Chapter 3115 Green Stone

"Xingqing, how about you? Are you going to be with me, or to venture in the law tree alone?"

A smile appeared at the corner of Zhuo Bufan's mouth. He turned his head and looked at Xing Qing and asked. Along the way, Xing Qing was both a fellow student and the only woman among the group. Zhuo Bufan naturally took more care of her.

The tree of law will definitely attract more and more practitioners. Although it is said that there are many treasures in the tree, it is also very likely to encounter murder and treasure, and the tree of law itself may not be safe. If Xingqing chooses to stay with him, then He can also take care of Xingqing's safety.

Xing Qing shook her head, pursed her thin lips, showing a sweet smile, and then said: "Like Brother Gu Yu, I plan to take a break in the Law Tree. It is good to have Senior Brother Zhuo for protection, but I always hide under an umbrella. Under the protection, how to face the storm in the future."

Xing Qing's words made Zhuo Bufan a little surprised. He didn't expect this seemingly weak girl to have her own tenacity in her heart.

In fact, none of the geniuses who can enter the Starry Sky Academy are weak, but because of Zhuo Bufan's existence, Xingqing subconsciously converges his own acute angle.

"Okay, pay attention to your own safety. If you are in danger, just pass the token to me." Zhuo Bufan nodded and didn't stop him. The whole world will feast. One day, they will face the difficulties alone. Hardening is definitely good for future cultivation.

"Yes." Xing Qing nodded obediently.

"Big brother, I also want to practice alone. I always hide behind my eldest brother, and I don't even have a chance to shoot." Zi Tian shook his head and said with a smile.

In the end, everyone decided to practice separately and contact with the Star Academy token.

The law tree is hundreds of millions of kilometers high, and the heights are shrouded in white mist. It is filled with strong law power. Forcibly breaking into it will definitely not work. Everyone feels that the Taiyi universe law will be rejected by the new universe law.

How can two different universes merge?

The deeper the level of law perception, the easier it is to be rejected. As for the realm master, he has created a ‘new world’ in his body, and he doesn’t even have the qualifications to enter the new universe.

When Zhuo Bufan came to a new leaf, his spiritual thoughts spread rapidly, sweeping the entire leaf, and he was the only cultivator.

"A leaf is comparable to a small planet, and the size of this leaf should be about the size of the moon."

Zhuo Bufan's figure teleported and came to the veins of the leaves. The veins were filled with colorful brilliance, divine spirit penetrated, and an unspeakable sense of warmth swept across the divine sea, and all kinds of mysteries appeared.

Sitting cross-legged, Zhuo Bufan sank into this mystery.

The law tree represents the most original law of the new universe. By comprehending the law of the new universe, you can confirm your mastery of the Taiyi universe law. Even if the two universe laws are different, there are many similarities in many places and can be compared by analogy.

A year has passed in the blink of an eye, a year in the law tree, and only three or four days have passed to the outside world.

A trace of excitement appeared on Zhuo Bufan's face, and he blended into the law of comprehension, and checked the deficiencies, so that he had a deeper understanding of the mystery of ‘universe’, ‘creation’ and ‘chaos’.

If you want to become a world master, you must understand the deeper laws and use the laws to construct the inner world.

"Chaos." Zhuo Bufan shouted softly.

A cloud of gray mist condensed in the palm of the hand, hazy, but every trace of mist was as heavy as a mountain.

The mastery of the mystery of chaos is deeper, and the power to manipulate chaos is even more powerful.


Zhuo Bufan disappeared in place, and then appeared at the root of the leaf at the end of the leaf. It was round and huge, like a bridge to the sky. According to the laws of the leaves, I also learned some information. At the roots of the tree, there are obstacles set by the law. , Only through the obstacles can you reach the leaves above.

The whole tree of laws is divided into twenty-eight heavens, and the power of the laws is stronger for each layer.

If you can't pass the test at the root of the tree and force it into the previous level, you will be torn to pieces by the new cosmic law.

Zhuo Bufan stepped into the roots of the tree, surrounded by white mist, several green and human-shaped monsters appeared, behind him were long tails, and both palms and feet were sharp claws.

Jie Jie...Jie Jie!

Five-headed monsters, with cold green eyes shining through them, seeing Zhuo Bufan, a bloodthirsty light, whoosh... They all moved, fast, like green light, and suddenly rushed towards Zhuo Bufan.

Zhuo Bufan's palm was empty, his spear was held in it, his elbow was bent inward, and he hit it straight in an instant. The sharp point of the spear pierced a monster's throat and penetrated the front and back, with green blood pouring and flowing.

The green monster roared in pain, and its body burst suddenly.

When Zhuo Bufan saw this, his sword eyebrows clustered, the Yuanli barrier isolated from the inside and outside, and the green blood and flesh splashing were all blocked and shocked.

"It's so easy to die?"

Just as he was surprised, the other four green monsters had already rushed over, the tip of their guns trembling, and countless fierce phantoms appeared.


The tip of the gun pierced the throats of the four monsters for an instant, and the body burst suddenly.

Zhuo Bufan stood on the spot with a gun, slightly lost, the test left by the law tree, so easy to pass.

Before he could think about it, the white mist had slowly dissipated, Zhuo Bufan walked forward, watching the surroundings, and suddenly saw a fist-sized stone that emits a blue light floating in the air.

"This is? A familiar aura." Zhuo Bufan stopped, staring at the green stone, feeling it carefully.

The familiar breath of the green stone is exactly the same as the origin stone of the universe.

It's just that greenstone has a more refined and rich aura, which is the ‘qualification’ of the original law of the new universe.

When Zhuo Bufan stretched out his palm and carefully touched the green stone, the green stone turned into a green light, drilled directly into his palm, entered the Dantian, and then merged into the Chaos Sea.

This scene made Zhuo Bufan astonished. After confirming that his body was unobstructed, he breathed a sigh of relief.

The Sea of ​​Chaos has swallowed the'Universe Origin Stone' before, but Zhuo Bufan has been unable to explore the internal conditions of the Sea of ​​Chaos. He can only vaguely feel that the Sea of ​​Chaos seems to be changing. Although this change is not obvious, he can really feel it.

"Hope, it's not too bad."

Zhuo Bufan could only temporarily put this matter into his heart, and then teleported to a leaf on the top of his head, and checked it again, but found no other practitioners.

After all, the number of practitioners entering the new universe is too small compared to the huge tree of laws.

While the divine consciousness was scattered, Zhuo Bufan quickly swept the leaf. Now he is in the position of the triple sky leaf, and the power of the diffuse law has become extremely strong. If you want to continue to move up, you need to have a deeper understanding of the new universe law.

Sweeping through the entire leaf, although many cosmic treasures were found, there was no trace of the "reincarnation stone". This made Zhuo Bufan a little disappointed, so he could only stop and continue to practice in this triple-sky leaf. Realize the laws in the new universe.

Thirty years passed in a flash.

Through comprehension, Zhuo Bufan’s three top-notch mysteries have made rapid progress, and there has been no ‘mutual exclusion’ phenomenon.

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