Chapter 3106 New Universe

Zhuo Bufan immediately became vigilant and came to an unknown environment. No one knew whether he would be in danger. After scanning his mind for a while, he found that the planet was not big, about one-third the size of the moon, and his mind could Covering the planet easily, no trace of practitioners was found.

"I don't know how big this new universe is?"

Zhuo Bufan flew across the valley and sent a message to Ye Ziqin through Pisces Jade Pei. It didn't take long for Ye Ziqin to reply. She is also on a planet in the new universe, but she doesn't know the specific space coordinates.

But to be sure that Zhuo Bufan was safe, Ye Ziqin's caring heart finally eased a lot.

Since Ye Ziqin could not be found for the time being, Zhuo Bufan could only prepare to search for Xingqing, Zitian and others first, and then explore the new universe, looking for the reincarnation stone to take back.

Click and click...

Suddenly, a mountain range shook, and a huge boulder humanoid monster that was hundreds of feet tall appeared, with hands and feet like human beings, but the body was made of gray rock, and there was no vitality aura on it.

"Huh?" Zhuo Bufan happened to be just below this mountain range, looking down below, and instantly spotted this rock monster.

"There is no vitality, no soul, pure rock creature?" Zhuo Bufan muttered.

At this moment, the rock monster suddenly got into trouble, his feet shook, and his body rushed towards Zhuo Bufan like a meteor.

Zhuo Bufan's eyes were cold, he didn't expect to run into an enemy as soon as he arrived in the new universe, but he also wanted to try the power of his physical body now.

The rock monster shook the huge fist of the house, shattering the space, and slammed it directly at Zhuo Bufan's face. Zhuo Bufan did not use Yuan Li, his arm grew with dragon scales, and directly hit the opponent's fist with the power of his flesh.

Zhuo Bufan stood in the air, motionless.

But the rock monster was like a cannonball, flying upside down and exploding down, smashing into the mountains, and a deep pit sank, filled with smoke and dust.

The rock monster was directly broken into a pile of dust, and the mountain breeze dissipated into the air.

Zhuo Bufan widened his eyes and looked at his fists inconceivably. Just now, he only used the power of pure physicality. Before using the power of Chaos, the power was so terrifying.

Although this rock monster has no vitality and soul, its flesh is extremely strong, comparable to the ancient sacrament, but it was smashed to pieces by his punch.

It’s just a pity that no treasure was found on this rock monster. Zhuo Bufan’s spiritual thoughts spread over the sky and searched all the way. Unfortunately, no useful treasure was found on this planet. Generally speaking, a new universe should be born. Treasures, such as the'Reincarnation Stone' that Zhuo Bufan is looking for, belong to the universe's strange treasure.


With the surging vitality, Zhuo Bufan turned into a rainbow light and left the bare planet directly, and flew towards a silver moon-colored planet in front.

After approaching the silver moonlight planet, Zhuo Bufan discovered that the two teams were at war. The two teams were actually driving a starry sky battleship with more than a hundred people. This scene made Zhuo Bufan extremely surprised.

You know, after he entered the Ancestral Demon City, he had never seen these people at all, and from the appearance, he did not belong to the Human Race and the Demon Race, but rather the powerhouses of other groups in the Taiyi Universe.

"Could it be that in addition to a cosmic passage entrance in Shadow Island, there are passage entrances in other places that can enter the new universe?" Doubts arose in Zhuo Bufan's heart.

Around the two starry sky battleships, strong men on both sides are facing each other. They are some strong men in the realm of realm king and realm. One of them is a tall man, made of rock, and has a rough face. It is a man and horse of the rock race.

"My lord, at a distance of 300,000 kilometers, a cultivator of the Human Race Realm King was detected." A subordinate said to the most burly head of the Rock Race.

"Kill." The rock clan expert said indifferently.

At the front side of the starry sky battleship, a crystal barrel aimed at Zhuo Bufan's direction, launching a beam of starry sky rays, reaching the speed of light.

Almost in that instant, he arrived in front of Zhuo Bufan. The starry sky battleship was a treasure developed for warfare. The cost was extremely expensive. One starry sky ray could consume a million cosmic spar.

Zhuo Bufan's complexion changed, the power of chaos gushed out, and he blasted out with a punch, collided with the starry sky rays, bursting into a bright light cluster, and then disappeared in place.

"Master Balk, the celebrity world king has escaped, the aura has disappeared, and the warship cannot be detected." A rock clan world emperor said to the leader.

Bark frowned, "A human world king who can resist the starry sky rays of battleships is a bit interesting. First solve these shadow demons, and then go down to catch those stinky mice."


Zhuo Bufan carried a starry sky ray and instantly covered his breath with divine consciousness. The divine consciousness detection of the star battleship could not detect his divine consciousness comparable to that of the realm master. He directly entered the silver moon planet.

Compared with the previous planet, this planet is not bare, but strange plants grow, but there is no trace of civilization on the planet.

Perhaps the new universe has not been born for a long time, and no real life has been gestated yet, only monsters like rock monsters.

Before he found Zitian and Xingqing, Zhuo Bufan was unwilling to go to war with the Rock Clan. There were a large number of opponents and he had control of the Starry Sky Battleship, so it was quite tricky to deal with others.

"Well, Xingqing and the others are on this planet?" Zhuo Bufan suddenly lit his eyes and took out a communication token. This was a communication token handed over to them by the Star Alliance. As long as they are in a certain area, they can directly sense their teammates.

"Not only Xingqing and the others are here?"

Through the token, Zhuo Bufan could feel that in addition to the four of Xingqing, there were twelve signal points, which should be the other twelve realm emperors.

The Star Alliance sent a total of twelve realm emperors and four realm kings into the demon realm, but after entering the demon realm, the two sides separated and never had a chance to meet, and even in the Ancestral Demon City, they did not wait for the twelve realm emperors to appear.


Zhuo Bufan turned into a rainbow light, bypassing the valley, leaving an arc, and finally found Xingqing and others on a mountain peak.

Xing Qing, Bai Changfei, Gu Yu, Tao Bo, and Zitian sat cross-legged to adjust their breath. Their breaths were somewhat disordered, but there were no signs of injuries. They probably had not experienced a great battle, but were chased by someone and fled here.

"Big Brother." Zi Tian sensed Zhuo Bufan's breath, and opened his eyes for the first time, and found that Zhuo Bufan was swooping over with joy on his face.

"Brother Zhuo." Xing Qing also opened her beautiful eyes, smiling on her pretty face.

"Brother Zhuo." Bai Changfei also stood up, smiling respectfully.

Zhuo Bufan nodded slightly to Bai Changfei when he said that he would not hit the smiley person with his hand.

"I just arrived in the new universe, why are you here, and I found a starry sky battleship of the Rock Race outside the planet." Zhuo Bufan asked directly. He didn't tell a few people what he had experienced. Master Ancestor Demon has already told, about The news of the'Third Realm' and their lives must not be disclosed to anyone.

Gu Yu frowned, sighed and shook his head and said: "We just entered the new universe and met the seniors and sisters of the Star Academy, and then we ran into the Rock Race men and horses. There was friction between the Rock Race and our Star Alliance. We were chased by them and we were temporarily hiding. to here."

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