Chapter 3090

"We seem to be here at the right time. The eldest princess's horses are being chased by the five princes' horses. I think the eldest princess and the fifth princes have entered the Sea God Temple." Mu Xue stood beside Zhuo Bufan and said softly.

Zhuo Bufan never wanted to participate in the battle between the eldest princess and the fifth prince, and even tolerated the five princes everywhere, and gave the blood crystals in front of many people. Unexpectedly, Jiang Tu grabbed Ye Ziqin and had already touched his inverse scales. Now he doesn't care about the background of the five princes, he wants to tear his face anyway.

With a wave of his palm, Zhuo Bufan led the Mu family team, breathing into the sky over this valley.

"Master Zhuo." Qin Yun arched his hand toward Zhuo Bufan, with a look of doubt on his face.

He knew that Zhuo Bufan was unwilling to participate in the battle between the eldest princess and the five princes. Why did he come to the blood this time? Qin Yun was not pleased with Zhuo Bufan's arrival because he didn't know Zhuo Bufan's thoughts.

Zhuo Bufan was pressured by the five princes in the Ancestral Demon City and handed over precious blood crystals. Now he suddenly came to the sea of ​​blood, Qin Yun was not sure whether Zhuo Bufan would dare to be an enemy of the five princes.

"Master Zhuo." Qin Jingqiu stood aside, Qiao Shengsheng shouted, looking forward to it.

Zhuo Bufan glanced at Qin Yun and Qin Jingqiu. He met the two of them smoothly and didn't have much friendship. This time he came to the sea of ​​blood for Ye Ziqin.

"Shadow Killer, didn't you land in the new universe channel on Shadow Island? How come you came to the sea of ​​blood, are you also coveting the inheritance of the Ancestral Demon?" Hu Yanbo couldn't hold back Zhuo Bufan's thoughts, and tentatively asked.

He knew that even though Zhuo Bufan was the Realm King, he could defeat Taidal and be as famous as Qing Lingzi, and his strength was completely above him. If Zhuo Bufan helped Qin Yun, they would definitely not be Zhuo Bufan's opponent.

"I am not interested in the inheritance of Ancestral Demon." Zhuo Bufan said calmly, "Where are the fifth princes now?"

"The Fifth Prince has entered the Seagod Hall." Hu Yanbo smiled calmly: "There are restrictions left by the ancestor monsters in the Seagod Hall. Without the blood of the ancestor monsters, you can never enter. If the Shadow Killer wants the ancestral monsters to inherit, I am afraid that he can only run for nothing. One trip."

Hu Yanbo's face was a little slow, Zhuo Bufan asked the fifth prince with one mouth, thinking that he should be afraid of the fifth prince, holding Zhuo Bufan's mind, Hu Yanbo no longer fear Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan's sword eyebrows frowned, Mu Xue's blood jade in his hand, perhaps through the blood jade's power, he could pass the restriction of the Seagod Temple.

Seeing Zhuo Bufan's silence, Hu Yanbo looked at Mu Xue next to him again, and suddenly smiled: "It turned out to be Miss Mu Xue, the daughter of Zhennan King. Miss Mu Xue came to the Sea of ​​Blood this time in order to enter the Sea God Temple."

"If you know, ask more?" Mu Xue's voice was cold, she didn't give Hu Yanbo a good face at all.

Hu Yanbo didn't get angry when he was flat. After all, the king of Zhennan was so famous in the monster clan that he was not a big man who could offend him.

This time the fifth prince went to the sea of ​​blood to collect a lot of information, including the news that Muxue awakened the blood of the ancestor demon and might go to the sea of ​​blood, but the energy of the fifth prince was always on Qi Mu, and he did not pay much attention to Muxue.

Hu Yanbo said again: "Miss Mu Xue is with the Shadow Killer. Did you ask the Shadow Killer to protect you from entering the Sea God Temple?"

"Yes, is the Huyan family going to stop me?" Mu Xue's eyes were cold, and the Huyan family was rampant in the southern border of the Demon Territory, bullying men and women. Mu Xue had seen the Huyan family not pleasing to his eyes, but the other party has five princes as backers, even if Zhennan The king also wanted to give the five princes a bit of face.

"The daughter of Zhennan King, how dare his subordinates stop it." Hu Yanbo shook his head.

Now Hu Yanbo has Zhizhu in his grasp, and he has determined the purpose of Zhuo Bufan's trip. He is responsible for protecting Mu Xue from entering the Sea God Temple. Although he doesn't know what price Mu Xue will pay to please Zhuo Bufan, he is sure that Zhuo Bufan will never dare to oppose the five princes.

