be related to the jade pendant. There are blood crystals in the three sea snake monsters. It is easier to sense the aura in the blood jade than other sea monsters.

Zhuo Bufan's cultivation of the "Desolate Yuan Jing" can suppress the aura in the blood jade.

The fifth prince possesses the blood of the ancestor demon and has an advantage over other practitioners in the blood sea. If he can obtain the blood jade, Zhuo Bufan can also have the same advantage as the fifth prince.

"What do you want me to promise?" Zhuo Bufan didn't readily agree. He first asked Mu Xue's purpose before deciding whether or not to have this blood jade.

"There is a Sea God Temple in the core of the Blood Sea. It is rumored that the Ancestral Demon Lord will build it. Every generation of the Demon Emperor will go there for enlightenment. The purpose of my blood jade is to go to the Sea God Temple, as long as I can get some inheritance." Mu Xue bite. Yinya, "I think the Fifth Prince should also be in the Sea God Temple. Once we pass, we will definitely be attacked by the Fifth Prince. I need you to protect us. I don't want Old Lin and others to sacrifice for me in vain."

It turned out that the Mu family’s team’s plan was not to enter the Ancestral Demon City, to evade the edge of the Five Princes, and to wait until the Sea God Temple, fighting for the sacrifices of Lin Lao and others, and sending Mu Xue into the Sea God Temple to get some inheritance. Who knew that they encountered Zhuo Bufan on the way. If you can get Zhuo Bufan's help, you can reduce the casualties of the Mu's team.

The corners of Zhuo Bufan’s lips lifted up, and Mu Xue gave him blood jade. In order to save the lives of Lin Lao and others, she was a kind and righteous woman. Moreover, Zhuo Bufan was also prepared to tear her face with the fifth prince, so she would not care about it. With the background of the fifth prince, his palms were bent and he grabbed the blood jade, "I promise you this condition."

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