Rebirth: Return of the Abandoned Young Man

Chapter 3111: Deep in the starry sky

Chapter 3112 Depths Of The Starry Sky

Stepping into the realm of the realm with one foot, the strength should be equal to that of the five princes.

This kind of opponent, Zhuo Bufan hasn't paid attention to it for the time being, unless there is a strong ‘world master’ in the new universe, otherwise with his current strength, it is hard to meet an opponent.

"One more question, what channel did you use to enter the new universe?" Zhuo Bufan said with a solemn expression with a tuft of sword eyebrows.

Everyone knows that the monster race has a new universe channel, but he didn't see the Rock Race and the Shadow Demon Race people in the Ancestral Demon City. These people certainly did not enter the new universe from the Shadow Island.

"This..." The Rock Race Realm King, his eyes flickered, humming.

Zhuo Bufan's eyes flashed with cold light, and his body stretched out scarlet evil spirits, like vines wrapping the body of the Rock Race Realm King, continuously squeezing it together.

The Rock Race Realm King showed pain on his face, and his eyes showed fear. He felt that as long as Zhuo Bufan thought, he would be squeezed into powder.

"My lord is forgiving." The king of the Rock Race Realm begged for mercy, and said: "We followed Yi Te's command and entered the new universe from another barren ancient land of the Yao Race."

The vines loosened, Zhuo Bufan's sword eyebrows were gathered together, and things were exactly the same as he had imagined. In addition to the passage of the Shadow Island, the Demon Realm had hidden passages that could enter the new universe without even the Demon Emperor noticing it.

Suddenly, Zhuo Bufan's eyelids jerked, and he smelled a hint of conspiracy.

Immediately, he shook his head again. If the New Universe was a conspiracy, it would be terrible. It would cost countless energy to connect the New Universe and the Demon Realm, attracting the geniuses of the Taiyi Universe to enter here, and then catch turtles in the urn.

"You can roll now." Zhuo Bufan glanced at the Rock Race expert and said indifferently.

He is not yet bloodthirsty and addicted, and these rock clan powerhouses just follow Iao's instructions, and there is no need to embarrass them.

"Thank you, my lord, for not killing."

"Thank you, sir."

A group of rock clan powerhouses immediately scattered as birds and beasts, and quickly fled away.

Zhuo Bufan turned his head, his gaze fell on Wei Lan, Ouyang Yun, Xiao Xiao Xiao Ke and others, and the twelve realm emperors felt tight at the same time.

At this moment, they had long since dared to regard Zhuo Bufan as an ordinary world king, and Zhuo Bufan's powerful strength completely convinced them and feared them.

Wei Lan's strength is almost the same as Yiao's, indicating that he can only catch Zhuo Bufan's two punches, and can't even block Zhuo Bufan's fearful shot.

Just think about how they were taunting Zhuo Bufan and others just now. Now when I think about it, they just feel incredibly ridiculous and ashamed.

"Leader Wei Lan, although we are all disciples of the Star Academy, we are different from each other, so we make a difference." Zhuo Bufan didn't plan to act with this group of people. After speaking, he took Zi Tian, ​​Xing Qing and others. Quickly swept toward the depths of the starry sky.

The twelve world emperors including Wei Lan were blushing and sighed silently.

"The new universe brings together the leaders of all forces. Although Zhuo Bufan is a realm king, he is probably the first person in terms of combat effectiveness." Wei Lan said in a deep voice.

The expressions of the three sisters, Ouyang Yun and Xiao Xiao Xiao Ke, changed. If Zhuo Bufan acted with them, they might be unmatched in the new universe, but unfortunately, their previous cynicism was destined to part ways.

Zhuo Bufan took out the Rock Race Star Battleship and wiped out the spiritual imprint left by Iao in the brain core of the battleship. The battleship is now under his control.

By the way, count the various treasure resources in the battleship, which are worth more than 100 billion cosmic spars. Gu Yu, Tao Bo and others use the materials in the Iao space ring to repair the holes of the starry sky battleship.

As a magic weapon of war, the starry sky battleship is not necessarily high in rank, but the amount of materials is huge, so it is expensive. As long as the core of the battleship is not damaged, other parts can be repaired.

"These Liang Yi pills, you can take them to condense your vitality vortex, and you can quickly increase your strength." Zhuo Bufan divided the Liang Yi pills among everyone.

These two elixirs were found in the ring of Iao space.

Gu Yu and Tao Bo did not refuse either. In the new universe, they can quickly increase their strength and increase their chances of survival.

After all, nothing can be resisted by Zhuo Bufan alone. They are also talented disciples of the Star Academy, possessing their own arrogance, but staying with Zhuo Bufan to cover up their light.

"Senior Brother Zhuo, you give us all the'Liang Yi Pills', then what do you do?" Xing Qing took over the'Liang Yi Pills', her brows frowned, and asked in confusion.

This'Liang Yi Pill' is extremely precious, but Zhuo Bufan didn't keep one.

"I can't use this thing." Zhuo Bufan smiled slightly, and threw the "Liang Yi Dan" in his hand to Bai Changfei.

He has now condensed the ‘ten thousand yuan force vortex’ and continues to condense the element force vortex, and he can only stay in the realm of the realm king for the rest of his life, unable to break the shackles.

Bai Changfei was taken aback, and hurriedly bowed and said, "Thank you Brother Zhuo, thank you Brother Zhuo."

Bai Changfei hurried to please, his face was ecstatic.

"Brother Zhuo, I had a bit of a misunderstanding about you before. Your lord doesn't care about a villain, and you have a humiliation. It makes me ashamed." Bai Changfei flattered.

"I want to be sympathetic, you can forget the past, but if I find that you have a bad heart, I will never show mercy." Zhuo Bufan said with a cold face.

Bai Changfei said with a sincere expression: "Brother Zhuo, I have deeply realized my mistakes, and I will definitely correct myself and re-behave."

Zhuo Bufan ignored him and walked into the battleship control room alone. Bai Changfei looked at his back with a bright smile on his face, but there was a deep hidden haze passing through the depths of his eyes.

Sitting down cross-legged, Zhuo Bufan began to adjust his interest rate, and at the same time dispersed a mental power to control the warship, driving towards the depths of the stars.


In the depths of the star sea, a sword-like warship with smooth lines and metallic luster is sailing.

Inside the battleship, a luxurious palace, magnificent and magnificent.

Yi Te, the leader of the rock clan, sat in the palace with good wine and food in front of him. Suddenly, there was a ripple in the space, and a weak voice spread into his divine sea: "Brother, save me, Zhuo Bufan..."


Yi Te's complexion changed, his fingers shrank, and the wine bottle made of special metal in his palm was directly turned into powder.

"Who killed my brother Io?" Yi Te's eyes erupted with anger, his body surged with majestic vitality, and his killing intent spread.

"Yit, what's the matter with you?" a man with gold and metal skin on the throne above the palace asked suspiciously.

The man's skin is golden, his head is smooth, his muscles are like horned dragons, his palms and feet have claws, and a squirming golden tail behind him. If Zhuo Bufan is here, he will be surprised to find that this guy in front of him is from the mechanical race. Frita.

But Fritta was clearly in the dragon field, dead in the hands of the shadows.

"My brother Iao died in the hands of a fellow named Zhuo Bufan in the Star Alliance." Yi Te was full of anger.

Among the Rock Clan, Yi Te is an absolute powerhouse among the emperors of the world. He has a deep relationship with his younger brother Iao and has a short personality. He didn't expect to hear the news of his brother's death when he entered the new universe.

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