If Zhuo Bufan wasn't by Mu Xue's side, Hu Yanbo would definitely block the Mu family's team, but now that the situation forced him, he was not Zhuo Bufan's opponent at all, and could not stop Mu Xue from entering the Sea God Temple.

Only wait for the five princes to come out of the Sea God Temple before making a decision.

"Since the Shadow Killer is responsible for escorting Miss Mu, the Sea God Temple is there, and the two can pass, I will never stop it." Hu Yanbo's lips set off a smile, "As for the grievances between the Huyan family and the Qin family, I hope Shadow Killer Don't interfere with the king."

As soon as these words came out, Qin Yun and Qin Jingqiu's expressions sank.

Zhuo Bufan is only responsible for escorting Mu Xue. If they don't intervene, their Qin family's team will definitely be wiped out.

Despair grew in Qin Jingqiu's heart. Zhuo Bufan's performance in the Ancestral Demon City obviously didn't want to offend the fifth prince. Huyanbo was the fifth prince. Zhuo Bufan would definitely not dare to take action. Is she really going to die here today?

"Master Zhuo, let's go." Mu Xue said to Zhuo Bufan.

She begged Zhuo Bufan to **** her into the Sea God Temple, knowing that Zhuo Bufan would offend the fifth prince. Based on her understanding of the fifth prince, the latter's flaws will be reported. Zhuo Bufan has already caused trouble. If Zhuo Bufan intervenes in the Qin family and Hu Yan Family matters, the fifth prince will certainly not forgive Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan stood still, motionless.

Qin Jingqiu, Mu Xue, and Hu Yanbo were all slightly surprised.

"I don't have much friendship with the Qin family, and I'm not interested in fighting between your two families." Zhuo Bufan's lips squirmed, his voice not rushing.

Qin Jingqiu's heart was ashamed, and Qin Yun also sighed, Zhuo Bufan chose to protect himself, but he was actually right. First, he had no friendship with the Qin family, and second, offending the fifth prince, the consequences would be miserable.

Hu Yanbo and Hu Yanling smiled. They ate Zhuo Bufan and did not dare to offend the fifth prince, but Zhuo Bufan's next sentence made the smile on their faces suddenly froze.

"But your Huyan family is the running dog of the fifth prince. Based on this, you deserve to die today."

Hear the words.

Qin Yun, Qin Jingqiu, Xue Dao, Chao Zhi, and Mu Xue were all stunned.

Zhuo Bufan avoided the Fifth Prince everywhere in the Ancestral Demon City, and now he wants to kill Hu Yanbo because Hu Yanbo is the fifth prince.

Old Lin and Mu Kai, including the realm kings in the Mu family's team, all had a sudden change in their expressions. Zhuo Bufan was going to be the enemy of the fifth prince.

"The King of Shadow Killer, do you know what you are talking about? The fifth prince is the son of the demon emperor. You and the fifth prince are enemies. There is only one dead end." Hu Yanbo's face was slightly dark, "I advise you to know what the times are. Junjie!"

Zhuo Bufan shook his head, "I have always been reluctant to become enemies with the fifth prince. Even if he suppresses me everywhere in the Ancestral Demon City and makes me humiliated, I can ignore it, but he shouldn't touch my negative scale. !"

As the voice fell, Zhuo Bufan's body aura suddenly changed, like a awakened ancient barbaric beast, infinite vitality collapsed and surging, the spear in his hand appeared, and his body suddenly disappeared in place, immediately like an arrow from the string, facing Hu Yanbo and Hu Yanling stormed away.

"Brother, I think this guy is crazy, he dares to be an enemy of the fifth prince." Hu Yanling's expression changed.

"Those who stand against me die!" A burst of shouts erupted from Zhuo Bufan's mouth, shocking everyone's eardrums, and the silver gun skyrocketed, sweeping out with a violent breath.

Six hundred strands of the power of chaos are poured into the Universe Spear, and the barrel of the spear is bent into an arc, terrifying power, shaking the sky and the earth!

Hu Yanbo and Hu Yanling hurriedly used martial arts to resist, hundreds of Huyan family practitioners behind each surged to form a shield covering a radius of ten miles.

Where the spear passed, layers of space shattered, and the shield was torn like paper, and the gun barrel smashed the martial arts defenses of Huyanbo and Huyanling, hitting them hard, and the two were like cannonballs, flying upside down. It burst out, hitting a group of people behind one after another.

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