Chapter 3100 Life To Death

Jiang Tu didn't give any chance at all. Seeing Zhuo Bufan shot out, his figure disappeared in place, and the next moment he appeared in front of Zhuo Bufan, and the black halberd smashed into his head angrily.

The power of chaos gushed from the dantian, the Qiankun spear was filled with gray thunder, Zhuo Bufan's arm flicked, the spear collided with the black halberd, and a cloud of Qi burst out again.

Zhuo Bufan stabilized his figure, with dragon scales growing on his skin, like an airtight armor.

The dragon evil waste body reached the ‘peak of Dacheng’ state, and its strength increased again.

The silhouettes of the two were intertwined, and sonic and air waves sounded everywhere in the air.

Now, Zhuo Bufan’s physical body can easily carry thousands of Chaos powers. Every time the Universe Spear and the Black Halberd collide, Jiang Tu will be shaken upside down. Zhuo Bufan will not give the other party any breathing space. Since he has already torn his face, Zhuo Bufan no longer cared about the identity of the fifth prince.

And Jiang Tu was also more frightened by the war, Zhuo Bufan was able to suppress him in close combat.

You must know that he is the master of the dignified realm. With a deeper mystery, he can weaken some extraordinary powers. If the five princes face Zhuo Bufan, they will lose if there is no tea time.

The marksmanship is fierce, like mercury rushing to the ground, and the surging power of chaos is surging from the mountains and oceans!


Jiang Tu felt like a lone boat, plunged into a violent storm, his body fell to the ground, cracks appeared on every bone in his body.

"Impossible, it is impossible for Zhuo Bufan's strength to increase so quickly. Did he get a strange treasure or true transmission in the Seagod Hall?" the fifth prince yelled wildly, unwillingly.

Generally speaking, the sword technique used by Zitian is a treacherous way, while Taidal's sword technique is fierce and domineering, completely in two extremes.

But the extraordinary marksmanship, since it has the mystery that it is difficult to trace, the power is also masculine and domineering.

"If my deity can enter the Seagod Temple, this bug can easily be pinched to death!" Jiang Tu frowned, his tone still extremely contemptuous.

Zhuo Bufan held a gun, stood proudly, looked down below, shook his head and said: "A powerful man in the realm of the realm, who wants to kill me with his own deity, is so complacent? The thickness of your face is really beyond the reach."

Hearing this, Jiang Tu's eyes became clouded and he slowly stood up and wiped off the blood from the corners of his lips.

"Little beast, don't show your tongue here, you will definitely die today." Jiang Tusen said: "There is only one way to completely trample this bug to death."

"Teacher, you plan to..." The fifth prince also thought of something, surprised.

"Teacher places all hopes on you. It is not easy for me to reach the realm of the realm in my life. I dare not expect to become a saint." Jiang Tu resolutely said.

Zhuo Bufan suddenly felt bad, and Shenhai came with acupuncture pain.

Spiritual attack!

This is Jiang Tu's life-for-life.

Divine Sense attacks are extremely dangerous. Once Divine Sense is injured, several books are irreversible, and there is no hope of being promoted to Realm Sovereign Realm or Realm Master Realm in the future.

Jiang Tu attacked so frantically that he had reached the realm of the realm, and he didn't report any hope to the realm of the saint. Today, he destroyed a part of his spiritual consciousness and killed himself.

"Although my sea of ​​Gods is vast and can be comparable to the realm masters in'quantity', I am not a real world master. Jiang Tu does not hesitate to attack his divine consciousness, and I can't exert my full strength at all!"

The fifth prince was under his control once again, holding a black halberd, performing martial arts, and pouring down the sky, while Jiang Tu was responsible for attacking his Shenhai.

Zhuo Bufan did not dare to damage Shenhai, so he could only concentrate on protecting Shenhai, but it was difficult to use his strength in close combat. The five princes had vicious eyes, and the attacks were as fierce as squalls. In this case, Zhuo Bufan gradually became decadent State.

"Zhuo Bufan, die for me!" The five prince's face was twisted, the black halberd was filled with black energy, tearing the space membrane wall, and the tip of the black halberd stabbing heavily on Zhuo Bufan's abdomen.

"I can kill you this bug by working together with the teacher. Although it is a shame to say that, as long as you die, no one will know the secret!" A cold and cruel sneer appeared on the face of the fifth prince.

Zhuo Bufan felt a pain in his abdomen, and his body flew out like a broken kite.

"If this continues, I can only die in the hands of the fifth prince."

"Jiang Tu is the realm of the realm after all, and his consciousness is stronger than himself, and he is not afraid of losing his consciousness..."

As soon as he thought of this, Zhuo Bufan took advantage of the inverted flight to accelerate, turned around and swept into the blood column. Before, he just let the spiritual power enter the blood column. Now the moment the deity enters the blood column, the body immediately feels the rich ancestral demon aura.

The ancestral demon aura permeating the blood column, completely surpassing any place in the blood sea, will also suppress the strength of the practitioner.

But because Zhuo Bufan swallowed a lot of blood crystals and practiced the "Huang Yuan Jing", the pressure on his body was much lighter than before.

"It's a strong demon pressure system. I have the blood of the ancestor demon in my body, and I have been under such strong pressure. Zhuo Bufan can actually enter the blood column smoothly?" The fifth prince did not hesitate, followed directly into the blood column, and then asked in surprise.

He hated Zhuo Bufan deeply and would never let Zhuo Bufan escape.

At the same time, the five princes were also very surprised that Zhuo Bufan, a human practitioner, could easily enter the blood column and withstand the pressure of the ancestral demon that permeated the blood column.

"He must have obtained the treasure left by the ancestor demon, otherwise he will not be able to withstand the pressure of the demon energy in the blood column."

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the fifth prince, and a touch of heat immediately appeared. Now he not only wanted to kill Zhuo Bufan, but also wanted to seize the treasures from him.

Zhuo Bufan was familiar with the road, and after passing through several palaces in a row, he came to the palace left by the ancestor demon. The white mist was filled with divine consciousness and his vision was obstructed.

Zhuo Bufan understood that now his only way out was the gate behind the Ancestral Demon Hall. When he swallowed the blood crystals, he found that there was also a golden gate behind the Ancestral Demon Palace, but he didn't know where to lead, and he felt behind the gate. There was a feeling of extreme danger, so I gave up probing.

When he came to the front of the golden gate, he found that both gates were engraved with demon patterns.

Left: The Abyss of Blood

Right: Live to death

"Could it be that the previous demon emperors all entered this gate and died?" Zhuo Bufan couldn't help frowning.

"Little beast, you can't escape my palm."

"Zhuo Bufan, death is imminent, don't be too fancy to escape."

At this time, two cold sounds filled with killing intent came from the rear. The Fifth Prince and Jiang Tu had already chased into the Ancestral Demon Hall. They saw Zhuo Bufan stop in front of a golden gate, and the Fifth Prince flew in front of him in no hurry. Contemptuously and arrogantly, "Miscellaneous, this time you can hardly fly with your wings!"

The fifth prince also felt a sense of danger behind Kinmen that made him uneasy.

"Fifth Prince, I could have killed you and then entered the Sea God Temple. Without your Ancestral Demon bloodline, Jiang Tu would not be able to enter the Sea God Temple, but I don’t want to become a mortal enemy with you. ?" Zhuo Bufan had dark eyes with a hint of coldness.

"Heh, is it useful to say this kind of nonsense now? You don't want to surrender me, and you dare to arrest me and exchange the demon saint. The grievances between us have no room for maneuver." The fifth prince shook his head and said indifferently.

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