
"Blood and Fire World!"

Wow...Countless space diaphragms are torn apart layer by layer, and the surrounding scene changes unpredictably, transforming into a world of blood, and burning fire! It's like hell!

The fifth prince seemed to be the master of this world, and everything was controlled by him.

"Zhuo Bufan, you can let me use the power of the world. As a realm king, this should be the thing you are most proud of, but unfortunately, you are going to die in my hands today." The fifth prince raised a sneer at the corner of his mouth. With the palm of his hand, the raging fire rolled in the blood sea world, and the horned dragons rolled and rose in the blood sea.

What is a realm master, master the master of a realm, open the door of the universe, and create your own world.

Projecting the world in one's body into the real universe, isolating the rules of the original universe, in this world, the realm master is the real master, and one thought is the master of life and death.

"I said, you are just a bug in my eyes. A bug is not worthy of flaring its teeth and claws in front of me." The fifth prince stepped on the blood wave, condescending, looking down at Zhuo Bufan.

"It's a worm or a dragon. It's not you who have the final say." Zhuo Bufan's eyes are crimson, blue veins burst and bulge, his muscles move like a horned dragon, and patches of scarlet dragon scales are like armor.


Zhuo Bufan's figure is blurred, his deity is holding a silver spear, and he appears in front of the five princes in an instant, the silver spear sweeps, bringing a fierce wind!

"The ridiculous guy, in my blood and fire world, I am the master, you can't defeat me!" The fifth prince looked contemptuous, and the black halberd made a black light.

Zhuo Bufan runs the "Huang Yuan Jing" and continuously absorbs the power of the blood of the ancestor monsters. The marksmanship dances, picks, stabs, stirs, pumps, sweeps, and cleaves. The spear technique of moving clouds and flowing water is combined with the power of chaos, like a dragon like a sea, stirring the world of blood and fire.


A spear hit the black halberd, and the power of chaos was as heavy as a star. The fifth prince only felt brute force infuse his arms, feeling paralyzed, and his body was blown upside down.

Zhuo Bufan didn't give any chance to breathe, and followed him, kicking the five princes in the chest heavily.

Qi Mu and Mu Xue hid on the edge of the world of blood and fire. The pressure of the power of the world alone made the two of them pale, fighting for their destiny to resist. When they saw the fifth prince being kicked out by Zhuo Bufan again, the two of them held their breath. Exposed an unbelievable color.

"This is my world, I am the ruler, it is impossible..." The fifth prince was almost crazy, his expression fierce.

"It's a pity that you haven't really stepped into the realm of the realm. This world projection is just forcibly borrowing the power of the world." Zhuo Bufan is like an awakened barbarian beast, rampaging, venting the violent power in his body.

If he does not vent the overflowing power of the ancestral monster's blood, he is afraid that his body will explode.

The five princes are like a tattered doll, flying around, with disheveled hair, blood on his face, embarrassed.

At this point, he still didn't believe that he would lose to a realm king, a guy who was nothing but an ant in his eyes.


The silver spear swept across, the barrel of the gun was bent, and the fifth prince was drawn around the waist. The latter flew upside down again by hundreds of feet, spouting a mouthful of blood.

The fifth prince stopped in midair, with blood on his mouth, and his eyes were shocked and angry. He vowed in the Ancestral Demon City that Zhuo Bufan had used secret techniques to forcibly increase his strength. He was just a'pseudo genius', unable to set foot in the realm of the emperor, but today is outstanding. The extraordinary strength shown by him, as well as his embarrassed posture, seemed to be a mockery of what he said at the beginning.

"I Qi Tian, ​​I will never lose to you this ant!" The fifth prince wiped off the blood from the corners of his lips, and his body surged with vitality.

In the world of blood and fire, the raging fire billowed and turned into horned dragons, and countless horned dragons gathered to form a thousand-foot giant horned horn, opening its blood basin and its mouth, filled with endless murderous aura.

The chill burst into Zhuo Bufan's eyes, and a thousand chaotic forces poured into his body, reaching the limit of his body's carrying capacity.

Cultivating the "Huang Yuan Jing" absorbs the blood of three blood crystals and the blood of the blood jade inner ancestor monster, so that the dragon evil waste body has reached the ‘peak of Dacheng’!

It can carry up to a thousand forces of Chaos.

The fire squirrel's body squirmed, and his head grew with two fleshy horns, overlooking the tiny Zhuo Bufan, suddenly opened his blood basin and swooped down towards him.

"Chaos!" Zhuo Bufan's black eyes surged with anger, a thousand powers of chaos poured into the silver spear, and the tip of the spear was filled with gray thunder, transforming into a silver gray dragon, carrying the dragon's roar that resounded across the sky, and swooped down fiercely. The fire scorpion hit each other.

The two forces vented out violently, and the world of blood and fire began to melt quickly, cracking and disintegrating like burning paper!

The fire flood broke directly into countless flames, like meteors scattered all around.

The world of blood and fire disappeared, and the fifth prince was seriously wounded lying on the ground, his face full of horror and anger.

"Impossible, you can't break through my world of blood and fire!" The fifth prince broke his head, frightened.

"You have already lost!" Zhuo Bufan pointed his spear point directly at the fifth prince's throat, cold-steered musculature, causing the fifth prince to stand upside down, making him feel the fear of death for the first time.

The fifth prince raised his head and stared at Zhuo Bufan with bitterness and resentment. He forcibly used the power of the world. Now his body's vitality is disordered, and he has no power to fight back.

"My ant, it seems that you can't pinch to death if you want to." Zhuo Bufan said indifferently.

The fifth prince clenched his fists with his palms clenched, his knuckles creaked, his heart burned with anger, and his eyes resented like a poisonous snake. No matter his background or identity, his own strength, he was full of extreme pride in his bones. In his eyes, he was extraordinary. It's just waste, smelly fish, rotten shrimp.

But now, he was stepped on by Zhuo Bufan.

If this matter spreads out, it will definitely make him laugh at by everyone in the Monster Race.

"You are the fifth prince of the demon clan and the number one strong man in the emperor's rankings. I have always been unwilling to offend you, even if you persecute me again and again, I can bear it, but you shouldn't Touch my Niqin!" Zhuo Bufan shook his head, and purple Mingli surged in his palm, turning into chains of Mingli, which instantly penetrated into the abdomen of the fifth prince, temporarily sealing his Dantian.

At first, the fifth prince didn't care why Zhuo Bufan came to him, because he was not interested in this kind of ant idea.

But he didn't expect that he would be caught alive by Zhuo Bufan. Until now, he didn't understand why Zhuo Bufan would come to fight him.

"You have a good understanding in the Seagod Hall, I will take him away, and there are important things." Zhuo Bufan said to Mu Xue and Qi Mu, and then grabbed the fifth prince and rushed directly to the exit of the Seagod Hall.

Now that he has captured the fifth prince, Zhuo Bufan can't wait to find Jiang Tu in exchange for Ye Ziqin.

Qi Mu and Mu Xue looked at each other. They haven't recovered yet. The five princes of Wuyi lost to Zhuo Bufan and were captured alive by Zhuo Bufan. They both wondered why Zhuo Bufan risked offending the royal family. , Took away the five princes.

The sea of ​​blood, on an island.

Sitting crosswise on a rock, Jiang Tu opened his eyes suddenly, two bursts of cold light burst into his eyes, and a strong suffocation appeared on his face.

Looking far away, the two figures swiftly approached and stopped over the island.

"Old dog, hand over people."

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