Chapter 3110-Unstoppable

"Knowing the times is a master." Yiao got Liangyidan and was able to step on the genius of the Star Academy under his feet, satisfied.

Just as he turned around and was about to leave with his subordinates, an abrupt voice suddenly caused him to stagnate.

"Since the matter between you and them has been settled, it should be settled between us now."

There was silence in the sky, Wei Lan, Ouyang Yun, Xiao Xiao Xiao Ke and other world emperors stared at them, focusing their incredible gazes on Zhuo Bufan.

The person who said this sentence was Zhuo Bufan.

Even Gu Yu, Tao Bo, and Xing Qing all showed extremely surprised expressions.

Although knowing that Zhuo Bufan's strength is very strong, it is comparable to the Qing Lingzi on the world emperor's list, but Yiao's strength is not weak, let alone with more than a hundred strong, the strength of the two sides is huge.

"Are you talking to me?" Iao stopped and turned around slowly, and then stared at Zhuo Bufan with a pair of cold eyes, as if looking at an ant with a contemptuous color.

"Are the Rock Clan people all deaf?" Zhuo Bufan asked, sneered.

Yiao's eyes were gradually cold, and a trace of anger emerged. Even Wei Lan, a strong person at the pinnacle of the Realm Emperor, would show his weakness to him. Unexpectedly, a Realm King would dare to stand up and provoke him. Just now, he thought he was listening. wrong.

"Boy, you are more courageous than them, but you should have heard this sentence from your mouth. Talking nonsense may bring harm to your life." Iao threatened.

"You sent someone to chase and kill my friend and my little brother. Do you want to get rid of it? Now I give you a chance to hand over all the treasures on your body, and then kneel down and kowtow to apologize. I can leave you a dog." Zhuo Bufan The expression was indifferent, and said lightly.

As soon as this remark came out, the audience was silent.

Even Xingqing, who knows Zhuo Bufan very well, couldn't help covering his mouth with his hands, fearing that he would scream. Gu Yu, Tao Bo, and Bai Changfei stared at Zhuo Bufan with eyes round like copper bells.

They know that Zhuo Bufan is very strong, but this Chi Guoguo's provocation will undoubtedly anger Iao and the Rock Race powerhouse.

"Is the eldest brother's strength improved a lot?" Zitian's eyes lit up. He unconditionally trusts Zhuo Bufan, and he also knows that Zhuo Bufan is not the kind of character who can speak his tongue. Since Zhuo Bufan can say this, it shows him Did not put Iao and other rock clan powerhouses in his eyes.

At this moment, Wei Lan, Ouyang Yun and others looked extremely ugly, their facial muscles twitching.

Io and his party had already been sent away, but Zhuo's extraordinary remarks completely angered Io, and there was no room for maneuver.

"Zhuo Bufan, don't rely on Big Brother Wei Lan's promise to protect you, you don't know what is good or bad, you can only shame yourself in the end." Xiao Yao raised his eyebrows, his eyes were as cold as a knife.

"Zhuo Bufan, can you close your mouth? It's not your turn for a realm king to intervene in this kind of thing. If you want to show off, you don't even look at the time." Xiao Ke furiously said.

The rest of the realm emperors all had sharp eyes, staring at Zhuo Bufan, which really angered Iao, they all had nothing to eat.

Even Wei Lan didn’t know what to do. In the current situation, he didn’t want to completely turn his face with Yiao. He was even willing to offer the “Liang Yi Dan” to quell the war between the two sides. But Zhuo Bufan’s remarks had obviously angered Yiao completely. Ao wants to kill Zhuo Bufan. If he doesn't protect, he will definitely lose face, but when he chooses to protect, he will bet on the lives of twelve realm emperors.

"Zhuo Bufan, don't you hurry up and kowtow to Master Yiao to apologize, and take back what you just said." Ouyang Yun gritted his teeth with hatred, afraid that Zhuo Bufan's words would also implicate him.

Ouyang Yun knew that Zhuo Bufan was a genius at the Starry Sky Academy, with arrogance in his bones, but he didn't know how to scrutinize it, and there would be disaster.

Facing the anger and ridicule of the twelve realm emperors, Zhuo Bufan looked as usual, just staring at Iao coldly.

"So courageous, it's a pity that this kind of courage to'sprinkle blood for the steel bones' doesn't work at all in the face of absolute strength. You now kneel and kowtow, I can keep you a whole body." Iao's eyes were cold and windy. Yun Dan said.

From beginning to end, he didn't take Zhuo Bufan, the realm king, into his eyes.

The corners of Zhuo Bufan’s lips raised an upturned arc, his gaze passed by sisters Ouyang Yun and Xiao Xiao Xiao Ke, shook his head and said: "I am afraid of the rock clan. , I tell you now, I don’t need your protection for Zhuo Bufan.”

These words made the face of the twelve world emperors flushed, ashamed and angry.

Protecting Zhuo Bufan is indeed a fig leaf for them to compromise with Yiao, but it does not mean that Zhuo Bufan, a small realm king, can humiliate them.

"As for facing the Rock Clan, courage is not needed, because you are **** in my eyes!" Zhuo Bufan looked at Yiao and said to him.

In a word, the rock clan powerhouses were furious, and Iao's eyes burst into anger, and his eyes were extremely gloomy and cruel.

Zhuo Bufan didn't want to be so high-profile, but it was a pity that the Emperor of the Twelve Realms humiliated him again and again. He knew that if he didn't show a little strength, he might have more trouble.

"Boy, look for death!" Among the rock clan powerhouses, a realm emperor peak realm powerhouse suddenly rushed out, and the Shuo Fist carried the gang wind on Zhuo Bufan's face.

The rock tribe is born with supernatural power and its body is indestructible. From birth, the body is a solid rock.

Facing the fist of the peak powerhouse of the rock clan world emperor, Zhuo Bufan did not evade, his eyes flashed with brilliance, and he punched out.

One big and one small, two fists collide.

‘Canopy! ’

With a loud noise, the body of the rock clan emperor instantly shattered, turning into countless rubble, splashing everywhere.

The audience was dead silent, Zhuo Bufan actually blasted a rock clan world emperor's pinnacle with a punch.

Wei Lan, Ouyang Yun, Xiao Yuxiao Ke and the rest of the realm emperors breathed stagnantly. They stared at the scene in disbelief. The Rock Clan's body was extremely strong, comparable to the Holy Physique, and it was difficult to resist Zhuo Bufan's punch. The prestige.

Now, Zhuo Bufan's physical body has reached another level-the ‘good fortune realm’, and with the power of Chaos, even the realm master would not dare to fight him with his physical body.

Of course, the world master mastered the deeper mystery and the power of the world, and he would not give Zhuo Bufan a chance to get close.

This scene not only made the Twelve Realms emperor dumbfounded, but Xing Qing, Gu Yu, Tao Bo, Bai Changfei, and Zi Tian were also dumbfounded.

Bai Changfei clenched his fists quietly, a shadow of haze passed quietly in the depths of his eyes, his body trembled slightly, fear and jealousy.

With a move of Zhuo Bufan's figure, he rushed into the group of strong rock tribes, blasted out with a punch, and the two rock tribes burst into powder again, approaching Yiao with an unstoppable, vertical and horizontal aura.

"Stop him, stop him." Iao's face changed sharply, his face showing fear.

Zhuo Bufan is like a killing machine, pushing invincibly, he knows that even he can't catch Zhuo Bufan's punch.

It's a pity that the rock clan powerhouse can't stop Zhuo Bufan at all. The so-called indestructible body is like paper in front of him. In an instant, Zhuo Bufan has swept in front of Iao, his fist condensed the power of the gray and chaotic, and it seemed to come out lightly. , But the wall membrane in the surrounding space is broken every inch.

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